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Failure Recovery of HLR Mobility Databases and Parameter Optimization for PCS Networks

Yugang Fang, Imrich Chlamtac, Hong-Bing Fei
2000 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing  
Our results can be used to provide design guidelines for active failure restoration of mobility databases in PCS networks. Academic Press  ...  In this paper we analyze the active location update scheme and failure restoration under several different mobile traffic distributions, propose a framework for the performance evaluation of this scheme  ...  SYSTEM PARAMETERS RELATED TO THE HLR MOBILITY DATABASE FAILURE RESTORATION IN PCS NETWORKS In this section, we present the system parameters and notations used in the analysis of the HLR mobility database  ... 
doi:10.1006/jpdc.1999.1615 fatcat:4vsrd364qzcttnpklro7yc7nl4

Analytical results for optimal choice of location update interval for mobility database failure restoration in PCS networks

Yuguang Fang, I. Chlamtac, Hong-Ring Fei
2000 IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems  
This optimal choice of location update period lays the foundation for the adaptive adjustment of the location update period in failure restoration for PCS networks.  ...  In order to minimize the effect of such HLR mobility database failure, a location update scheme called period location updating is proposed, and the cost analysis is performed.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to express their gratitude to the reviewers for their detailed comments which greatly improve the quality of this paper. The work of Yuguang  ... 
doi:10.1109/71.862211 fatcat:qs7ynmyeovhonjk4qg3ygixipu

Restoration scheme of mobility databases by mobility learning and prediction in PCS networks

Joon-Min Gil, Chan Yeol Park, Chong-Sun Hwang, Doo-Soon Park, Jin Gon Shon, Young-Sik Jeong
2001 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications  
His recent research interests include distributed and parallel computing, mobile computing, and hypermedia systems.  ...  The following procedure is performed for the recovery of failed mobility databases.  ...  The MSC has access to the mobility databases in the network. These mobility databases are used to store the location and service information for each registered user in PCS.  ... 
doi:10.1109/49.957311 fatcat:kbjbvqxqanav7lwng6vo5xyny4

Locating objects in mobile computing

E. Pitoura, G. Samaras
2001 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  
AbstractÐIn current distributed systems, the notion of mobility is emerging in many forms and applications.  ...  In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of the various approaches to the problem of storing, querying, and updating the location of objects in mobile computing.  ...  Failure Recovery Database recovery is required after the failure of a location database. In the case of the VLR/HLR, either the VLR, the HLR, or both may be periodically checkpointed.  ... 
doi:10.1109/69.940733 fatcat:yp5edlkfxvbvrop2b726vh4mpm

Recovery in the mobile wireless environment using mobile agents

S. Gadiraju, V. Kumar
2004 IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing  
The mobility of these units makes it tricky to store application log and access it for recovery.  ...  Application recovery in Mobile Database Systems (MDS) is more complex because of an unlimited geographical mobility of mobile units.  ...  , and 3. easy deployment of recovery schemes in the network.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tmc.2004.13 fatcat:yalgssk4mvgvzeh3pmhns7hzja

Applicability of NoSQL Databases to Mobile Networks: Case Home Location Register [chapter]

Rasmus Paivarinta, Yrjo Raivio
2012 Cloud Computing and Services Science  
The home location register (HLR) is benchmarked using IaaS cloud computing platforms and the HBase NoSQL database system.  ...  Cloud computing is slowly reaching mobile networks. Experts have doubts that cloud technologies can guarantee carrier grade service level, but the situation is rapidly changing.  ...  for Science, Technology and Innovation in the Field of ICT, www.tivit.fi).  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-2326-3_12 fatcat:vhe7qqmu5fffnea2h3nhpgbqjy

Distributed Location Databases for Tracking Highly Mobile Objects

E. Pitoura
2001 Computer journal  
The scheme is extended to support concurrency and failure recovery.  ...  For highly mobile objects, a scheme based on forwarding pointers enhanced with auxiliary caching techniques is presented, to reduce the cost of the overall network and database traffic generated by frequent  ...  FUDOS hierarchical location database. We also discuss recovery in the case of site failures and propose solutions to this end.  ... 
doi:10.1093/comjnl/44.2.75 fatcat:6an32usm2nhzlcmw5rlxm2yzqu

Mobile data and transaction management

Sanjay Kumar Madria, Mukesh Mohania, Sourav S. Bhowmick, Bharat Bhargava
2002 Information Sciences  
In this paper, we survey the fundamental research challenges particular to mobile database computing, review some of the proposed solutions and identify some of the upcoming research challenges.  ...  This rapidly expanding technology poses many challenging research problems in the area of mobile database systems.  ...  However, the frequency of most of these failures increases and mobility complicates the recovery. Site failures at MU may be frequent due to limited battery power.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0020-0255(02)00178-0 fatcat:3tgcxd4flfadhbpsgbnydfuu4u

Low-cost communication for rural internet kiosks using mechanical backhaul

A. Seth, D. Kroeker, M. Zaharia, S. Guo, S. Keshav
2006 Proceedings of the 12th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking - MobiCom '06  
These solutions tend to be both expensive and failure prone.  ...  We believe that this architecture not only meets the top-level goals of low cost and robustness, but also exposes fundamental architectural principles necessary for any such design.  ...  We use HIDS between the mobile host and the location registers being updated, with the system parameters of the mobile host's HIBC system piggybacked on the message.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1161089.1161127 dblp:conf/mobicom/SethKZGK06 fatcat:ptrp3q6jsfgrvmedbo6ftjuiry

Attack Determination and its Security Analysis for Personal Communication in VoIP Networks

Dr.K. Venkatachalapathy
2013 IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering  
In Fig. 1 shows a peer-to-peer VoIP network typically consists of a core proxy network and a set of clients that connect to the edge of this proxy network.  ...  Anonymizing VoIP network Attack Determination and its Security Analysis for Personal Communication in VoIP Networks www.iosrjournals.org 2 | Page This paper examines anonymity for QoS sensitive applications  ...  Alone and Head of the Department Prof. N. V. Alone for their valuable guidance and for providing all the necessary facilities, which were indispensable in the completion of this project.  ... 
doi:10.9790/0661-0920109 fatcat:atnqdia7kbhbtghde74ong6qry

SMSSec: An end-to-end protocol for secure SMS

Johnny Li-Chang Lo, Judith Bishop, J.H.P. Eloff
2008 Computers & security  
Short Message Service is usually used to transport unclassified information, but with the rise of mobile commerce it has become an integral tool for conducting business.  ...  However SMS does not guarantee confidentiality and integrity of the message content.  ...  Concurrently, work is underway to determine the feasibility of implementing SMSSec for other mobile device operating systems such as Symbian OS, Pocket PC, Windows Mobile (.NET Compact Framework 2), Qtopia  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cose.2008.05.003 fatcat:wucz52jmrbglbhgdroqby3buje

Fast recovery protocol for database and link failures in mobile networks

G. Krishnamurthi, S. Chessa, A.K. Somani
Proceedings 7th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (Cat. No.98EX226)  
An important issue in the design of future Personal Communication Services ( P C S ) networks is the efficient management of location information. T h e current IS-41 standard P C S architecture uses  ...  An optimal recovery protocol for multiple database failures in a distributed architecture, and protocols to deal with multiple types of failures are open problems. a centralized database, the Home Location  ...  The MSC has access to the location information databases in the network, which are used to store location and service information for each registered mobile of the PCS network.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icccn.1998.998761 dblp:conf/icccn/KrishnamurthiCS98 fatcat:zeewuvauwvdhlnkiz5blmfriji

An active mobility database failure recovery scheme and performance analysis for PCS networks

Yuguang Fang, I. Chlamtac, Hong-Bing Fei
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2000. Conference on Computer Communications. Nineteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (Cat. No.00CH37064)  
Absfracl-In wireless mobile networks, particularly in PCS networks, new calls to a portable may be lost due to the incorrect location information in the mobility database, which leads to an database failure  ...  Our results provide a general framework for evaluating active database failure recovery schemes in wireless networks.  ...  INTRODUCTION OBILITY databases (HLR and VLR) in PCS networks M and future wireless networks are used to efficiently locate the mobile users for service delivery, when such databases fail to provide the  ... 
doi:10.1109/infcom.2000.832250 dblp:conf/infocom/FangCF00 fatcat:mqyvseapcnhoxa572eq65h2djy

Research Direction for Developing an Infrastructure for Mobile & Wireless Systems: Consensus Report of the NSF Workshop Held on October 15, 2001 in Scottsdale, Arizona [chapter]

Birgitta König-Ries, Kia Makki, S.A.M. Makki, Charles E. Perkins, Niki Pissinou, Peter Reiher, Peter Scheuermann, Jari Veijalainen, Alexander Wolf, Ouri Wolfson
2002 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Infrastructure defines a set of assumptions that application developers can make about the components and behaviors of a wireless mobile network (It defines the minimum requirement for the establishment  ...  Thus, while the infrastructure should handle increased power of mobile devices and wireless networks, disparities in relative power between mobile and non-mobile components, and between wireless and wired  ...  Because wireless links and terminals tend to be slower than PC-level terminals accessed through a wired network, this parameter should be larger for connections using wireless links and terminals.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-36257-6_1 fatcat:pfj5sa4ahzbv3gso3ex4ajerl4

The Design and Analysis of Virtual Network Configuration for a Wireless Mobile ATM Network [article]

Stephen F. Bush
1999 arXiv   pre-print
This research includes an analysis of VNC and suggestions for optimization of the VNC algorithm and its parameters.  ...  The Global Positioning System is an enabling technology for the use of VNC in mobile networks because it provides location information and accurate time for each node.  ...  This research includes an analysis of Virtual Network Configuration and suggestions for optimization of the Virtual Network Configuration algorithm and its parameters.  ... 
arXiv:cs/9905006v1 fatcat:d2yhz5eb65ehppdckzevreqdsm
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