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68 Hits in 6.1 sec

Online Auctions in IaaS Clouds: Welfare and Profit Maximization With Server Costs

Xiaoxi Zhang, Zhiyi Huang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C. M. Lau
2017 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking  
works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.; This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives  ...  Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective  ...  ONLINE AUCTIONS FOR SOCIAL WELFARE AND PROFIT MAXIMIZATION In this section, we focus on the case of superlinear server cost functions, i.e., h rsk > 0 and β rsk > 0 in (2) , and design online auctions  ... 
doi:10.1109/tnet.2016.2619743 fatcat:2geiew7ls5bhhoh4ner7aeusem

Online Auctions in IaaS Clouds

Xiaoxi Zhang, Zhiyi Huang, Chuan Wu, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems - SIGMETRICS '15  
We design truthful, polynomial time auctions to achieve social welfare maximization and/or the provider's profit maximization with good competitive ratios.  ...  Our mechanisms consist of two main modules: (1) an online primal-dual optimization framework for VM allocation to maximize the social welfare with server costs, and for revealing the payments through the  ...  welfare maximization and cloud provider's profit maximization.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2745844.2745855 dblp:conf/sigmetrics/ZhangHWLL15 fatcat:qhkfurngvzgofnrkkdk4zxsk7y

Truthful online double auction based dynamic resource provisioning for multi-objective trade-offs in IaaS clouds

Yashwant Singh Patel, Zahra Malwi, Animesh Nighojkar, Rajiv Misra
2021 Cluster Computing  
This paper proposes a more realistic scenario of online auctioning for IaaS clouds, with the unique characteristics of elasticity for time-varying arrival of cloud user requests under the time-based server  ...  Auction designs have recently been adopted for static and dynamic resource provisioning in IaaS clouds, such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon EC2.  ...  OTDAM presents a more realistic case of the online double auction for IaaS clouds, with the unique characteristics of revenue maximization, energy cost minimization while performance is maintained.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10586-020-03225-9 pmid:33456318 pmcid:PMC7799171 fatcat:6f2mgmfxojhzplaf5k4j3zvh64

Federated Private Clouds via Broker's Marketplace: A Stackelberg-Game Perspective

Xuanjia Qiu, Chuan Wu, Hongxing Li, Zongpeng Li, Francis C.M. Lau
2014 2014 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing  
of both the broker and the private clouds are maximized.  ...  By combining with the Stackelberg game model we design online algorithms for the broker to set the prices and schedule jobs on the private clouds, and for the private cloud to decide the numbers of VMs  ...  Individual Profit and Social Welfare In Fig. 2 we compare the aggregate profit of the broker and the private clouds obtained by the online algorithms in Sec. V-A and Sec.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cloud.2014.48 dblp:conf/IEEEcloud/QiuWLLL14 fatcat:qr5twfbgjnevpj3xrj6sz4p2ii

An Auction Mechanism for Cloud Spot Markets

Adel Nadjaran Toosi, Kurt Vanmechelen, Farzad Khodadadi, Rajkumar Buyya
2016 ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems  
In this article, we propose the Online Extended Consensus Revenue Estimate mechanism in the setting of a recurrent, multiunit and single price auction for IaaS cloud resources.  ...  Dynamic forms of resource pricing have recently been introduced by cloud providers that offer Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) capabilities in order to maximize profits and balance resource supply and  ...  Recently, Zhang et al. [2014] studied combinatorial auctions of heterogeneous VMs. They focused on social welfare maximization, whereas we aim at profit maximization for the cloud provider.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2843945 fatcat:goj56sayqranvgwsjs6w2jwzi4

Online Auction using Cloud Computing with Secure Mechanism

We target cloud work trades that executes in an online way, continues running in polynomial time, gives trustworthiness guarantee, and achieves perfect social welfare for the cloud condition and usage  ...  At long last, we make profitable social welfare surmise figurings using the incredible base twofold framework reliant on both LP duals and Eschol duals.  ...  The most timely VM trades are fundamental in that they are one-round closeouts and acknowledge Online Auction using Cloud Computing with Secure Mechanism that the cloud game plans a singular kind of  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.f1043.0486s419 fatcat:usi76ohuwfaljornlh7ucn5w7a

A cloud priority-based dynamic online double auction mechanism (PB-DODAM)

S. M. Reza Dibaj, Ali Miri, SeyedAkbar Mostafavi
2020 Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications  
In this paper, we propose a cloud priority-based dynamic online double auction mechanism (PB-DODAM), which is aligned with the dynamic nature of cloud supply and demand and the agents' time constraints  ...  Based on experimental results in different scenarios, the proposed mechanism outperforms the classical price-based online double auctions in terms of resource allocation efficiency and traders' profits  ...  Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Nadia Mokhireva and Chloe Grove for their professional help on the original version of this document that greatly assisted the research  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13677-020-00213-7 fatcat:4ighohjpuvcqjmmmwr374ur75m

A Comprehensive Survey on Auction Mechanism Design for Cloud/Edge Resource Management and Pricing

Nafiseh Sharghivand, Farnaz Derakhshan, Nazli Siasi
2021 IEEE Access  
auctions, (3) the number and types of adopted attributes in winner determination-multi-attribute auctions, (4) the setting of auction-offline, online, or sequential auctions, and (5) the interoperability  ...  For each aspect, existing studies are summarized along with their saliencies and drawbacks.  ...  an online auction mechanism in a cloud spot market, maximizing the cloud provider's profit • Dynamically calculates reserve prices based on data center power usage effectiveness and electricity costs  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3110914 fatcat:kxuk4olotfcqhkowkzkqv3ns54

Resource Management in Cloud Networking Using Economic Analysis and Pricing Models: A Survey [article]

Nguyen Cong Luong, Ping Wang, Dusit Niyato, Wen Yonggang, Zhu Han
2017 arXiv   pre-print
To achieve sustainable profit advantage, cost reduction, and flexibility in provisioning of cloud resources, resource management in cloud networking requires adaptive and robust designs to address many  ...  Economic and pricing models have received a lot of attention as they can lead to desirable performance in terms of social welfare, fairness, truthfulness, profit, user satisfaction, and resource utilization  ...  receive a penalty cost if the cloud provider rejects the buyers' resource demands Social welfare maximization Nash equilibrium [63] Profit maximization Cloud providers Users Resource  ... 
arXiv:1701.01963v1 fatcat:2di22jgefvc2dpkkwpzer4racm

A Competition-based Pricing Strategy in Cloud Markets using Regret Minimization Techniques [article]

S.Ghasemi, M.R.Meybodi, M.Dehghan, A.M.Rahmani
2023 arXiv   pre-print
The experimental results show much more increase in profits of the providers in comparison with other pricing policies.  ...  Moreover, return on investment of providers in considered organizations is studied and promising results appeared.  ...  For both private Cloud and public Cloud, maximizing social welfare is more relevant than maximizing a provider revenue.  ... 
arXiv:2309.11312v1 fatcat:wzj4ryy7pnhztec3qmyjwakoje

Pricing schemes in cloud computing:a review

Aishwarya Soni, Muzammil Hasan
2017 International Journal of Advanced Computer Research  
Setting of cost of the services is very flexible because prices are varying with respect to time. It allows maximizing revenue or profit. It adjusts the price with perspective of cost and time.  ...  Pay per use for used among IaaS and PaaS and the subscription is usually offered for SaaS and IaaS services in the cloud.  ... 
doi:10.19101/ijacr.2017.729001 fatcat:drf2nfbhxbfc7ijhwtwtoshpfy

Optimal Allocation of IaaS Cloud Resources through Enhanced Moth Flame Optimization (EMFO) Algorithm

Srinivasan Thiruvenkadam, Hyung-Jin Kim, In-Ho Ra
2022 Electronics  
In many cases, cloud providers (CPs) charge utility customers who have registered their premises with the utility registration authorities.  ...  A new generation of computing resources is available to customers via IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS administrations, making cloud computing the most significant innovation in recent history for the general public  ...  For social welfare maximization, they looked at server energy cost reduction and discovered a crucial characteristic of the objective function, submodularity.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics11071095 fatcat:oze3gpdubfa7zpkfs3cs6ojbbe

Optimized Contract-based Model for Resource Allocation in Federated Geo-distributed Clouds

Jinlai Xu, Balaji Palanisamy
2018 IEEE Transactions on Services Computing  
In the era of Big Data, with data growing massively in scale and velocity, cloud computing and its pay-as-you-go model continues to provide significant cost benefits and a seamless service delivery model  ...  inefficiencies in local resource allocation for individual datacenters and individual cloud provi ders leading to unfairness in their revenue and profit earned.  ...  In [8] , Li et al. proposed a model which makes it possible for one Cloud Federation to consider both the workload and the electricity price and maximize the profit through an auction mechanism.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsc.2018.2797910 fatcat:mjru4iony5hbbjdw4o3yhpxkci

A Preference-based Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Systems

Narander Kumar, Swati Saxena
2015 Procedia Computer Science  
A comparison is drawn between the proposed allocation technique and the famous off-line VCG auction mechanism and results show a performance benefit in revenues to service provider, payments of cloud users  ...  The 'Pay-as-per-use' model of cloud computing requires a user to rent cloud resources or services for a period of time and make payment accordingly.  ...  Most of the work related to resource distribution in cloud computing favors an online truthful auction mechanism with the aim of either maximizing service provider's revenue or minimizing their operational  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2015.07.375 fatcat:n5reduj33bgczf7qwmojuwx4wm

Cooperative game-based distributed resource allocation in horizontal dynamic cloud federation platform

Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, M. Shamim Hossain, A. M. Jehad Sarkar, Eui-Nam Huh
2012 Information Systems Frontiers  
Distributed resource allocation is a very important and complex problem in emerging horizontal dynamic cloud federation (HDCF) platforms, where different cloud providers (CPs) collaborate dynamically to  ...  We study two utility maximizing cooperative resource allocation games in a HDCF environment.  ...  It has been reported (Amit and Xia 2011) that for a typical CP, as the total number of servers in the house doubles, the marginal cost of deploying and maintaining each server decreases 10-25%, thus the  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10796-012-9357-x fatcat:l2hy3ukgdbawtb75myhyidok5i
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