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Robust and High Fidelity Mesh Denoising [article]

Sunil Kumar Yadav, Ulrich Reitebuch, Konrad Polthier
2017 arXiv   pre-print
This differential coordinate helps the algorithm to produce a high-quality mesh without any face normal flips and makes the method robust against high-intensity noise.  ...  In the second stage, an edge weighted Laplace operator is introduced to compute a differential coordinate.  ...  Here, an overview of current state-ofthe-art methods is given, which are based on differential coordinates and bilateral filtering.  ... 
arXiv:1711.05341v2 fatcat:72bnp6dekvernpdmud4ravzmnu

Robust and High Fidelity Mesh Denoising

Sunil Kumar Yadav, Ulrich Reitebuch, Konrad Polthier
2018 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics  
This differential coordinate helps the algorithm to produce a high-quality mesh without any face normal flips and makes the method robust against high-intensity noise.  ...  In the second stage, an edge weighted Laplace operator is introduced to compute a differential coordinate.  ...  Here, an overview of current state-ofthe-art methods is given, which are based on differential coordinates and bilateral filtering.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tvcg.2018.2828818 pmid:29993913 fatcat:hzhuvostl5gyzojn5spuytfnlu

Surface mesh denoising via diffusing gradient field

Jianhuang Wu, Jinting Xu, Renbo Xia
2011 Optics and lasers in engineering  
Surface mesh denoising is an important preprocess for many digital geometrical applications.  ...  Unlike most previous smoothing algorithms, which are vertex-or normal-based, we present a smoothing approach based on gradient field.  ...  More recently, noise removal based on differential coordinates [5] is discussed in [6] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.optlaseng.2010.08.014 fatcat:oxugq3nq3jbdxpqhrxkfzvt3xm

Weighted Multi-projection: 3D Point Cloud Denoising with Estimated Tangent Planes [article]

Chaojing Duan, Siheng Chen, Jelena Kovačević
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Compared to many previous works on denoising, instead of directly smoothing the coordinates of 3D points, we use a two-fold smoothing: We first estimate a local tangent plane at each 3D point and then  ...  To denoise a 3D point cloud, we present a novel algorithm, called weighted multi-projection.  ...  Related Work. 3D point cloud denoising has been tackled by various approaches: mesh-based denoising, bilateral-filter-based denoising, partial-differential-equation-based denoising and graphbased denoising  ... 
arXiv:1807.00253v1 fatcat:ta3jumvfiveh7bxiw5pwkesb7q

Vertex-Based Diffusion for 3-D Mesh Denoising

Ying Zhang, A. Ben Hamza
2007 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing  
We present a vertex-based diffusion for 3-D mesh denoising by solving a nonlinear discrete partial differential equation.  ...  Illustrating experimental results demonstrate a much improved performance of the proposed approach in comparison with existing methods currently used in 3-D mesh smoothing.  ...  Ben Hamza Abstract-We present a vertex-based diffusion for 3-D mesh denoising by solving a nonlinear discrete partial differential equation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tip.2007.891787 pmid:17405435 fatcat:itz64er2knayder6ijicpoupdy

A new feature-preserving mesh-smoothing algorithm

Zhong Li, Lizhuang Ma, Xiaogang Jin, Zuoyong Zheng
2008 The Visual Computer  
Then, we calculate the uniform principal curvature of each vertex based on the weighted average of local principal curvatures.  ...  We present a novel mesh denoising and smoothing method in this paper. Our approach starts by estimating the principal curvatures and mesh saliency value for each vertex.  ...  For the mesh denoising and smoothing, early methods were based on the norm optimization by constructing the energy equation [20] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00371-008-0210-7 fatcat:pzgr3ysnsbfsnpa677ky5u55hu

Gaussian Curvature Filter on 3D Meshes [article]

Wenming Tang, Yuanhao Gong, Kanglin Liu, Jun Liu, Wei Pan, Bozhi Liu, Guoping Qiu
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate that GCF significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in minimizing Gaussian curvature, and geometric feature preserving soothing on 3D meshes.  ...  Minimizing the Gaussian curvature of meshes can play a fundamental role in 3D mesh processing. However, there is a lack of computationally efficient and robust Gaussian curvature optimization method.  ...  Most of the comparison methods are based on vertex normals or faces normals for denoising and feature preservation.  ... 
arXiv:2003.09178v2 fatcat:6xl6juevobegfhbfqjdnqhgkoq

Bilateral mesh denoising

Shachar Fleishman, Iddo Drori, Daniel Cohen-Or
2003 ACM Transactions on Graphics  
We present an anisotropic mesh denoising algorithm that is effective, simple and fast. This is accomplished by filtering vertices of the mesh in the normal direction using local neighborhoods.  ...  Motivated by the impressive results of bilateral filtering for image denoising, we adopt it to denoise 3D meshes; addressing the specific issues required in the transition from two-dimensions to manifolds  ...  Typically, mesh denoising methods are based on image denoising approaches.  ... 
doi:10.1145/882262.882368 fatcat:stect7gdmnbhhj6yheear7uq7q

Bilateral mesh denoising

Shachar Fleishman, Iddo Drori, Daniel Cohen-Or
2003 ACM SIGGRAPH 2003 Papers on - SIGGRAPH '03  
We present an anisotropic mesh denoising algorithm that is effective, simple and fast. This is accomplished by filtering vertices of the mesh in the normal direction using local neighborhoods.  ...  Motivated by the impressive results of bilateral filtering for image denoising, we adopt it to denoise 3D meshes; addressing the specific issues required in the transition from two-dimensions to manifolds  ...  Typically, mesh denoising methods are based on image denoising approaches.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1201775.882368 fatcat:p4oxagqwyzhmld6v7uctwjcc5i

Anisotropic filtering on normal field and curvature tensor field using optimal estimation theory

Min Liu, Yushen Liu, Karthik Ramani
2007 IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2007 (SMI '07)  
In this paper, we study the problem of mesh denoising for improving the single pass surface estimation on normals and curvature tensors.  ...  We focus mainly on the engineering objects represented as dense triangle meshes.  ...  It benefits the edge-based mesh processing since the sharp variation of differential properties between the two neighboring triangles potentially defines a feature edge. • An anisotropic filter on the  ... 
doi:10.1109/smi.2007.5 dblp:conf/smi/LiuLR07 fatcat:hqpmog3atvcplamklr4l2667nu

Total Differential Photometric Mesh Refinement with Self-Adapted Mesh Denoising

Yingjie Qu, Qingsong Yan, Junxing Yang, Teng Xiao, Fei Deng
2022 Photonics  
Variational mesh refinement is a crucial step in multiview 3D reconstruction. Existing algorithms either focus on recovering mesh details or focus on suppressing noise.  ...  Second, we introduced the bilateral normal filter with a novel self-adaptive mesh denoising strategy into the variational mesh refinement.  ...  We would also like to thank researchers who published open-source code or programs used to generate the CMPMVS meshes, OpenMVS meshes, and COLMAP meshes in our experiments.  ... 
doi:10.3390/photonics10010020 fatcat:kanggaz7hvgsrjcsoupa2cxcde

Modified Bilateral Filter for Feature Enhancement in Mesh Denoising

Hyeon-Deok Han, Jong-Ki Han
2022 IEEE Access  
INDEX TERMS Bilateral filter, feature enhancement, mesh denoising, mesh normal filtering.  ...  Results from experiments on synthetic and natural scanned models validate that the proposed method can restore false features by integrating conventional filtering-based methods, and outperforms other  ...  The optimization-based techniques assume features are sparse on a clean mesh.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2022.3176961 fatcat:6i2pcfrgx5e6fo6ykeykawk4yy

Mesh Denoising Based on Normal Voting Tensor and Binary Optimization

Sunil Kumar Yadav, Ulrich Reitebuch, Konrad Polthier
2018 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics  
This paper presents a tensor multiplication based smoothing algorithm that follows a two step denoising method.  ...  On top of that, we provide a stochastic analysis on the different kinds of noise based on the average edge length.  ...  Su et. al. exploited the differential coordinates concept for mesh denoising by computing the mean of the differential coordinates at each vertex and then compute a smooth surface according to the mean  ... 
doi:10.1109/tvcg.2017.2740384 pmid:28829310 fatcat:itn4s5w54jfw7pcxclidq4sxka

Multivariate kernel diffusion for surface denoising

Khaled Tarmissi, A. Ben Hamza
2010 Signal, Image and Video Processing  
In this paper, we introduce a 3D mesh denoising method based on kernel density estimation.  ...  The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in comparison to existing mesh denoising techniques.  ...  In this paper, we present a 3D mesh denoising method based on kernel density estimation. A preliminary work on this approach was presented in [21] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11760-010-0154-z fatcat:rpal57sx4bhw5jgksh752r34si

TexRO: Generating Delicate Textures of 3D Models by Recursive Optimization [article]

Jinbo Wu and Xing Liu and Chenming Wu and Xiaobo Gao and Jialun Liu and Xinqi Liu and Chen Zhao and Haocheng Feng and Errui Ding and Jingdong Wang
2024 arXiv   pre-print
The broad applicability of TexRO is further confirmed through its successful use on diverse 3D models.  ...  We propose a recursive optimization pipeline that optimizes a UV texture at increasing resolutions, with an adaptive denoising method that re-uses existing textures for new texture generation.  ...  The quality of an initial UV texture affects the outcome of the final texture generation, as the proposed adaptive denoising module creates new textures based on existing ones (we introduce this in the  ... 
arXiv:2403.15009v1 fatcat:zgpqaxqq65hcvipciasjx27w3i
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