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Polygonal Representation of Digital Curves [chapter]

Dilip K., Maylor K. H. Leung
2012 Digital Image Processing  
of the digital curve for which polygonal approximation is sought.  ...  Such improvements in design will also influence the quality of polygonal approximation achieved by the polygonal approximation methods. i P is the i th edge pixel in the digital curve e .  ...  Polygonal Representation of Digital Curves, Digital Image Processing, Dr. Stefan G.  ... 
doi:10.5772/35209 fatcat:wdjwrfb7rzemzp5qpbgqac6rxu

Minimum-Length Polygons in Simple Cube-Curves [chapter]

Reinhard Klette, Thomas Bülow
2000 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The length of such a simple digital curve is defined to be the length of the minimum-length polygonal curve fully contained and complete in the tube of this digital curve.  ...  This paper shows that critical edges are the only possible locations of vertices of the minimum-length polygonal curve fully contained and complete in the tube of this digital curve.  ...  Introduction The estimation of the length of a simple digital curve in three-dimensional euclidean space may be based on the calculation of the shortest polygonal curve in a polyhedrally bounded compact  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-44438-6_38 fatcat:guldn7l5yrd6nnnws566hvv5dy

A Split-Merge-Split Approach to Polygonal Approximation of Chain-Coded Curve

Bimal Kumar Ray
2015 International Journal of Computer Graphics  
This paper proposes a technique for polygonal approximation of chain-coded curve after relaxing the definition of digital straight segment.  ...  It uses an approximation of perpendicular distance which is shown to impose an upper bound on perpendicular distance. The experimental results show improvement upon a similar work.  ...  A number of algorithms for polygonal approximation of digital curve had been developed.  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijcg.2015.6.2.01 fatcat:k7db3vb4kfhxhecuesacowl2u4

A comparative evaluation of length estimators of digital curves

D. Coeurjolly, R. Klette
2004 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  
This paper compares previously published length estimators in image analysis having digitized curves as input.  ...  The evaluation uses multigrid convergence (theoretical results and measured speed of convergence) and further measures as criteria.  ...  Coeurjolly was a member of the ERIC Laboratory (Université Lumière Lyon 2).  ... 
doi:10.1109/tpami.2004.1262194 pmid:15376899 fatcat:psisn6pwwnhofoyvcxyaamjpcu

Exploiting arc splines for digital maps

Andreas Schindler, Georg Maier, Sebastian Pangerl
2011 2011 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)  
Therefore, this method is useful for a wide variety of applications using digital maps to enrich driving comfort and traffic safety.  ...  We show that the use of arc splines as a representation model of individual lanes is advantageous for both computational efficiency and accuracy.  ...  We are able to control the behavior of the approximating curve between each two points p i and p i+1 by the bounding channel.  ... 
doi:10.1109/itsc.2011.6082800 dblp:conf/itsc/SchindlerMP11 fatcat:ird6d6og3ffcjgc34hcfwljaiq

Polygonal Approximation of Digital Planar Curve Using Novel Significant Measure [chapter]

Mangayarkarasi Ramaiah, Dilip Kumar Prasad
2020 Parallel Manipulators [Working Title]  
This chapter presents an iterative smoothing technique for polygonal approximation of digital image boundary. The technique starts with finest initial segmentation points of a curve.  ...  The contribution of initially segmented points toward preserving the original shape of the image boundary is determined by computing the significant measure of every initial segmentation point that is  ...  But the authors thank all anonymous reviewers for their comments on an earlier manuscript for improving the quality of the chapter.  ... 
doi:10.5772/intechopen.92145 fatcat:g5quhn5hcrepjmw5a2vvkcghli

A Technique for Piecewise Linear Approximation of 2D Digital Curve

Bimal Kumar Ray
2016 International Journal of Computer Graphics  
This paper introduces the concept of curve segment after relaxing the definition of digital straight segment and uses this concept to decompose a digital curve into a sequence of curve segments.  ...  For each curve segment, the maximum deviation of it from its approximating line segment is computed and the segment with the highest maximum deviation is split into two at a point most distant from the  ...  of a digital curve from the sides of the approximating polygon and integral square error is the sum of squares of deviation of the points of the digital curve from the sides of the approximating polygon  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijcg.2016.7.1.01 fatcat:z2rlcu62ojdhhhxmhfpm2llfzy

Polygonal approximation of digital planar curve using novel significant measure [article]

Mangayarkarasi Ramaiah, Dilip K. Prasad
2018 arXiv   pre-print
This paper presents an iterative smoothing technique for polygonal approximation of digital image boundary. The technique starts with finest initial segmentation points of a curve.  ...  The contribution of initially segmented points towards preserving the original shape of the image boundary is determined by computing the significant measure of every initial segmentation points which  ...  Broadly polygonal/closed curve approximation of a digital planar curve may be cast as min ε problem or min ≠ problem.  ... 
arXiv:1812.09271v1 fatcat:7n4w7oeswrfkpigxkdg5oqquti

Multiorder polygonal approximation of digital curves

Isabelle Debled-Rennesson, Salvatore Tabbone, Laurent Wendling
2005 ELCVIA Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis  
The method is thresholdfree and automatically provides a partitioning of a digital curve into its meaningful parts.  ...  It is based on the arithmetical definition of discrete lines [11] with variable thickness. We provide a framework to analyse a digital curve at different levels of thickness.  ...  The aim is to approximate a given digital curve by another polygonal curve with a number of line segments considering a local or global approximation error.  ... 
doi:10.5565/rev/elcvia.99 fatcat:37flx645frgm5c3ipf2koem22e

A Multi-scale Approach to Decompose a Digital Curve into Meaningful Parts

Thanh Phuong Nguyen, Isabelle Debled-Rennesson
2010 2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition  
A multi-scale approach is proposed for polygonal representation of a digital curve by using the notion of blurred segment and a split-and-merge strategy.  ...  Its main idea is to decompose the curve into meaningful parts that are represented by detected dominant points at the appropriate scale.  ...  Kolesnikov [5] proposed an optimal split method for multi-resolution polygonal approximation of digital curves. Another approach for multi-order polygonal approximation was presented in [3] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/icpr.2010.268 dblp:conf/icpr/NguyenD10 fatcat:nls6a4uz5vcmpn66mh5kqheucq

Fast Guaranteed Polygonal Approximations of Closed Digital Curves [chapter]

Fabien Feschet
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We restrict the class of approximation polygons to the class of digital polygonalizations of the curve.  ...  We present in this paper a new non-parametric method for polygonal approximations of digital curves.  ...  Polygonal Approximations Context The class of allowed polygonal approximations is exactly the class of digital polygonalizations of the curve C from any of the starting point of the digital tangents  ... 
doi:10.1007/11499145_92 fatcat:cepstep6vrhx5gorggog4jazxq

Thinning-free Polygonal Approximation of Thick Digital Curves Using Cellular Envelope

Partha Bhowmick, Arindam Biswas, Bhargab B. Bhattacharya
2008 ELCVIA Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis  
This envelope, in turn, is analyzed to determine a polygonal approximation of the curve as a sequence of cells using certain attributes of digital straightness.  ...  Described in this paper is a novel thinning-free algorithm for polygonal approximation of an arbitrarily thick digital curve, using the concept of "cellular envelope", which is newly introduced in this  ...  Efficiency of the Algorithm The deviation of the approximate polygon(s) (or polychain(s)) from the input set of digital curves determines the efficiency of a polygonal-approximation algorithm.  ... 
doi:10.5565/rev/elcvia.179 fatcat:qufezvuvora7pkjut7w263iuhq

A Near-Linear Time Guaranteed Algorithm for Digital Curve Simplification under the Fréchet Distance [chapter]

Isabelle Sivignon
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Given a digital curve and a maximum error, we propose an algorithm that computes a simplification of the curve such that the Fréchet distance between the original and the simplified curve is less than  ...  The algorithm uses an approximation of the Fréchet distance, but a guarantee over the quality of the simplification is proved.  ...  The following lemma is used in the complexity analysis in Section 4 to prove that the number of occulters per octant is bounded by the approximation error in the case of digital curves.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-19867-0_28 fatcat:ggynh7eqozds5celxp2aefuwnu

Digitization of Bézier Curves and Patches using Discrete Geometry [chapter]

Oscar Figueiredo, Roger D. Hersch, Jean-Pierre Reveillès
1999 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In the latter case, all the algorithms rely on an arbitrary precision constant (tolerance) whose appropriate choice is not clear and not linked to the geometry of the image grid.  ...  The proposed approach extends well and we present its application in the case of 2D and 3D Bézier curves as well as Bézier triangle patches and tensor-product surface patches.  ...  of precision when the convex hull of its control polygon is bounded by the limits of a 3D digital line as defined in (4).  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-49126-0_30 fatcat:svzkc5dg7jddpfgrkd4fo46ciy

Robust decomposition of a digital curve into convex and concave parts

Tristan Roussillon, Laure Tougne, Isabelle Sivignon
2008 Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Proceedings of the International Conference on  
We propose a linear in time and easy-to-implement algorithm that robustly decomposes a digital curve into convex and concave parts.  ...  This algorithm is based on classical tools in discrete and computational geometry: convex hull computation and Pick's formula.  ...  Efficient computation of Eq. 1 The input is a digital curve C that bounds a digital object O.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icpr.2008.4761597 dblp:conf/icpr/RoussillonST08 fatcat:wavmrehvyzd2lg3mmxkemnze7u
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