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509 Hits in 6.1 sec

Simulation of patient flow in multiple healthcare units using process and data mining techniques for model identification

Sergey V. Kovalchuk, Anastasia A. Funkner, Oleg G. Metsker, Aleksey N. Yakovlev
2018 Journal of Biomedical Informatics  
The performed analysis of EHRs for ACS patients enable identification of several classes of clinical pathways (CPs) which were used to implement a more realistic simulation of the patient flow.  ...  Methods: Combination of data, text, and process mining techniques and machine learning approaches for analysis of electronic health records (EHRs) with discrete-event simulation (DES) and queueing theory  ...  The last step of identification of typical pathways for detected clusters is to form a flow with alignment sequences.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2018.05.004 pmid:29753874 fatcat:zqacd57aq5ctxfjup7lq7jfj5a

Text Mining for Precision Medicine: Bringing Structure to EHRs and Biomedical Literature to Understand Genes and Health [chapter]

Michael Simmons, Ayush Singhal, Zhiyong Lu
2016 Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology  
from EHR-derived cohorts, and pharmacogenomic research.  ...  The second addresses mining EHRs for the purpose of cohort identification.  ...  Clinical Trial Recruitment Another application of text mining for phenotype definition from EHRs is automated clinical trial eligibility screening.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-981-10-1503-8_7 pmid:27807747 pmcid:PMC5931382 fatcat:z2zsqbzyyzd33ikrt5a4qavuqe

Visual Analytics for Electronic Health Records: A Review

Neda Rostamzadeh, Sheikh S. Abdullah, Kamran Sedig
2021 Informatics  
Despite the growing demand for adopting EHRs, the large amount of clinical data has made some analytical and cognitive processes more challenging.  ...  The increasing use of electronic health record (EHR)-based systems has led to the generation of clinical data at an unprecedented rate, which produces an untapped resource for healthcare experts to improve  ...  The system provides an overview of the frequent patterns that are mined from patient event sequences.  ... 
doi:10.3390/informatics8010012 fatcat:2ys5kn6esrfv7gim4ygkcteewq

Clinical Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence: Recent Research Trends

Carlo Combi, Giuseppe Pozzi
2019 IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics  
Objectives: This survey aims at reviewing the literature related to Clinical Information Systems (CIS), Hospital Information Systems (HIS), Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, and how collected data  ...  Results: We defined a taxonomy of major features and research areas of CIS, HIS, EHR systems. We also defined a taxonomy for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques on healthcare data.  ...  As for data mining and care-pathway applications and for EHR data re-use, the increasing exploitation of EHRs will facilitate population-based clinical research, and, among other benefits, will enhance  ... 
doi:10.1055/s-0039-1677915 pmid:31419820 pmcid:PMC6697548 fatcat:sp2t45gr2fauhg5tzwq3c2izki

Process Mining of Disease Trajectories: A Feasibility Study

Guntur Kusuma, Samantha Sykes, Ciarán McInerney, Owen Johnson
2020 Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies  
Process mining provides a set of well-established tools and techniques that have been used to mine electronic health record data to understand healthcare care pathways.  ...  In this paper we explore the feasibility for using a process mining methodology and toolset to automate the identification of disease trajectory models.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is part of the first author's PhD study funded by the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP). The research was supported by  ... 
doi:10.5220/0009166607050712 dblp:conf/biostec/KusumaSMJ20 fatcat:ufejiuzp6vg5lk76jz6xjcx5qa


S.Yamuna Rani, Sumagna Patnaik
2022 International Journal of Engineering Technology and Management Sciences  
to specific sequences (i.e. trace).  ...  We demonstrate that when process discovery software can detect an insufficient process model from an event log that is lower level.  ...  These EHR systems were created from paper-based notes taken by physicians.  ... 
doi:10.46647/ijetms.2022.v06i04.082 fatcat:up6k4pmvwbd43cwqpelhc4ztze

Signal from the Noise: A Mixed Methods Process Mining Approach to Evaluate Care Pathways [article]

Christian Rose, Morteza Noshad, Jonathan Chen
2021 medRxiv   pre-print
Results Our automatically generated process mining graph, specifically its most common path, mimicked our institution-recommended code stroke clinical pathway.  ...  Materials Data was obtained from the event log of a major EHR vendor (Epic) for Stanford Health Care Hospital patients aged 18 years and older presenting to the ED from January 1, 2010 through December  ...  Given this cohort, data may be extracted or filtered from the EHR event log for their corresponding clinical encounters.  ... 
doi:10.1101/2021.11.08.21266066 fatcat:mjddmrzsxfcp7f6w3owk4oiooy

Patient Similarity Analysis with Longitudinal Health Data [article]

Ahmed Allam, Matthias Dittberner, Anna Sintsova, Dominique Brodbeck, Michael Krauthammer
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the tools and methods that are used in patient similarity analysis with longitudinal data and discuss its potential for improving clinical decision  ...  The assignment of patient journeys to specific clusters may in turn serve as the basis for personalized outcome prediction and treatment selection.  ...  Then for every group a first order HMM was trained to infer most probable clinical pathways given sequences of multiple laboratory tests observations and other patients characteristics.  ... 
arXiv:2005.06630v1 fatcat:7u5pj6uqyvgelpj4iwkqwf3e5y

Visual analytics for evaluating clinical pathways

Humberto S. Garcia Caballero, Alberto Corvo, Prabhakar M. Dixit, Michel A. Westenberg
2017 2017 IEEE Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC)  
Besides the Electronic Health Records (EHRs), the event logs from Hospital Information Systems (HIS) are a very efficient source of information, from both operational and clinical point of view.  ...  Process mining allows comparison of a patient care pathway with the event log(s) from HIS, to understand how well the reality as depicted in the event log fits the expectation as modeled using a care pathway  ...  Process discovery, as the name suggests, discovers a process (care pathway) model from any event log, which is typically derived from HIS or EHRs in a healthcare setting.  ... 
doi:10.1109/vahc.2017.8387499 dblp:conf/vahc/CaballeroCDW17 fatcat:sxdcblgcszaazdbfsezr7oi5lm

Process mining in oncology using the MIMIC-III dataset

Angelina Prima Kurniati, Geoff Hall, David Hogg, Owen Johnson
2018 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
for process mining.  ...  Our research applied the L* lifecycle method to provide a worked example showing how process mining can be used to analyse cancer pathways.  ...  This is also a part of a PhD study funded by the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP).  ... 
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/971/1/012008 fatcat:p6dvpkplz5gsbpdiro26stcblu

MatrixFlow: temporal network visual analytics to track symptom evolution during disease progression

Adam Perer, Jimeng Sun
2012 AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings  
MatrixFlow is an interactive visual analytic system that allows users to quickly discover patterns in clinical event sequences.  ...  MatrixFlow provides several interactive features for analysis: 1) one can sort the events based on the similarity in order to accentuate underlying cluster patterns among those events; 2) one can compare  ...  Then we describe the text mining process on extracting Framingham symptoms from EHR data.  ... 
pmid:23304345 pmcid:PMC3540494 fatcat:zyhejqtmxraqxozbzpx2eolatu

A framework for inferring and analyzing pharmacotherapy treatment patterns

Everett Rush, Ozgur Ozmen, Minsu Kim, Erin Rush Ortegon, Makoto Jones, Byung H. Park, Steven Pizer, Jodie Trafton, Lisa A. Brenner, Merry Ward, Jonathan R. Nebeker
2024 BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making  
Background To discover pharmacotherapy prescription patterns and their statistical associations with outcomes through a clinical pathway inference framework applied to real-world data.  ...  Despite these limitations, we demonstrate the usefulness of our framework in providing operational insight into clinical practice, and our results underscore the need for increased monitoring during critical  ...  reproduce the published form of this manuscript or allow others to do so for US government purposes.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12911-024-02469-4 pmid:38459459 pmcid:PMC10924394 fatcat:hxk2jekwibesjjfrjkkaz2wsri

Mining Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

Pranjul Yadav, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar, Gyorgy Simon
2018 ACM Computing Surveys  
Next, we describe major approaches used for EHR mining, the metrics associated with EHRs, and the various study designs.  ...  In this manuscript, we provide a structured and comprehensive overview of data mining techniques for modeling EHR data.  ...  Data mining in EHRs also enables subpopulation mining, which helps to to build clinical decision support systems for individualized or personalized medicine.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3127881 fatcat:xil7qev3xbf3pmfv5vtak4f2jq

Mining Electronic Health Records: A Survey [article]

Pranjul Yadav, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar, Gyorgy Simon
2017 arXiv   pre-print
We conclude this survey with a comprehensive summary of clinical data mining applications of EHR data, as illustrated in the online supplement.  ...  Next, we describe major approaches used for EHR mining, the metrics associated with EHRs, and the various study designs.  ...  These study designs are usually used to build hypotheses, thereby building the framework for future clinical research.  ... 
arXiv:1702.03222v2 fatcat:aizt3bnmibcc7kv67h6qf7ts7q

Big data and visual analytics in anaesthesia and health care †

A.F. Simpao, L.M. Ahumada, M.A. Rehman
2015 British Journal of Anaesthesia  
Febrile Infant Pathway dashboard). 24 Many additional examples of VA applications in health care are available in the literature, such as for visualizing dynamic data from multiple EHRs, 60 61 tracking  ...  salient information from unstructured, semi-structured, and structured text, such as mining research articles to facilitate cancer research or detecting surgical site infections by mining EHR notes.  ... 
doi:10.1093/bja/aeu552 pmid:25627395 fatcat:eluzwtisd5godkmwgbpmri4hay
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