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Methodologies Used in Remote Sensing Data Analysis and Remote Sensors for Precision Agriculture

Sigfredo Fuentes, Jiyul Chang
2022 Sensors  
When adopting remote sensing techniques in precision agriculture, there are two main areas to consider: data acquisition and data analysis methodologies [...]  ...  Data Availability Statement: Not applicable. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ...  When adopting remote sensing techniques in precision agriculture, there are two main areas to consider: data acquisition and data analysis methodologies.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s22207898 fatcat:3rcelz2lr5hztpcrqy63cgxcsu

A Survey on Farmland Crop Information Acquisition [chapter]

Danqin Yi, Haiyan Ji
2014 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
In this paper, on the basis of introducing the characteristics of farmland crop data, different farmland crop information acquisition methods are surveyed in detail, sections need to be improved of these  ...  The farmland crop information is the important foundation of developing fine agricultural practice.  ...  GSM and GPRS, based on mobile communication network, can achieve remote agricultural information acquisition and monitoring.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-54344-9_26 fatcat:pic4iqgrxvbgnioikj5o6etggy


P. Reidelstürz, L. Schrenk, W. Littmann
2012 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
Figure 1 : 1 UAV with exchangeable payload module for data acquisition in precision farming, forestry and geoinformation -------------------------  ...  data aquisition needed for the realization of precision farming strategies.  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-xxxviii-1-c22-295-2011 fatcat:kvtqzdnvwrdojdngdbyujwolvq

Precision Viticulture: The Merging of an old Concept with New Technologies

Youssef El Rayess Marc El, Beyrouthy Desiree El Azzi
2015 Advances in Crop Science and Technology  
Monitoring technologies for the acquisition of information within the vineyard are divided into 3 parts: the geolocation, the remote sensing, the proximal sensing and the variable-rate technology.  ...  The concept of precision viticulture or precision agriculture in viticulture goes back to the late 90's [1] .  ...  Monitoring technologies for the acquisition of information within the vineyard are divided into 3 parts: the geolocation, the remote sensing, the proximal sensing and the variable-rate technology.  ... 
doi:10.4172/2329-8863.1000e132 fatcat:j4fwva4acrgina5yvi72f664ky

Using Remote Sensing for Agricultural Statistics

Elisabetta Carfagna, F. Javier Gallego
2006 International Statistical Review  
The use of remote sensing images at the design level For agricultural estimates, an efficient and low cost stratification is based on percentages of agriculture, often derived from photo-interpretation  ...  Possible ways of using remote sensing data for agricultural statistics Remote sensing plays an important role as auxiliary variable in the production of agricultural statistics, when area frame or multiple  ...  On présente aussi l'utilisation de la télédétection pour optimiser une base d'échantillonnage en absence d'enquête préalable..  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1751-5823.2005.tb00155.x fatcat:yprd6k7mznf7pokdu2iqcptfla

Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems for Precision Agriculture: A Review

C. Sangeetha, Vishnu Moond, Rajesh G. M., Jamu Singh Damor, Shivam Kumar Pandey, Pradeep Kumar, Barinderjit Singh
2024 International Journal of Environment and Climate Change  
Remote sensing and GIS provide an integral platform for variable rate technologies, predictive modelling, and data-driven decision-making for precision agriculture.  ...  This review paper examines current applications and future directions of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) for precision agriculture.  ...  REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUES FOR PRECISION AGRICULTURE Remote sensing for precision agriculture relies on different platforms and sensors to collect key information about crop and soil status at different  ... 
doi:10.9734/ijecc/2024/v14i23945 fatcat:oehmiyeoqjd2pdx2ia2hpxuea4

Current Status And Future Trends Of Precision Agricultural Aviation Technologies

Y Lan, C Shengde, B K Fritz
2017 Zenodo  
This paper reviews and summarizes the state-of-the-art in precision agricultural aviation technology highlighting remote sensing, aerial spraying and ground verification technologies.  ...  , variable-rate spraying, multi-sensor data fusion and RTK differential positioning, and other supporting technologies for UAV-based aerial spraying.  ...  Remote sensing technologies for PAA The rapid acquisition and analysis of crop information is a prerequisite, and forms the basis, for carrying out precision agricultural practices proving the key to breaking  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.998940 fatcat:mkx5zhi4fvchhdpwpj5c6mkowi

Precision Fertilization and Irrigation: Progress and Applications

Yue Lu, Mingzheng Liu, Changhe Li, Xiaochu Liu, Chengmao Cao, Xinping Li, Za Kan
2022 AgriEngineering  
This study proposes several suggestions and ideas based on the research status and progress of the three key systems to provide a theoretical basis and technical support for the research and development  ...  Precision agriculture emerged at the historic moment to solve the current problems.  ...  of remote sensing information in agricultural information acquisition [38] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/agriengineering4030041 fatcat:ow6esntcbbgcvo474rkyc3aaoq


W. Xie, Y. Xue, L. Zhai, H. Sang
2013 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
of different kinds of remote sensing when applied on agriculture respectively, and then discussed the solution on different platform based remote sensing image and data fusion.  ...  Remote sensing technology is playing a key role on precision agriculture.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This paper was funded by the projects of China National Science Foundation (NSF) under contract number NSF 41001299, and NSF 41271395.  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-xl-7-w1-189-2013 fatcat:kjraebbhsnhmxiomc6z2hqonpi

Geoinformatics in Agricultural Development: Challenges and Prospects in Nigeria

Momoh Lawal Rilwani, Julius Ogheneruemusua Gbakeji
2009 Journal of Social Sciences  
The paper reviews agricultural development in Nigeria, in the context of the emerging technologies of Geoinformatics, specifically Remote Sensing, Geographic Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning  ...  It expounded on the principles of Geoinformatics and their relevance in agricultural development.  ...  Remote sensing techniques play a pivotal role in precision farming by providing continuous data on spatial and temporal variability in agricultural fields.  ... 
doi:10.1080/09718923.2009.11892750 fatcat:s77vhetw4fgclf34cuw3m4k2p4

Implementation of Remote Sensing and GPS in Agriculture Sector

Dr. H. K. Shivanand
2021 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
This paper analyzes on the application of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) in the field of precision agriculture.  ...  Precision Agriculture ensures safe, sustainable and modernized form of agriculture which helps the cultivators, analysts, and researches to study the farming in a wider perspective.  ...  ), computer modeling, ground based/airborne/satellite remote sensing, variable rate technology and advanced information processing for timely in-season and between season crop management.  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2021.32807 fatcat:asorgxpzenb43fzyc6o4wr6eou

Intercomparison of ADC-Lite Images on UAV and TM Simulation Data for Soybean Leaf Area Index Retrieval

Qi Zhang, Zhongbin Su, Guijun Yang, Minghui Wang, Weizheng Shen, Xiaowei Teng, Jinhui Dong
2016 International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology  
Since the ADC-Lite has different spatial scales with TM, this paper used TM simulation data transformed by ground truth ASD data, constructed LAI inversion model by empirical model based on two sensors  ...  This is anticipated to have tremendous implications that ADC-Lite can be made supplement for existing satellites, aerial and ground sensing, provide important information for Crop condition monitoring  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from the Key  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijhit.2016.9.7.15 fatcat:wszkxetv3bhk7gpzent2pfyxsq

A Feasibility Study on Applying Remotely Sensed data for Agricultural Management in Beyza Land

S. AbbasMontaseri, Reza Javidan
2014 International Journal of Computer Applications  
The simulation results based on prototype data and previous studies showed the effectiveness of the proposed model.  ...  In this paper a feasibility study is carried out for using remote sensing images for managing agricultural resources in the area of Beyza, a land in Fars province in Iran.  ...  Remote sensing techniques allow non-destructive acquisition of information about the Earth's surface and they may assist the implementation of precision agriculture.  ... 
doi:10.5120/17390-7932 fatcat:ttnmoc747zaxhjmv26obikhonq

Remote Sensing, Geophysics, and Modeling to Support Precision Agriculture—Part 2: Irrigation Management

Arya Pradipta, Pantelis Soupios, Nektarios Kourgialas, Maria Doula, Zoi Dokou, Mohammad Makkawi, Mohammed Alfarhan, Bassam Tawabini, Panagiotis Kirmizakis, Mohamed Yassin
2022 Water  
Remote sensing can provide lateral distribution information for areas of interest from the regional scale to the farm scale, while geophysics can investigate non-invasively the sub-surface soil (vertically  ...  Likewise, agro-hydrological modelling can overcome the insufficient on-farm physicochemical dataset which is spatially and temporally required for precision agriculture in the context of irrigation water  ...  Future advancements are expected to improve data processing techniques and reduce the acquisition cost; thus, the more significant benefits of remote sensing, geophysics and modeling for agricultural applications  ... 
doi:10.3390/w14071157 fatcat:dygz7e6m3jgavhltctznhe5dzq

Design and Realization of Greenhouse Sensor Intelligent Management System Based on Internet of Things

Juanjuan Li
2017 International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE)  
The performance of the system is tested in the laboratory. The test items include remote monitoring effect, information acquisition precision and system overall coordination.  ...  The structure of the three layers of the sensing layer, transmission layer and application layer is analyzed, and the greenhouse sensor intelligent management system based on Internet of Things is designed  ...  We also research the facility agriculture remote intelligent information monitoring system based on Internet of Things, which can be used for farmland, fruit trees and other open-air large-scale agricultural  ... 
doi:10.3991/ijoe.v13i05.7051 fatcat:bww7pcofobfojbbo4plitx6w6a
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