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Variability-Specific Abstraction Refinement for Family-Based Model Checking [chapter]

Aleksandar S. Dimovski, Andrzej Wąsowski
2017 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this work, we present an automatic iterative abstraction refinement procedure for family-based model checking.  ...  In order to make it computationally cheaper, we can use variability abstractions for deriving abstract family-based model checking, where the variational model of a system family is replaced with an abstract  ...  In order to further speed-up family-based model checking, a range of variability abstractions can be introduced [13, 14] . They give rise to abstract family-based model checking.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-54494-5_24 fatcat:mnhe5gmooja5nlren26piz6fna

Model Sketching by Abstraction Refinement for Lifted Model Checking (Extended Version) [article]

Aleksandar S. Dimovski
2021 arXiv   pre-print
In particular, we present an approach for synthesizing Promela model sketches using variability-specific abstraction refinement for lifted (family-based) model checking.  ...  In this work, we show how the use of verification and analysis techniques for model families (software product lines) with numerical features provides an interesting technique to synthesize complete models  ...  Variability- ing the operational semantics of “#if”, or 𝜋 [[𝜓 ]] and 𝜶 K are first specific Abstraction Refinement for Family-Based Model Checking.  ... 
arXiv:2112.11546v1 fatcat:7wsqdmsunrecpdvq5uhnnav52m

Counterexample guided abstraction refinement of product-line behavioural models

Maxime Cordy, Patrick Heymans, Axel Legay, Pierre-Yves Schobbens, Bruno Dawagne, Martin Leucker
2016 Software Engineering  
The model-checking problem for Software Products Lines (SPLs) is harder than for single systems: variability constitutes anew source of complexity that exacerbates the state-explosion problem.  ...  In this paper,werecall the main ideas of apaper published elsewhere that applies CEGAR (Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement) and desings newf orms of abstraction specifically for SPLs.  ...  In [Co14] , this gapi sfi lled by proposing SPL-specific abstraction procedures based on CEGAR.  ... 
dblp:conf/se/CordyHLSDL16 fatcat:jf3eredqczce5mswml63go6qjq

Variability Abstraction and Refinement for Game-Based Lifted Model Checking of Full CTL [chapter]

Aleksandar S. Dimovski, Axel Legay, Andrzej Wasowski
2019 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this work, we define a novel game-based approach for variability-specific abstraction and refinement for lifted model checking of the full CTL, interpreted over 3-valued semantics.  ...  In case the result of model checking an abstract variability model is indefinite, we suggest a new notion of refinement, which eliminates indefinite results.  ...  To conclude, in this work we present a game-based lifted model checking for abstract variability models with respect to the full CTL.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-16722-6_11 fatcat:7472bygufnfqxe3inmo55nrmqu

A Vision for Behavioural Model-Driven Validation of Software Product Lines [chapter]

Xavier Devroey, Maxime Cordy, Gilles Perrouin, Eun-Young Kang, Pierre-Yves Schobbens, Patrick Heymans, Axel Legay, Benoit Baudry
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paradigm considers a family of systems, each of which can be obtained by a selection of features in a variability model.  ...  We present our vision for a unified framework combining model-checking and testing approaches applied to behavioural models of SPLs.  ...  By working on domain artefacts with a variability model, we want our framework to be family-based [37] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-34026-0_16 fatcat:2ztg6bzn35hl7a2ckafveuudna

The mCRL2 Toolset for Analysing Concurrent Systems [chapter]

Olav Bunte, Jan Friso Groote, Jeroen J. A. Keiren, Maurice Laveaux, Thomas Neele, Erik P. de Vink, Wieger Wesselink, Anton Wijs, Tim A. C. Willemse
2019 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Furthermore, the usability has been improved with the addition of refinement checking, counterexample generation and a user-friendly GUI.  ...  Firstly, the mCRL2 language has been extended to support the modelling of probabilistic behaviour.  ...  As a result, verification of SPLs can be done using the standard workflow for mCRL2, achieving family-based model checking without a family-based model checker [18] , with running times slightly worse  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-17465-1_2 fatcat:xsxu4o2igjdbbfaqvpet2fsmti

Tool-Assisted Multi-Facet Analysis of Formal Specifications (Using Alelier-B and ProB)

Christian Attiogbe
2009 arXiv   pre-print
We ex periment on analysing a formal specification from multiple aspects. The B method and the Atelier-B tool are used for formal specifications, for safety property analysis and for refinements.  ...  The ProB tool is used to supplement the study with model checking; it helps to discover errors and there fore to improve the former specifications.  ...  Here B specifications serve as a reference model for the performed analyses. The B method [1] ranges in the family of development methods founded on refinement techniques.  ... 
arXiv:0910.1690v1 fatcat:jqwkmipshvfe3c5rqna77wr7gy

SAT-Based Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement [chapter]

Edmund M. Clarke
2002 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We describe new techniques for model checking in the counterexample-guided abstraction-refinement framework.  ...  We then use a combination of 0-1 integer linear programming and machine learning techniques for refining the abstraction based on the counterexample.  ...  In each iteration, we check whether the abstract system satisfies the specification with a standard ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDD)-based symbolic model checker.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-46017-9_1 fatcat:iqeaukx75nfzpcx5tyhnd6fbxe

Formal Verification and Validation of ERTMS Industrial Railway Train Spacing System [chapter]

Alessandro Cimatti, Raffaele Corvino, Armando Lazzaro, Iman Narasamdya, Tiziana Rizzo, Marco Roveri, Angela Sanseviero, Andrei Tchaltsev
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
To show feasibility, effectiveness and scalability, we have experimented with several state of the art symbolic software model checking techniques and tools on different network configurations.  ...  Formal verification and validation is a fundamental step for the certification of railways critical systems.  ...  We also plan to evaluate new model checking techniques, like Property Driven Reachability [9] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31424-7_29 fatcat:rt4ps25dbfcrfeplvkry3z36i4

Variability Abstraction and Refinement for Game-based Lifted Model Checking of full CTL (Extended Version) [article]

Aleksandar S. Dimovski and Axel Legay and Andrzej Wasowski
2019 arXiv   pre-print
In this work, we define a novel game-based approach for variability-specific abstraction and refinement for lifted model checking of the full CTL, interpreted over 3-valued semantics.  ...  In case the result of model checking an abstract variability model is indefinite, we suggest a new notion of refinement, which eliminates indefinite results.  ...  Conclusion To conclude, in this work we present a game-based lifted model checking for abstract variability models with respect to the full CTL.  ... 
arXiv:1902.05594v1 fatcat:qgyzrxgyanaajh6qbzhc3xg5gm


Maurice H. ter Beek, Franco Mazzanti
2014 Proceedings of the 18th International Software Product Line Conference on Companion Volume for Workshops, Demonstrations and Tools - SPLC '14  
In this paper, we first explain the reasons and assumptions underlying the choice for a modeling and analysis framework based on MTSs.  ...  The variability model checker VMC accepts a product family specified as a Modal Transition System (MTS) with additional variability constraints.  ...  The authors would like to thank Alessandro Fantechi and Stefania Gnesi for having involved us in their endeavor to develop a SPL modeling and verification framework based on MTSs, and for numerous inspiring  ... 
doi:10.1145/2647908.2655969 dblp:conf/splc/BeekM14 fatcat:7z2nrrrb2zck3bf3h52yl3mkmy

Software diversity: state of the art and perspectives

Ina Schaefer, Rick Rabiser, Dave Clarke, Lorenzo Bettini, David Benavides, Goetz Botterweck, Animesh Pathak, Salvador Trujillo, Karina Villela
2012 International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)  
Appropriate means and organizational structures are required to deal with the additional complexity introduced by software variability.  ...  This introductory article to the special section "Software Diversity-Modeling, Analysis and Evolution" provides an overview of the current state of the art in diverse systems development and discusses  ...  Abstract delta modeling [49] is an abstract framework for describing conflicts between code refinements and conflict resolution in the setting of delta-oriented programming.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10009-012-0253-y fatcat:uicpvxsbm5golmrrves23gopny

SAT-Based Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement

E. Clarke, A. Gupta, O. Strichman
2004 IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems  
We describe new techniques for model checking in the counterexample-guided abstraction-refinement framework.  ...  We then use a combination of 0-1 integer linear programming and machine learning techniques for refining the abstraction based on the counterexample.  ...  In each iteration, we check whether the abstract system satisfies the specification with a standard ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDD)-based symbolic model checker.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcad.2004.829807 fatcat:wr6cn4lqgbcyxad2itmj5iiaai

Abstraction Refinement-Based Verification of Timed Automata

Tamás Tóth, István Majzik
2021 Zenodo  
Model checking is an automatic formal verification technique that is based on exhaustive traversal of the design model's state space.  ...  In addition, the state space is not necessarily finite, in particular for real-time systems, where continuous variables with time dimension are part of the specification.  ...  In Chapter 3, we introduce a formalism-agnostic model checking framework for abstraction refinement based model checking of reachability properties.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4759046 fatcat:3vrprqrhfjeknjjdn74uqoreo4

Product-line verification with feature-oriented contracts

Thomas Thüm
2013 Proceedings of the 2013 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis - ISSTA 2013  
However, these reuse mechanisms challenge existing techniques for specification and verification of software. Specifying and verifying each product involves redundant steps, and is often infeasible.  ...  Based on a selection of desired features, a customized software product can be generated automatically.  ...  A family-based strategy has been applied to type checking [13] , model checking [10] , and static analyses [6] .  ... 
doi:10.1145/2483760.2492396 dblp:conf/issta/Thum13 fatcat:uwob6ux6frfglbzeczjqat5sg4
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