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530 Hits in 4.1 sec

Adaptive Edge and Fog Computing Paradigm for Wide Area Video and Audio Surveillance

Ioannis Ledakis, Thanassis Bouras, George Kioumourtzis, Michalis Skitsas
2018 Zenodo  
In this paper, we describe a novel, adaptive architecture and that builds on top of a distributed computing paradigm and is ideal for smart surveillance systems that can utilize resources at cloud, fog  ...  Edge computing is realized by a camera embedded system, cloud computing with the usage of public accessible infrastructure for data processing and fog computing for the processing and data fusion of video  ...  The evolution of serverless computing is reinforced by the continuous advances in container-based technology together with the consolidation of cloud computing platforms [4] .  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2359817 fatcat:irvnfqycdvd5tfb7svm4k3wy7m

Roles & Challenges of Edge Computing in Internet of Things (IoT) Devices

2021 International Journal of Mechanical Engineering  
Here in this paper we had conducted a broad review of Edge Computing & in what way Edge device assignment marks healthier presentation in IOT n/w's & we have made a proportional learning of dissimilar  ...  By stirring computing volume to the network's edge, edge-computing decreases the dispensation & transmission stress on cloud computing centers however concurrently dipping the time it takes for consumers  ...  A Cloud-let stands "data center in a container" that make virtual mechanism proficient of distributing resources in actual time through a wireless LAN n/w to end devices & users.  ... 
doi:10.56452/2021sp-8-015 fatcat:e2gl52a2l5c75k3fu4owqlkshm

Prestocloud: Proactive Cloud Resources Management At The Edge For Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing

Yiannis Verginadis, Iyad Alshabani, Gregoris Mentzas, Nenad Stojanovic
2017 Zenodo  
Among the greatest challenges of cloud computing is to automatically and efficiently exploit infrastructural resources in a way that minimises cloud fees without compromising the performance of resource  ...  In particular, PrEstoCloud aims to combine real-time Big Data, mobile processing and cloud computing research in a unique way that entails proactiveness of cloud resources use and extension of the fog  ...  (e.g. smartphones), orchestrated in a controlled way with the rest of cloud resources.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1133307 fatcat:c4frsg4tmfhgjefobwblr64fnu

5G Applications in Heterogeneous Network Issues and Challenges

Alumona Theophilus Leonard, Osakwe Anthony Nnamdi, Ozioko Emmanuel Chiemezie, Ifesi Emmanuel Obinna, Ezeonyi Nnaemeka Uchenna
2020 International journal of computer science and mobile computing  
This paper x rays an overall overview of 5G mobile communication technology and its application in a heterogeneous network. 5G ( 5 th generation of mobile network technology) is a trade of from 4GLTE,  ...  resources [21] .  ...  capabilities and may act as a relay/ hub or a computing/ storage resource, depending on the context.  ... 
doi:10.47760/ijcsmc.2020.v09i09.010 fatcat:3pbgj6czabf3divfsitc7zcc3u

Unmanned aerial vehicle for internet of everything: Opportunities and challenges

Yalin Liu, Hong-Ning Dai, Qubeijian Wang, Mahendra K. Shukla, Muhammad Imran
2020 Computer Communications  
This article presents a comprehensive survey on opportunities and challenges of UAV-enabled IoE.  ...  However, the IoE realization meets critical challenges including the restricted network coverage and the limited resource of existing network technologies.  ...  It is a necessity to orchestrate various computing resources and schedule different computing tasks at local side, edge side, and cloud side in order to enable a ubiquitous computing capability On top  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2020.03.017 fatcat:jfzpmaarlbgkrmmh4edx72b6om

Load Balancing using Docker and Kubernetes: A Comparative Study

2020 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
This paper presents a study on the latest methods which are being implemented to perform effective load balancing on containers.  ...  Still in its early years, containers are increasingly being used in production environments.  ...  A Scheduling Strategy on Load Balancing of Virtual Machine Resources in Cloud Computing Environment [6] introduces a new scheduling strategy on load balancing of VM resources based on a genetic algorithm  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijrte.b3938.079220 fatcat:a3ycckuwfnhq5emhsw5xwbdwue

5GZORRO_D6.4: Initial Market and Business Opportunities Analysis

César Rodríguez Diego López
2021 Zenodo  
•Smart contracts based on the above data to mediate the business relationships in these scenarios. •Trusted execution environments to support the above and enhance network security in general.  ...  The report is structured around the business opportunities derived from the scenarios and use cases identified in D2.1, and it covers three main technology axes of the project consolidated as the ones  ...  at the edge (Edge Computing).  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5608445 fatcat:wecgpw4h3fdpdg73l2oexlutzy

Swim: A Runtime for Distributed Event-Driven Applications [article]

Chris Sachs, Ajay Govindarajan, Simon Crosby
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Streaming actors are vertices in the dataflow graph that concurrently analyze new events and modify their states. A link is an edge in the graph and is a URI binding to an actor's streaming API.  ...  Swim applications are tiny, robust and resource efficient, and remain effortlessly in-sync with the real-world, analyzing, learning, and predicting on-the-fly.  ...  machine resources, and multi-cloud/edge applications are deployed in VMs or containers [16] on an abstraction like Kubernetes [17] . • Moreover, both Swim and its applications may need to span machines  ... 
arXiv:2205.10458v1 fatcat:5li5zmxdafef7gk5camscmvqee

Unsupervised Data Splitting Scheme for Federated Edge Learning in IoT Networks [article]

Boubakr Nour, Soumaya Cherkaoui
2022 arXiv   pre-print
To tackle this issue, we propose a data-driven federated edge learning scheme that tends to select suitable participating nodes based on quality data and energy.  ...  Federated Edge Learning (FEEL) is a promising distributed learning technique that aims to train a shared global model while reducing communication costs and promoting users' privacy.  ...  Thereafter, the edge server selects a subset of nodes to participate in the training based on their similarity score and communication/computation energy.  ... 
arXiv:2203.04376v1 fatcat:npjtzcku5fcyddlv7ujbrocy4u

Capillary networks - bridging the cellular and IoT worlds

Oscar Novo, Nicklas Beijar, Mert Ocak, Jimmy Kjallman, Miika Komu, Tero Kauppinen
2015 2015 IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT)  
The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a new revolutionary era of computing technology that enables a wide variety of devices to interoperate through the existing Internet infrastructure.  ...  The potential of this era is boundless, bringing in new communication opportunities in which ubiquitous devices blend seamlessly with the environment and embrace every aspect of our lives.  ...  This work was partly carried in the IoT SRA program of Tivit (Finnish Strategic Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation in the field of ICT), funded by Tekes.  ... 
doi:10.1109/wf-iot.2015.7389117 dblp:conf/wf-iot/NovoBOKKK15 fatcat:4v7rrhwg7beyzlfqj6c2ydw3mu

An Ensemble Stacked four Layered Architectures for Image Retrieval

2020 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
This paper suggests the benefit of the image retrieval system based on content as well as innovative technologies.  ...  They address the similarity tests depending on which games are made and images are retrieved for a short time.  ...  The first is based on manually performed handwritten data by a person. This is called indexing of objects based on idea or text.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijrte.e5053.018520 fatcat:osvxrsc3czcqpoejd5bfrczeuy

Machine Learning for Physical Layer in 5G and beyond Wireless Networks: A Survey

Jawad Tanveer, Amir Haider, Rashid Ali, Ajung Kim
2021 Electronics  
In this context, we provide a comprehensive survey on 5G technologies that emphasize machine learning-based solutions to cope with existing and future challenges.  ...  Fifth-generation (5G) technology will play a vital role in future wireless networks.  ...  methods for how resources are to be orchestrated [356] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics11010121 fatcat:ho7yyefbm5gf3bz3t2h3cxqtjq

Integration of Blockchain and Cloud of Things: Architecture, Applications and Challenges [article]

Dinh C Nguyen, Pubudu N Pathirana, Ming Ding, Aruna Seneviratne
2019 arXiv   pre-print
One of them is Cloud of Things enabled by the corporation of Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT).  ...  up with the latest technologies in this fast-growing field.  ...  The work [149] introduces an optimal computing resource allocation based on an auction scheme for edge-cloud-enabled IoT in the blockchain network.  ... 
arXiv:1908.09058v1 fatcat:ik4s66nxifhthgm3gj3rrbgbey

Integrating Leading-Edge Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Big Data Technologies for Smart and Sustainable Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry: Challenges and Future Directions

Nitin Liladhar Rane
2023 International Journal of Data Science and Big Data Analytics  
It focuses on the crucial roles played by IoT technology, advanced computing models, and big data technology.  ...  This research delves into the challenges and future directions associated with seamlessly integrating these cutting-edge technologies in the AEC sector.  ...  Bias and Fairness AI algorithms are often trained on historical data, which may contain biases.  ... 
doi:10.51483/ijdsbda.3.2.2023.73-95 fatcat:hwb6opqvwbfetc2znqftdphnam

Research Analysis of Big Data and Cloud Computing with Emerging Impact of Testing

R K. Bathla, Suseendran G, Shallu .
2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology  
In any case, Big Data is still in its outset arrange, and the space has not been checked on all in all. Distributed computing has opened up new open doors for testing offices.  ...  In the advanced and figuring world, all together is created and gathered at a rate that quickly surpasses the limit go.  ...  Testing a Saas in a Cloud It reassures the quality of a SaaS in a cloud based on it functional and non-functional service requirements. [21] B .  ... 
doi:10.14419/ijet.v7i3.27.17885 fatcat:tjzstzsmabcbfhmw4j2pfqifli
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