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Optimal broadcasting in hypercubes with link faults using limited global information

Jie Wu
1996 Journal of systems architecture  
We .also show that n -2 is the maximum number of faulty links that can be tolerated in any optimal broadcast scheme in an n-dimensional hypercube.  ...  In addition, it is optimal in the sense that exactly n steps are required to complete a broadcast in an n-dimensional injured hypercube with up to n -2 faulty links.  ...  Acknowledgements Thanks to Tianan Wu for providing help in obtaining simulation results.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s1383-7621(96)00023-9 fatcat:vtlhjidqkjc67pnghgj2uh54wi

Fault-Tolerant Optimal Broadcast Algorithm For The Hypercube Topology

Lokendra Singh Umrao, Ravi Shankar Singh
2015 Zenodo  
This paper presents an optimal broadcast algorithm for the hypercube networks. The main focus of the paper is the effectiveness of the algorithm in the presence of many node faults.  ...  Fu's approach cannot tolerate n − 1 faulty nodes in the worst case, but our approach can tolerate n − 1 faulty nodes.  ...  The binomial tree is used to implement optimal broadcasting in hypercubes. Optimal broadcasting means the broadcast information reaches its destination through a shortest path.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1105517 fatcat:rn6njqdtvvfcfn4a3ga2z3ltfa

Safety levels-an efficient mechanism for achieving reliable broadcasting in hypercubes

Jie Wu
1995 IEEE transactions on computers  
An optimal broadcast initiated from a safe node is proposed.  ...  The incomplete spanning binomial tree proposed in this paper is a useful structure for implementing broadcasting in injured hypercubes.  ...  INJURED HYPERCUBE BROADCASTING In this section, we consider an optimal broadcasting scheme using the incomplete spanning binomial tree structure.  ... 
doi:10.1109/12.381957 fatcat:th2iygvxzjd53m6hdw3duur5si

On optimal broadcasting in faulty hypercubes

Jehoshua Bruck
1994 Discrete Applied Mathematics  
(ii) Every tree in D, is of depth n, which is the optimal depth. (iii) Every edge in the n-cube is shared by at most two trees in D,.  ...  One application of this construction is a technique to perform broadcasting in a hypercube with faulty links.  ...  Broadcasting in a faulty n-cube Given the construction of the trees D, it is clear how to perform broadcasting in a faulty cube.  ... 
doi:10.1016/0166-218x(94)90175-9 fatcat:qltrvhpatrh7xcdxvap3ksgyfe

Fault Tolerance on Star Graphs

Shuo-Cheng Hu, Chang-Biau Yang
1997 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science  
When no fault occurs, our broadcasting algorithm remains optimal. And the penalty is O(n2) if at most n -2 faults exist. with restriction to the forbidden faulty set.  ...  In this paper, we shall prove the fault tolerance of star graphs is 2n -5 shall propose an algorithm for examining the connecalgorithm requires O(n310gn) tame.  ...  If there is no faulty node in the star graph, algorithm FTB is optimal. Since under this condition, FTB is the same as the optimal broadcasting algorithm on fault-free star graphs.  ... 
doi:10.1142/s0129054197000112 fatcat:e7umthe7n5b4hgr6xg3jbjfzzq

Page 2039 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 99c [page]

1991 Mathematical Reviews  
Summary: “In this paper, we propose a distributed broadcasting algorithm with optimal time complexity and without message re- dundancy for one-to-all broadcasting in the one-port communica- tion model  ...  Summary: “We investigate the reliability of broadcasting in prod- uct networks containing faulty nodes and/or links.  ... 

Reliable broadcasting in product networks

Feng Bao, Yoshihide Igarashi, Sabine R. Öhring
1998 Discrete Applied Mathematics  
We investigate the reliability of broadcasting in product networks containing faulty nodes and/or links.  ...  In this paper we show how to construct n-independent spanning trees of a product network from spanning trees of n-component graphs.  ...  We therefore can say that the broadcasting through the n-independent spanning trees in this fashion is optimal for communication complexity.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0166-218x(97)00100-5 fatcat:dbpct5izabds5ice44xxyfemay

Broadcasting on incomplete hypercubes

Jenn-Yang Tien, Ching-Tien Ho, Wei-Pang Yang
1993 IEEE transactions on computers  
The broadcasting algorithm is strictly optimal.  ...  In this correspondence, we devise and analyze a broadcasting algorithm based on edge-disjoint spanning trees in an incomplete hypercube of 2" + 2 k nodes, where 0 5 k < n.  ...  The broadcasting algorithm is strictly optimal. Index Terms-Broadcasting, edge-disjoint spanning trees, incomplete hypercubes, routing. I.  ... 
doi:10.1109/12.247842 fatcat:jyqp3j5tkzbb5eutdtwn6vrhwe

Optimal broadcasting in injured hypercubes using directed safety levels

Jie Wu
2003 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing  
Because of its optimality and ease of implementation, the binomial tree 13] is frequently used to implement optimal broadcasting in hypercubes.  ...  An incomplete binomial tree is normally used to implement an optimal broadcast process.  ...  Clearly, when l = n, an incomplete binomial tree rooted at u exists in the n-cube, and thus, node u can beused to carry out an optimal broadcast.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0743-7315(03)00065-0 fatcat:6lmfinns5vd7zfzpnio4dl7puq

Broadcasting with linearly bounded transmission faults

L. Ga̧sieniec, A. Pelc
1998 Discrete Applied Mathematics  
We investigate worst-case optimal non-adaptive broadcasting time under this fault model. for several communication networks.  ...  For the hypercube and the complete graph, broadcasting in the linearly bounded fault model can be performed in time logarithmic in the number of nodes. 0 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.  ...  We show that in both cases this time is logarithmic in the number of nodes. In the case of the hypercube we obtain the exact value of r-safe broadcasting time and give an optimal algorithm.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0166-218x(97)00107-8 fatcat:7zyxtfcogfc4fad67zy3ixv7g4

Reliable broadcasting in wormhole-routed hypercube-connected networks using local safety information

Dong Xiang, Ai Chen, Jie Wu
2003 IEEE Transactions on Reliability  
This paper presents a method to cope with reliable broadcasting in faulty hypercubes using local safety information.  ...  If these maximal safe subcubes meet certain requirements (listed in this paper), then broadcasting can still be done successfully and, in some cases, optimal broadcast is still possible.  ...  A broadcasting based on incomplete spanning binomial tree [15] - [17] is the following: when a node receives a broadcast label (which is initialized to all 1's), it resets a 1-bit in the broadcast label  ... 
doi:10.1109/tr.2003.810071 fatcat:cizma5iewresjnx5bgk3o6xiau


2006 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science  
We construct and analyze a fast broadcasting algorithm working in the presence of Byzantine component faults.  ...  Our main result is the design and analysis of an almost safe broadcasting algorithm working in time O(log 2 n) and using O(n log n) messages in n-node networks.  ...  In particular, a lot of effort has been devoted to the study of broadcasting under the assumption that components of the network may be faulty (see the survey (Pelc, 1996) ).  ... 
doi:10.1142/s0129054106004492 fatcat:cvv3jvge75cobkhfz47vhlhqcu

Scalable Hardware-Based Multicast Trees

Salvador Coll, Duato Duato, Fabrizio Petrini, Francisco J. Mora
2003 Proceedings of the 2003 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing - SC '03  
Several open problems have been addressed: first, multiple broadcasts in parallel may lead to a deadlock [7]; and, second, the network serializes all the broadcasts through a tree [13].  ...  due to some faulty nodes.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the Quadrics team, in particular David Addison and Mike Hinds, for their invaluable support.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1048935.1050205 dblp:conf/sc/CollDPM03 fatcat:drgoiw7objfphng2o4ppvk3pju

Fault Diagnosis Agreement in Wireless Sensor Network

2017 Sensors and materials  
For underlying malicious failure characteristics on nodes in a WSN, a fault diagnosis agreement (FDA) is proposed to make each fault-free node detect/locate a common set of faulty nodes by collecting the  ...  However, the proposed protocol can cause each fault-free node to obtain a maximum number of a common set of tolerable faulty nodes.  ...  broadcast storms  ... 
doi:10.18494/sam.2017.1602 fatcat:pdafpqhr4bby7df22sumgafjia

An Optimal Novel Byzantine Agreement Protocol (ONBAP) for Heterogeneous Distributed Database Processing Systems

Dharavath Ramesh, Chiranjeev Kumar
2012 Procedia Technology - Elsevier  
Reliability deserves utmost position in processing the transaction effectively in distributed environment.  ...  The proposed ONBAP protocol use the minimum number of message exchanges and can endure the maximum number of allowable faulty components to make each fault-free processor reach a common agreement for the  ...  So, the total number of allowable faulty nodes is ((n 1)/3), i, e. The optimality is proven.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.protcy.2012.10.008 fatcat:2a57awpymbfope7tffkc2rsbgy
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