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Improving Reuse of Web Service Compositions [chapter]

Carlos Granell, Michael Gould, Roy Grønmo, David Skogan
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Here we focus on the description of the Service Abstraction Process, a critical step in order to enhance the service composition by facilitating the reuse of existing services.  ...  We describe a methodology for assembling composite services based on three basic processes which are independent of the concrete implementation: Service Abstraction Process, Service Composition Process  ...  Most similar approaches attempt to address service composition by composing single web services from scratch, ignoring reuse of existing compositions or parts of compositions.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11545163_36 fatcat:erz7freohvgnhn6z4onjiltjom

Design of Composable Services [chapter]

George Feuerlicht
2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Service composition methods range from industry standard approaches based on Web Services and BPEL to Semantic Web approaches that rely on AI techniques to automate service discovery and composition.  ...  Service composition research mostly focuses on the dynamic (workflow) aspects of compositions.  ...  Acknowledgements We acknowledge the support of MŠMT ČR in the context of grant GAČR 201-06-0175 "Modification of the model for information management".  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01247-1_3 fatcat:vtcfgloa7vgbrhvpqdaqvgn2xm

Services Mashups: The New Generation of Web Applications

Djamal Benslimane, Schahram Dustdar, Amit Sheth
2008 IEEE Internet Computing  
They also identify some perspectives that could improve mashup tools, such as describing UIs as components that can be reused and inte grated like services.  ...  These standards support the definition of Web services and their advertisement to the potential user community, binding for invocation purposes, and reuse.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mic.2008.110 fatcat:zxs5egcbh5enxovn5c6f5tzqlm

A Min-Conflict Heuristic-Based Web Service Chain Reconfiguration Approach

Haifeng Li, Xiaoxia Yang
2010 Intelligent Information Management  
This benefits the service reuse and then can relieve the time complexity of web service composition and improve web services chain executing stability by reduce service provider load.  ...  Experimental results show that this approach makes significant improvement on the effectiveness of web services composition.  ...  Our approach can relieve time complexity of web service composition and improve web services chain executing stability by reducing service provider load.  ... 
doi:10.4236/iim.2010.210068 fatcat:biiyeeqrsras5a4bvrndmeczpi

Web Service Composition Reuse through Shared Process Fragment Libraries [chapter]

David Schumm, Dimitrios Dentsas, Michael Hahn, Dimka Karastoyanova, Frank Leymann, Mirko Sonntag
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Coarse-grained units of Web service composition logic can be made reusable by capturing it as 'process fragment'.  ...  Such fragments can be shared over the Web to simplify and accelerate development of process-based service compositions.  ...  In this demonstration, we will present a complete and integrated framework, enabling reuse and sharing of Web service compositions over the Web.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31753-8_53 fatcat:eyzgisrs5ffmjahjc7ijc5xedu

Automatic Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Reusing Service Process Fragments

Rong Yang, Bing Li, Zhengli Liu
2021 IEEE Access  
Prevailing research trend is to use Web services for data publishing and sharing among organizations, but existing works often fall short of service reuse.  ...  Services and service process fragments reuse is critical to improve the efficiency of software development and economize on human and material resources, meanwhile Reinforcement Learning (RL) is one commonly  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors deepest gratitude goes to the anonymous reviewers for their careful work and thoughtful suggestions that will help us improve this paper substantially.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3054852 fatcat:zvo75rbamba4hpajhhbqhboo44

Design Web Services: Towards Service Reuse at the Design Level

Wang Chu, Depei Qian
2009 Journal of Computers  
Most researchers focus on the semantic description of Web services and automated composition but pay little attention to how to design Web services for supporting service reuse effectively, thus a substantial  ...  The pattern oriented service design model can improve development productivity by offering a better chance of reuse through better modularity.  ...  Hence, the reliability of service-composition can be improved by checking the correct usage of services.  ... 
doi:10.4304/jcp.4.3.193-200 fatcat:avnsyswdmrdpjcqi24a4rbtxqa

Seven Bottlenecks to Workflow Reuse and Repurposing [chapter]

Antoon Goderis, Ulrike Sattler, Phillip Lord, Carole Goble
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
As more of these workflows are built, scientists start sharing and reusing stand-alone compositions of services, or workflow fragments.  ...  Web of Science.  ...  At an abstract level, fragments can be regarded as composite services, which means some of the formal language machinery being developed for Web-enabled services is still applicable.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11574620_25 fatcat:5zhajofva5d6th63ov5m6jolia

CelOWS: A Service Oriented Architecture to Define, Query and Reuse Biological Models [chapter]

Ely Edison Matos, Fernanda Campos, Regina Braga, Rodrigo Weber, Daniele Palazzi
2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
It aims to improve reuse and composition of existent components and allow semantic validation of new models.  ...  This ontology captures both the structure of a cell model and the properties of functional components. We use this ontology in a Web project -CelOWS -to describe, query and compose CellML models.  ...  The use of the semantic to express the intrinsic model knowledge aims to improve its validation, reuse other models components, automate the processes of models composition and construct Web repositories  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01970-8_8 fatcat:yeeookae65aunbfq4xo4oecwre

An object-oriented approach to GI Web service composition

C. Granell, J.F. Ramos
2004 Proceedings. 15th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2004.  
In this paper we describe a novel approach to the incremental, semi-automated method for composition of web services in a geographical domain.  ...  Based on this concept, we describe an incremental methodology for composition by means of incremental component reuse.  ...  Acknowledgements The work described here has been supported in part by European Union project IST-2001-37724 (ACE-GIS) and by Spain Ministry of Science and Technology grant TIC-2000-1568-C3.  ... 
doi:10.1109/dexa.2004.1333580 dblp:conf/dexaw/GranellR04 fatcat:mbbw3nt76jbvfopzbm4buzfopm

A Service Pipelining Model for Web GIS Based on Distributed Environment

Weng Yu, Cheng WenYi
2012 International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing  
The system build a basic service library to reuse plenty of existing resource, and design a segment system to organize pipeline in level of service to improve efficiency.  ...  His current research interests are cloud computing and Service composition.  ...  This paper is supported by" Construction of a comprehensive database of Development and a information service platform for  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijgdc.2015.8.6.20 fatcat:iuf2bpnb4fa5lm77nj2lwhfsvu

A model-driven approach for reusing service compositions

Carlos Granell, Michael Gould, Dolores María Llidó, Rafael Berlanga
2007 Proceedings of the 2007 Euro American conference on Telematics and information systems - EATIS '07  
However, to meaningfully facilitate scalable development and maintenance of web service applications it is necessary to pay attention to the reuse of not only atomic web services but also existing compositions  ...  In an effort to increase the level of service reusability, we present a model-driven approach providing a more flexible, structured service model to facilitate reuse of existing compositions to create  ...  Introduction Recent advances in the development of web services technology has led to several approaches addressing the common problem of web service composition [13] .  ... 
doi:10.1145/1352694.1352735 dblp:conf/eatis/GranellGLL07 fatcat:xspkc3pavfdyxkpohv3hdcwn2y

Semantically Annotating a Web Service

Kunal Verma, Amit Sheth
2007 IEEE Internet Computing  
Adding Semantics The building blocks of SOA-based solutions are self-describing Web services that can be reused across various applications.  ...  lead to better partner selection and improved dynamic and adaptive capabilities of services and processes.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mic.2007.48 fatcat:2zubu5m3fraqphp5rqfhdghksy

The service creation environment

Niels Joncheere
2007 Proceedings of the 5th workshop on Engineering properties of languages and aspect technologies - SPLAT '07  
Composing web services using current web service composition languages (such as BPEL) requires a large amount of in-depth knowledge.  ...  This paper introduces a service creation environment (SCE), which aims to facilitate web service composition by providing a higher level of abstraction and guiding developers in creating valid compositions  ...  a project which is performed in collaboration with the DistriNet research group of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1233843.1233847 dblp:conf/aosd/Joncheere07 fatcat:qkuip5p6avekxpqhkk62snlf54

Case-Based Planning with User Preferences for Web Service Composition

Yamina Hachemi, Sidi Mohamed Benslimane
2014 International Journal of Web Portals  
To improve the process of web service composition the authors propose a Case-Based Planning (CBP) approach based on preferences which uses successful experiences in past to solve similar problems at present  ...  However, the selection of an appropriate Web service has become a difficult task due to the number of Web services present on the Web and mostly they offer similar functionalities.  ...  Lajmi et al. (2006) presented an approach semi-automated Web Service composition based on CBR technique and the semantic description of Web Services called WeSCo_CBR. But  ... 
doi:10.4018/ijwp.2014100104 fatcat:qbmahjdy7baptepkvgkkusvbfa
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