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Bayesian Inference of a Non normal Multivariate Partial Linear Regression Model

Sarmad Abdulkhaleq Salih, Emad Aboudi
2021 Iraqi journal of statistical sciences  
This research includes the Bayesian estimation of the parameters of the multivariate partial linear regression model when the random error follows the matrix-variate generalized modified Bessel distribution  ...  of the shape parameters, the kernel function used in the generation was a Gaussian kernel function, the bandwidth (Smoothing) parameter was according to the rule of thumb.  ...  with a generalized inverse Gaussian distribution as well as its applications in the Bayesian analysis of the normal multiple linear regression model assuming a generalized inverse Gaussian distribution  ... 
doi:10.33899/iqjoss.2021.169967 fatcat:kfqj6hxzgvewvfxho6auqjzhtu

Semiparametric Regression of Multidimensional Genetic Pathway Data: Least-Squares Kernel Machines and Linear Mixed Models

Dawei Liu, Xihong Lin, Debashis Ghosh
2007 Biometrics  
Estimation and inference hence can proceed within the linear mixed model framework using standard mixed model software.  ...  gene expressions is modeled parametrically or nonparametrically using least-squares kernel machines (LSKMs).  ...  One can easily see that under this Bayesian model, the semiparametric model (1) becomes the linear mixed model representation (11).  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2007.00799.x pmid:18078480 pmcid:PMC2665800 fatcat:p3wjf34fazb4nn4p2e5pt7lcfu

bWGR: Bayesian Whole-Genome Regression

2019 Bioinformatics  
The package also enables fitting efficient multivariate models and complex hierarchical models.  ...  Here we introduce bWGR, an R package that enables users to efficient fit and cross-validate Bayesian and likelihood whole-genome regression methods.  ...  The generalized function 'wgr' enable users to combine a WGR with a kernel method, such as combining BayesB and RKHS.  ... 
doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btz794 pmid:31647543 fatcat:tvp4tcavnfdtzelhp5ssll2zzq

Bayesian semiparametric regression models for evaluating pathway effects on continuous and binary clinical outcomes

Inyoung Kim, Herbert Pang, Hongyu Zhao
2012 Statistics in Medicine  
It can incorporate prior knowledge into Bayesian hierarchical model formulation and makes inference by using the posterior samples without asymptotic theory.  ...  We compare our Bayesian approaches with a likelihood-based approach that was developed by relating a least squares kernel machine for nonparametric pathway effect with a restricted maximum likelihood for  ...  : • a semiparametric mixed model based on all genes except the gth gene, (4) • a semiparametric mixed model based on all genes except the gth and g′th genes, (5) For the Bayesian approach, we use the  ... 
doi:10.1002/sim.4493 pmid:22438129 pmcid:PMC3763871 fatcat:mrpg5hn7pzdrjlcbsbypkvpnnu

BGGE: A New Package for Genomic-Enabled Prediction Incorporating Genotype × Environment Interaction Models

Italo Granato, Jaime Cuevas, Francisco Luna, José Crossa, Osval A. Montesinos-López, Juan Burgueño, Roberto Fritsche-Neto
2018 G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics  
Here we propose two functions: one to prepare the genomic kernels accounting for the genomic GE and another to perform genomic prediction using a Bayesian linear mixed model.  ...  In this context, we propose an R package that, in general, allows building GE genomic covariance matrices and fitting linear mixed models, in particular, to a few genomic GE models.  ...  Bayesian linear mixed models The BGGE solves the linear mixed models through Bayesian hierarchical modeling.  ... 
doi:10.1534/g3.118.200435 pmid:30049744 pmcid:PMC6118304 fatcat:22s7k7nxaffvpjxe2vrhmiubq4

Bayesian bandwidth estimation for a functional nonparametric regression model with mixed types of regressors and unknown error density

Han Lin Shang
2014 Journal of nonparametric statistics (Print)  
Illustrated by a spectroscopy data set in the food quality control, we applied the proposed Bayesian approach to select the optimal bandwidths in a nonparametric functional regression model with mixed  ...  We derive a kernel likelihood and posterior density for the bandwidth parameters under the kernel-form error density, and put forward a Bayesian bandwidth estimation approach that can simultaneously estimate  ...  In this paper, we extend this Bayesian approach to the same nonparametric functional regression model with mixed types of regressors.  ... 
doi:10.1080/10485252.2014.916806 fatcat:6owjdtf7qrboheo3zl2d4dkmne

Uncertainties here, there, and everywhere: interpolating between small- and large-g expansions using Bayesian Model Mixing [article]

A. C. Semposki, R. J. Furnstahl, D. R. Phillips
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Bayesian Model Mixing (BMM) is a statistical technique that can be used to combine models that are predictive in different input domains into a composite distribution that has improved predictive power  ...  We consider three mixing methods: linear mixture BMM, localized bivariate BMM, and localized multivariate BMM with Gaussian processes.  ...  LOCALIZED BIVARIATE BAYESIAN MODEL MIXING A.  ... 
arXiv:2206.04116v1 fatcat:yvzazfn3jbgazjaizzccz25bu4

Bayesian Quality-Diversity approaches for constrained optimization problems with mixed continuous, discrete and categorical variables [article]

Loic Brevault, Mathieu Balesdent
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Using adapted covariance models and dedicated enrichment strategy for the Gaussian processes in Bayesian optimization, this approach allows to reduce the computational cost up to two orders of magnitude  ...  Existing Bayesian Quality-Diversity approaches suited for intensive high-fidelity simulations are not adapted to mixed variables constrained optimization problems.  ...  In Section 3, the proposed Bayesian QD approach and the general algorithm are presented, with two versions depending on the covariance model used in the Gaussian Process.  ... 
arXiv:2310.05955v3 fatcat:ewhtga245jcx5ckf6qo6ime6yy

Bayesian nonparametric reliability analysis for a railway system at component level

Payam Mokhtarian, Mohammad-Reza Namzi-Rad, Tin Kin Ho, Thomas Suesse
2013 2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation Proceedings  
This paper proposes a nonparametric Bayesian approach with a Dirichlet Process Mixture Model (DPMM) to facilitate reliability analysis in a railway system.  ...  A Bayesian nonparametric model using mixtures of Weibull distributions is developed in a previous study [11] . This is mixing on both the shape and scale parameters of the Weibull kernel.  ...  selection especially for data of mixed types.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icirt.2013.6696293 fatcat:ieun2q3rvjcdhchwptclzlok2y

Semiparametric regression during 2003–2007

David Ruppert, M.P. Wand, Raymond J. Carroll
2009 Electronic Journal of Statistics  
Semiparametric regression is a fusion between parametric regression and nonparametric regression that integrates low-rank penalized splines, mixed model and hierarchical Bayesian methodology -thus allowing  ...  None of these use mixed models or hierarchical Bayesian approaches.  ...  The authors use a simulation experiment to compare the reproducing kernel mixed model method with a parametric mixed model approach.  ... 
doi:10.1214/09-ejs525 pmid:20305800 pmcid:PMC2841361 fatcat:37rhsccmvzeh3kiyuopffbw43q

Bayesian nonnegative Matrix Factorization with volume prior for unmixing of hyperspectral images

Morten Arngren, Mikkel N. Schmidt, Jan Larsen
2009 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing  
kernel with a corresponding pre-processed spectrum from 950 -1650nm.  ...  Non-linear mixing are usually neglected due to minor significance and increased modeling complexity [2] .  ...  Based on these endmembers, 100 samples were generated with full mixing profile and a noise variance (72 = 10-3 . This leads to a data matrix X of 3 x 100 illustrated in figure 5 .  ... 
doi:10.1109/mlsp.2009.5306262 fatcat:45bldh6lwrcx7cgl5pal4wh5yu

Bayesian Bandwidth Selection for a Nonparametric Regression Model with Mixed Types of Regressors

Xibin Zhang, Maxwell King, Han Shang
2016 Econometrics  
Article Bayesian bandwidth selection for a nonparametric regression model with mixed types of regressors Econometrics Provided in Cooperation with: MDPI -Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute,  ...  Basel Suggested Citation: Zhang, Xibin; King, Maxwell L.; Shang, Han Lin (2016) : Bayesian bandwidth selection for a nonparametric regression model with mixed types of regressors, Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen  ...  In many empirical applications of nonparametric regression models, regressors are often of mixed types such as continuous and categorical.  ... 
doi:10.3390/econometrics4020024 fatcat:isuox3ujzfgrtksn6a3pkw4hpi

Mode jumping MCMC for Bayesian variable selection in GLMM

Aliaksandr Hubin, Geir Storvik
2018 Computational Statistics & Data Analysis  
Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) are used for inference and prediction in a wide range of different applications providing a powerful scientific tool.  ...  In a Bayesian setting, the posterior distribution of the models, based on the observed data, can be viewed as a relevant measure for the model evidence.  ...  Introduction In this paper we study variable selection in generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) addressed in the Bayesian setting.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.csda.2018.05.020 fatcat:f5xv7sjmanf43fps6bxkn2kwsm

Adaptive-modal Bayesian nonparametric regression

George Karabatsos, Stephen G. Walker
2012 Electronic Journal of Statistics  
We introduce a novel, Bayesian nonparametric, infinite-mixture regression model.  ...  The model has unimodal kernel (component) densities, and has covariate-dependent mixture weights that are defined by an infinite ordered-category probits regression.  ...  Nearly all Bayesian models that were parameterized by a vector of fixed (non-mixed) regression coefficients β (e.g., β = (β 1 , . . . , β p ) ⊺ for the DP-mixed intercepts regression model) assigned a  ... 
doi:10.1214/12-ejs738 fatcat:nw47hux33zdmnkhleqisia62hu

SMT 2.0: A Surrogate Modeling Toolbox with a focus on Hierarchical and Mixed Variables Gaussian Processes [article]

Paul Saves and Remi Lafage and Nathalie Bartoli and Youssef Diouane and Jasper Bussemaker and Thierry Lefebvre and John T. Hwang and Joseph Morlier and Joaquim R. R. A. Martins
2023 arXiv   pre-print
This release adds the capability to handle mixed-variable surrogate models and hierarchical variables.  ...  SMT 2.0 also improves SMT by extending sampling methods, adding new surrogate models, and computing variance and kernel derivatives for Kriging.  ...  KerGP [70] (developed in R) implements more general kernels but there is no Python open-source toolbox that implements more general kernels to deal with mixed variables, such as the homoscedastic hypersphere  ... 
arXiv:2305.13998v3 fatcat:emntzuy6lnecfo3g4ylqxhaisy
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