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A Survey of Swarm Intelligence Techniques in VLSI Routing Problems

Xiaohua Chen, Genggeng Liu, Naixue Xiong, Yaru Su, Guolong Chen
2020 IEEE Access  
INDEX TERMS Particle swarm optimization, swarm intelligence, routing, very large scale integration, Steiner tree construction.  ...  Then an overview of the current state of this field is given according to the above categories, and the survey offers informative discussions from five aspects: 1) Steiner minimum tree construction; 2)  ...  Steiner Tree OSMT Octagonal Steiner Minimum Tree PSO Particle Swarm Optimization QPSO Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization RST Rectilinear Steiner Tree RSMT Rectilinear Steiner Minimum Tree SI  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2971574 fatcat:dzzk57taubfqjpd2qzycxsenhq

A Survey on Steiner Tree Construction and Global Routing for VLSI Design

Hao Tang, Genggeng Liu, Xiaohua Chen, Naixue Xiong
2020 IEEE Access  
Steiner tree construction is one of the basic models of VLSI physical design, which is usually used in the initial topology creation for noncritical nets in physical design.  ...  In a GR process, a Steiner Minimum Tree (SMT) algorithm can be invoked millions of times, which means that SMT algorithm has great significance for the final quality of GR.  ...  Rectilinear Steiner Mini- mum Tree OARST Obstacle-Avoiding Rectilinear Steiner Tree OASG Obstacle-Avoiding Spanning Graph OASMT Obstacle-Avoiding Steiner Minimum Tree OAVG Obstacle-Avoiding Voronoi  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2986138 fatcat:nqpdbybucjembl4iztn67l4fgi

Two-stage Competitive Particle Swarm Optimization Based Timing-driven X-routing for IC Design under Smart Manufacturing

Genggeng Liu, Ruping Zhou, Saijuan Xu, Yuhan Zhu, Wenzhong Guo, Yeh-Cheng Chen, Guolong Chen
2022 ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems  
In addition, considering that X-routing can get the utmost out of routing resources, this paper proposes a Timing-Driven X-routing Steiner Minimum Tree (TD-XSMT) algorithm based on two-stage competitive  ...  particle swarm optimization.  ...  Then it assigned these hidden Steiner points to feasible positions to construct a Timing-Driven Rectilinear Steiner Minimum Tree (TD-RSMT).  ... 
doi:10.1145/3531328 fatcat:tvxi5nlurrggldyxs5erlgobpi

X-architecture Steiner minimal tree algorithm based on multi-strategy optimization discrete differential evolution

Genggeng Liu, Liliang Yang, Saijuan Xu, Zuoyong Li, Yeh-Cheng Chen, Chi-Hua Chen
2021 PeerJ Computer Science  
In this paper, an X-architecture Steiner minimal tree algorithm based on multi-strategy optimization discrete differential evolution (XSMT-MoDDE) is proposed.  ...  As the best model of global routing, X-architecture Steiner minimal tree (XSMT) has a good performance in wire length optimization.  ...  On this basis, the research status of Steiner minimum tree  ... 
doi:10.7717/peerj-cs.473 pmid:33954247 pmcid:PMC8053017 fatcat:iba3qu2ndnfpne7tdea44sdmfy

Algorithm design and simulation of Rectilinear Steiner Tree problems based on concrete class Line

Man Feng, Mingyang Li, Pengyuan Chen, Zhenping Lan, Ping Li
2021 Proceedings of the 8th EAI International Conference on Green Energy and Networking, GreeNets 2021, June 6-7, 2021, Dalian, People's Republic of China   unpublished
In this paper, based on dynamic programming, a classical technique to solve the steiner tree problem, two algorithms, L-MRST and Z-MRST, are proposed to construct the Minimum Rectilinear Steiner tree on  ...  This paper mainly deals with a sub-problem of steiner tree, the Minimum Rectilinear Steiner tree problem.  ...  These 'obstacles' on the circuit board can be further investigated on the basis of the MRST (Minimum Rectilinear Steiner Tree), called the Obstacle-avoiding Rectirectilinear Steiner Minimum Tree (MRST)  ... 
doi:10.4108/eai.6-6-2021.2307527 fatcat:n3upuefmt5frnlgdjxmo4pumjq

2020 Index IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems Vol. 39

2020 IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems  
Chu, Z., +, TCAD Aug. 2020 1621-1634 Corner-Stitching-Based Multilayer Obstacle-Avoiding Component-to-Com- ponent Rectilinear Minimum Spanning Tree Construction.  ...  Radhakrishnan, G., +, TCAD Dec. 2020 4645-4656 Collision avoidance Corner-Stitching-Based Multilayer Obstacle-Avoiding Component-to-Component Rectilinear Minimum Spanning Tree Construction.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcad.2021.3054536 fatcat:wsw3olpxzbeclenhex3f73qlw4

Chapter 5. Realistic Computer Models [chapter]

Deepak Ajwani, Henning Meyerhenke
2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Ulrich Fößmeier and Michael Kaufmann, On exact solutions for the rectilinear Steiner tree problem, Tech.  ...  . , On exact solutions for the rectilinear Steiner tree problem Part I: Theoretical results, Algorithmica 26 (2000), 68-99. 303. Ian T.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14866-8_5 fatcat:j326q2ymeffzfmo36nqst7msmq

Layout automation in analog IC design with formalized and nonformalized expert knowledge [article]

Daniel Marolt, Universität Stuttgart, Universität Stuttgart
Simulation Model Boids Particle Swarm Optimization [309] 1995 Population-based Optimization Algorithm Particles JADE [329] 2001 Java Agent Development Environment Agents SWARM [330] 2015 Multi-Agent  ...  Likewise, swarming has also been the inspiration for the population-based Particle Swarm Optimization technique discussed in Section 3.1. 3 .  ... 
doi:10.18419/opus-10231 fatcat:n7gaqhba4fcdpa7jdre267unaq


Andrea Genovese
In this paper we propose a general Agent-Based framework for modeling various location problems.  ...  user with an easy visualization of input data and optimization results.  ...  Particle Swarm Optimization The Particle Swarm Optimization is based on the coordinated food search mechanism exhibited by swarm of birds.  ... 
doi:10.6092/unina/fedoa/4257 fatcat:rywixdhojfhndpq6b2ep44cnj4

On the Transformation Capability of Feasible Mechanisms for Programmable Matter

O Michail, G Skretas, PG Spirakis
We improve this to O(n) parallel time by a pipelining strategy, and prove optimality of both by matching lower bounds. We next turn our attention to distributed transformations.  ...  We prove that the corresponding transformability question is in PSPACE and study the problem of determining the minimum seeds that can make feasible, otherwise infeasible transformations.  ...  Moreover, we would like to thank the "Algorithmic Foundations of Programmable Matter" seminar [FRRS16] for inspiring us to start working on this type of problems.  ... 
doi:10.17638/03030147 fatcat:v6aajv4z3jg5rcsid7coqti6qa

A Scalable Workflow for a Configurable Neuromorphic Platform

Sebastian Jeltsch
Finally, a spike-based liquid state machine (Maass et al., 2002; Jaeger, 2001) implementation is demonstrated on a smaller chip-based system.  ...  Nature, on the other hand, came up with its own distributed computational architecture: the brain.  ...  Constructing minimum rectilinear Steiner trees (MRSTs) rather than combining shortest paths would minimize the number of allocated resources individually for every iteration.  ... 
doi:10.11588/heidok.00017190 fatcat:emfbi3c72vclfiqcuc726jpu7y