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3,940 Hits in 3.5 sec

A New Phase Determination Algorithm for Iterative Learning of Human-Robot Collaboration

Mihael Simonič, Miha Deniša, Aleš Ude, Bojan Nemec
2021 Zenodo  
In this paper we discuss a methodology for learning human-robot collaboration tasks by human guidance.  ...  In the proposed framework, the robot learns the task in multiple repetitions of the task by comparing and adapting the performed trajectories so that the robot's performance naturally evolves into a collaborative  ...  The research leading to these results has received funding from the Horizon 2020 RIA Programme grant no. 820767, CoLLaboratE.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5589237 fatcat:ln2goxx7zbdzdkk67bwitztuz4

Human robot cooperation with compliance adaptation along the motion trajectory

Bojan Nemec, Nejc Likar, Andrej Gams, Aleš Ude
2017 Autonomous Robots  
In this paper we propose a novel approach for intuitive and natural physical human-robot interaction in cooperative tasks.  ...  Through initial learning by demonstration, robot behavior naturally evolves into a cooperative task, where the human co-worker is allowed to modify both the spatial course of motion as well as the speed  ...  The method has been extensively applied, for example also for virtual guides, where the robot is compliant only in the direction of the trajectory (Raiola et al, 2015) , and for learning of physical collaborative  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10514-017-9676-3 fatcat:mezrjzyz3vdj5lhrxdgq66ikdm

Obstacles and Opportunities for Learning from Demonstration in Practical Industrial Assembly: A Systematic Literature Review [article]

V. Hernandez Moreno, S. Jansing, M. Polikarpov, M. G. Carmichael, J. Deuse
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Learning from demonstration is one of the most promising methods to counteract the challenging long-term trends in repetitive industrial assembly.  ...  It aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art learning from demonstration solutions developed for assembly-related tasks and offer a critical discussion of remaining obstacles in order to drive  ...  In the new era of collaborative robots, the robotics industry has recognised the necessity of bringing robots closer to human operators by ensuring the operators' safety and simplifying the robots' operability  ... 
arXiv:2310.00276v1 fatcat:5tge3mag3fgobh25nardcz25pq

Cloud-Based Hierarchical Imitation Learning for Scalable Transfer of Construction Skills from Human Workers to Assisting Robots [article]

Hongrui Yu, Vineet R. Kamat, Carol C. Menassa
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Second, it employs a federated collection of reusable demonstrations that are transferable for similar tasks in the future and can thus reduce the requirement for repetitive illustration of tasks by human  ...  Assigning repetitive and physically-demanding construction tasks to robots can alleviate human workers's exposure to occupational injuries.  ...  robot experiments.  ... 
arXiv:2309.11619v1 fatcat:noxxxsnhgretba4whkst25g2mq

Bimanual human robot cooperation with adaptive stiffness control

Bojan Nemec, Nejc Likar, Andrej Gams, Ales Ude
2016 2016 IEEE-RAS 16th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)  
We propose a human-robot cooperation scheme for bimanual robots.  ...  After the initial task demonstration, the human co-worker can modify both the spatial course of motion as well as the speed of execution in an intuitive way.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by EU Horizon 2020 Programme grant no. 680431, ReconCell and by the Slovenian Research Agency grant J2-7360, "Learning and autonomous adaptation of dual arm assembly  ... 
doi:10.1109/humanoids.2016.7803337 dblp:conf/humanoids/NemecLGU16 fatcat:xxa56bbidzaqtmzozya2a235la

Synthesis and Execution of Communicative Robotic Movements with Generative Adversarial Networks [article]

Luca Garello, Linda Lastrico, Alessandra Sciutti, Nicoletta Noceti, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, Francesco Rea
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this work, we focus on how to transfer on two different robotic platforms the same kinematics modulation that humans adopt when manipulating delicate objects, aiming to endow robots with the capability  ...  Since human intelligence comprises the ability to read the context, allowing robots to perform actions that intuitively convey this kind of information would greatly facilitate collaboration.  ...  We considered two robots, the humanoid robot iCub [17] and the collaborative robot Baxter [18] , in order to perform rigorous analysis independently of the kinematics and control of the robots.  ... 
arXiv:2203.15640v2 fatcat:cn7c4xwhwndh3jr6gv7s7h7r4m

Spatial and Temporal Attention-based emotion estimation on HRI-AVC dataset [article]

Karthik Subramanian, Saurav Singh, Justin Namba, Jamison Heard, Christopher Kanan, Ferat Sahin
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Hence it is more practical to obtain self-reported arousal and valence values directly from the human in a real-time Human-Robot collaborative setting.  ...  Hence this paper provides an emotion data set (HRI-AVC) obtained while conducting a human-robot interaction (HRI) task.  ...  The key contributions of this research are: • The creation of the HRI-AVC emotional data set for a collaborative human-robot assembly task. • The use of a novel spatial and temporal attention-based emotion  ... 
arXiv:2310.12887v1 fatcat:gl64rib7qbhmrkgosit54f5w2a

A Nonparametric Motion Flow Model for Human Robot Cooperation [article]

Sungjoon Choi, Kyungjae Lee, H. Andy Park, Songhwai Oh
2017 arXiv   pre-print
a stochastic trajectory optimization method is used to control a robot.  ...  In this paper, we present a novel nonparametric motion flow model that effectively describes a motion trajectory of a human and its application to human robot cooperation.  ...  INTRODUCTION Traditionally, robots has been deployed to perform relatively simple and repetitive tasks in structured environments, where robots rarely interacted with humans.  ... 
arXiv:1709.03211v1 fatcat:fdjagzg3frbbxg42o7srwxt7im

Robot learning of industrial assembly task via human demonstrations

Maria Kyrarini, Muhammad Abdul Haseeb, Danijela Ristić-Durrant, Axel Gräser
2018 Autonomous Robots  
The traditional robot programming cannot cope with these challenges of human-robot collaboration. In this paper, a framework for robot learning by multiple human demonstrations is introduced.  ...  Human-robot collaboration in industrial applications is a challenging robotic task.  ...  The authors thank MeRoSy industrial project partner pi4 robotics GmbH for the technical support in assembly scenario.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10514-018-9725-6 fatcat:pgxk6qhfffguvpjxxbrkbvfdjq

Waypoints updating based on Adam and ILC for path learning in physical human-robot interaction

Jingkang Xia, Chenjian Song, Deqing Huang, Xueyan Xing, Lei Ma, Yanan Li
2021 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)  
This paper presents a novel method for learning and tracking of the desired path of the human partner in physical human-robot interaction.  ...  Combining the Adam optimization algorithm with iteration learning control (ILC), a path learning method is designed to generate and update reference waypoints according to the human partner's desired path  ...  Considering the repetitiveness of many HRI applications, iterative learning control (ILC) can be used in PbD tasks, which was initially developed for motion control of systems performing repetitive operations  ... 
doi:10.1109/icra48506.2021.9561197 fatcat:d6pi2ykbirbcvhcu7srljqqyde

Control Techniques for Safe, Ergonomic, and Efficient Human-Robot Collaboration in the Digital Industry: A Survey

Silvia Proia, Raffaele Carli, Graziana Cavone, Mariagrazia Dotoli
2021 IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering  
trajectory, and in [56], where a machine learning (ML) during robot movements.  ...  Hirche, “Invariance control for safe humanrobot interaction supported by machine learning,” in Proc. 12th Int. Conf.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tase.2021.3131011 fatcat:w7zm7vlqfnhzheanevg6x3toxm

Learning Interactive Behaviors for Musculoskeletal Robots Using Bayesian Interaction Primitives [article]

Joseph Campbell, Arne Hitzmann, Simon Stepputtis, Shuhei Ikemoto, Koh Hosoda, Heni Ben Amor
2019 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we propose an approach for learning Bayesian Interaction Primitives for musculoskeletal robots given a limited set of example demonstrations.  ...  Musculoskeletal robots that are based on pneumatic actuation have a variety of properties, such as compliance and back-drivability, that render them particularly appealing for human-robot collaboration  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to thank Masuda Hiroaki for his assistance.  ... 
arXiv:1908.05552v1 fatcat:oin2yg7zn5fqrgseleoijw2uzi


Maria Kyrarini, Adrian Leu, Danijela Ristić-Durrant, Axel Gräser, Anja Jackowski, Marion Gebhard, Jochen Nelles, Christina Bröhl, Christopher Brandl, Alexander Mertens, Christopher M. Schlick
2016 Facta Universitatis Series Automatic Control and Robotics  
(ELSI) in the context of human-robot cooperation.  ...  The first scenario relates to the human-robot cooperation in an industrial application, while the second one refers to the robotic workplace assistance for people with disabilities.  ...  The authors thank MeRoSy industrial project partners for all the support in presented work, pi4 robotics GmbH for the technical support in assembly scenario and Vorwig GmbH for establishing safety concepts  ... 
doi:10.22190/fuacr.v15i3.2359 fatcat:2deunrpmrrb4la6jmlz764ptf4


Maria Kyrarini, Adrian Leu, Danijela Ristić-Durrant, Axel Gräser, Anja Jackowski, Marion Gebhard, Jochen Nelles, Christina Bröhl, Christopher Brandl, Alexander Mertens, Christopher M. Schlick
2016 Facta Universitatis Series Automatic Control and Robotics  
(ELSI) in the context of human-robot cooperation.  ...  The first scenario relates to the human-robot cooperation in an industrial application, while the second one refers to the robotic workplace assistance for people with disabilities.  ...  The authors thank MeRoSy industrial project partners for all the support in presented work, pi4 robotics GmbH for the technical support in assembly scenario and Vorwig GmbH for establishing safety concepts  ... 
doi:10.22190/fuacr1603187k fatcat:2mz5nfnrq5fbtbfzzbc4yqxd44

Prediction-Based Human-Robot Collaboration in Assembly Tasks Using a Learning from Demonstration Model

Zhujun Zhang, Gaoliang Peng, Weitian Wang, Yi Chen, Yunyi Jia, Shaohui Liu
2022 Sensors  
This paper proposes a prediction-based human-robot collaboration model for assembly scenarios.  ...  This model allows the robot to adapt itself to predicted human actions and enables proactive assistance during collaboration.  ...  The human intention has to be converted into the equivalent robot control command for the collaboration.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s22114279 pmid:35684900 pmcid:PMC9185262 fatcat:oj2e3ibkq5hxlj3s54op5kz554
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