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Trends in Workplace Wearable Technologies and Connected‐Worker Solutions for Next‐Generation Occupational Safety, Health, and Productivity

Vishal Patel, Austin Chesmore, Christopher M. Legner, Santosh Pandey
2021 Advanced Intelligent Systems  
Predictive analytics provide contextual information about occupational safety risks, resource allocation, equipment failure, and predictive maintenance.  ...  Here, the recent trends in commercial workplace technologies to monitor and manage occupational risks, injuries, accidents, and diseases are reviewed.  ...  [117] The IMEC chip, powered by an ARM Cortex M4 processor, has biomedical sensor readouts for measuring the heart rate using ECG, breathing rate using bioimpedance, and blood oxygen saturation through  ... 
doi:10.1002/aisy.202100099 fatcat:ptbiiiaip5dfpbiorbhhpzesx4

Track C

2014 Biomedical Engineering  
The scheme is capable to cope with inappropriately initialized parameter values. In experiments it is validated for two scenarios simulating inappropriate parameter values.  ...  As the determination of suitable and individualized parameter values for myoelectric-controlled human-machine interfaces is time-consuming, this work presents an incremental parameter adaptation scheme  ...  [5] presents very interesting optic 24/7 in-ear Heart Rate monitoring system (IN-MONIT). It allows continuous monitoring of heart and respiration function.  ... 
doi:10.1515/bmt-2014-5002 pmid:25385887 fatcat:duiajlu3i5gdffz5o4extkvyjm

Brain Age Prediction/Classification through Recurrent Deep Learning with Electroencephalogram Recordings of Seizure Subjects

Kameron Jusseaume, Iren Valova
2022 Sensors  
The achieved results demonstrate that the use of raw patient-sourced brain wave information leads to higher performance metrics than methods utilizing other brain wave-preprocessing methods and outperforms  ...  Utilizing recordings of patients' brain waves obtained from the Temple University abnormal electroencephalogram (EEG) corpus, deep leaning long short-term memory neural networks are utilized to classify and predict  ...  EKG-related recordings present in the dataset are also removed as they are used to monitor heart-related data, which is not the focus of this test.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s22218112 pmid:36365809 pmcid:PMC9655329 fatcat:p7tocqueajdzvchak6qhxwqyye

Multimodal System to Detect Driver Fatigue Using EEG, Gyroscope and Image Processing

Naveen Senniappan Karuppusamy, Bo-Yeong Kang
2020 IEEE Access  
In order to overcome the above limitation we propose a neural network based hybrid multimodal system that detects driver fatigue using electroencephalography(EEG) data, gyroscope data and image processing  ...  We used an OpenBCI Cyton board which is a 32 Bit 8 channel device that is capable of measuring and recording electrical activity produced by the EEG, EMG and EKG.  ...  Multimodal fatigue measures like surface electromyography(sEMG), EEG, seat interface pressure, blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation level were used to evaluate driver fatigue using different  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3009226 fatcat:ucxkxekemzckndov2ujer2tvwi

Multi-medial stress assessment

L.J.M. Rothkrantz, R.J. van Vark, D. Datcu
2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37583)  
The underlying system is based on the analysis of facial expressions, voice analysis and the analysis of physiological signals such as heart rate and blood pressure.  ...  In this paper the stress assessment is used to monitor vigilance levels of car drivers with a focus on voice analysis. Keywords: Multimodal interaction, stress assessment, micro sleeps.  ...  The objective of the project is to discuss systems capable of monitoring vigilance levels, predicting the probability of a micro-sleep emergence and warning, as well as training the operators to become  ... 
doi:10.1109/icsmc.2004.1400933 dblp:conf/smc/RothkrantzVD04 fatcat:s6dltmbugjd7zmdir74dh2pvvu

Track TOC: Table of Contents // Inhaltsverzeichnis

2015 Biomedical Engineering  
rate variability in KORA S4 healthy subjects Heart rate monitoring in ultra-high-field MRI using frequency information obtained from video signals of the human skin compared to electrocardiography and  ...  application Detection and Identification of Human Metabolites using Ion Mobility Spectrometry Monitoring of Hemodialysis Shunt Reflow Integrity Monitoring of Infusion Systems Continuous pulse rate monitoring  ... 
doi:10.1515/bmt-2015-toc fatcat:o2rfbpr5svd25hdkvawtva4dky

Efficient Eye Blink Detection Method for the Disabled

Venki B, Sanath Kumar K, Sajid Kamran, Vasanthi Satyananda
2021 Zenodo  
Some revamp Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices have been developed that uses signals from the patient and changes them into data that can be imparted.  ...  There are a couple of clinical issues that can incite an individual getting weakened or having Motor Speech issues that hinder Speech or voice creation.  ...  example rates. [6] However different sorts of biometric sensor information may at a later stage incorporate heart rate estimations or a one-dimensional estimation of skin conductance at a low example  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4420099 fatcat:5hxt2r6ib5c45m2upw22ivt3ni

Effects of Sleep Schedules on Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Performance

United States. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, T. Balkin, D. Thome, H. Sing, M. Thomas, D. Redmond, N. Wesensten, J. Williams, S. Hall, G. Belenky
Chapter 4 presents the methodology used in the field study, and the detailed results of that study. Chapter 5 provides an overview and synthesis of results, conclusions, and recommendations.  ...  Findings from the latter (SDR) study were used to optimize the parameters of the Walter Reed Sleep Performance Model (SPM}-a mathematical algorithm to predict performance based on prior sleep and circadian  ...  Heart Rate Heart rate (HR) in beats per minute (BPM) was analyzed using a three-way mixed Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with sleep group (3, 5, 7, Results of these analyses are summarized in Appendix  ... 
doi:10.21949/1503015 fatcat:eyruvhnwpnhqnj3n755ltqhohy

Effects of Sleep Schedules on Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Performance

T. Balkin, Walter Reed Army Institute Of Research. Division Of Neuropsychiatry, United States. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Background: A Critical Review of Sleep/Alertness Models-Input Factors, Prediction Output, and Limitations 3-1 B. The Walter Reed Sleep Performance Model (SPM) 3-5 C.  ...  Heart Rate Heart rate (HR) in beats per minute (BPM) was analyzed using a three-way mixed Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with sleep group (3, 5, 7, or 9 hours/night), day (1 1 days; Bi-R3), and time of day  ...  At the beginning of the study, electrodes are pasted on your scalp, face, and chest for recording brain waves (EEG), eye movements (EOG), muscle tension (EMG), and heart rate (EKG).  ... 
doi:10.21949/1502833 fatcat:u5htdfwrirbxpgag6u5mjym2h4

A Driver Fatigue Monitoring and Haptic Jacket-based Warning System

Niloufar Azmi, Université D'Ottawa / University Of Ottawa, Université D'Ottawa / University Of Ottawa
With the onset of fatigue, body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, respiration rate and adrenalin production are lowered.  ...  applied to predict drowsiness.  ... 
doi:10.20381/ruor-5675 fatcat:g2a6fiakh5gfzou2bfw3pvklli

Low Power Context Aware Hierarchical System Design [article]

Stanislav Bobovych, Maryland Shared Open Access Repository, Banerjee, Nilanjan ; Robucci, Ryan ;
In a PSG session, we collected a variety of other physiological data on a subject such as EEG, EKG, respiration rate, blood oxygen level, and EMG for muscle groups on the leg.  ...  Since perpetuu is an online system, it uses a heuristic to make energy predictions for the next hour.  ... 
doi:10.13016/m2ftb2-fkxe fatcat:37ww2xerpzbmfaflib7ymihpq4

Interstate Commerce Commision, Report of the Accident Investigation Occuring on the CONSOLIDATED RAIL CORPORATION, THOMPSONVILLE, PA

The conductor was not given an EKG or pulmonary function test A toxicological screen for illicit drugs was negative An audiometer test indicated a hearing deficiency ranging from 15 db at 500 Hz to 80  ...  The dispatcher also has a "local" CRT monitor at his desk, which he can use to call up any of the individual interlocking displays At the time of the accident, the CP Port and CP Thompson interlockings  ...  , possession or sale while on duty of a drug, narcotic or other controlled substance that affects alertness, coordination, reaction, response or safety is prohibited An employee may be required to take  ... 
doi:10.21949/1510268 fatcat:7dbmx22t4nayxkr4ckdsjx3vwq