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A Modified Lempel Ziv Welch compressive data collection in Wireless Sensor Networks

Vijayalakshmi M., Helen Victoria A.
2018 International Journal of Engineering and Technology  
Compressive data gathering is one of the techniques which reduce the data size, balance the energy in large scale wireless sensor networks.  ...  In a large scale wireless sensor networks, the sensor nodes have to collect more data when they are moving towards the sink.  ...  Cai (2013) proposed the paper Distributed data collection in large-scale asynchronous wireless sensor networks under the generalized physical interference model.  ... 
doi:10.21817/ijet/2018/v10i3/181003301 fatcat:qgvjsdzhufhjzn3x3bnlm2nbtq

Compressive data gathering for large-scale wireless sensor networks

Chong Luo, Feng Wu, Jun Sun, Chang Wen Chen
2009 Proceedings of the 15th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking - MobiCom '09  
This paper presents the first complete design to apply compressive sampling theory to sensor data gathering for largescale wireless sensor networks.  ...  The successful scheme developed in this research is expected to offer fresh frame of mind for research in both compressive sampling applications and large-scale wireless sensor networks.  ...  The authors would like to thank Dr. Feng Zhao for providing the data center sensor readings.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1614320.1614337 dblp:conf/mobicom/LuoWSC09 fatcat:xxwx6o7eozgzjkgcg6xscndnsu

2013 Index

2014 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications  
Note that the item title is found only under the primary entry in the Author Index.  ...  The Subject Index contains entries describing the item under all appropriate subject headings, plus the first author's name, the publication abbreviation, month, and year, and inclusive pages.  ...  Qian, Chen, +, TWC December 2013 6476-6487 Compressed sensing Capacity and Delay Analysis for Data Gathering with Compressive Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks.  ... 
doi:10.1109/twc.2011.09.499-tw1401-index fatcat:w5ya5mg3sbcodb2crtuaoyk3su

Efficient data aggregation in multi-hop wireless sensor networks under physical interference model

Xiang-Yang Li, XiaoHua Xu, ShiGuang Wang, ShaoJie Tang, GuoJun Dai, JiZhong Zhao, Yong Qi
2009 2009 IEEE 6th International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems  
In addition, we derive the lower-bound of latency for any aggregation scheduling algorithm under the physical interference model.  ...  In this paper, we study the problem of designing time efficient aggregation algorithm under the physical interference model.  ...  Link scheduling under the physical interference model The problem of joint scheduling and power control under the physical interference model has been well studied previously.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mobhoc.2009.5336978 dblp:conf/mass/LiXWTDZQ09 fatcat:yb7ahhipbnbwhcq6h7kdrsdxzm

A Distributed Framework for Correlated Data Gathering in Sensor Networks

K. Yuen, Ben Liang, Li Baochun
2008 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology  
Sink nodes are specialized nodes that are responsible for gathering collected data and serve as gateways between the sensor network and the wired or wireless backbone network.  ...  with the sharedmedium, and (iii) realistic data correlation model.  ...  In [26] and [27] , the optimization problems utilize the physical model [4] of packet transmission in wireless networks to model the channel contention constraints.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tvt.2007.905243 fatcat:hbztcdl6mffrrkw4nvbft3kyz4

On the cooperation strategies for dense sensor networks

T. ElBatt
2004 2004 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37577)  
In this paper we characterize the scaling laws of the generated traffic and scheduling delays associated with the broadcast problem in dense multihop sensor networks where sample measurements are highly  ...  More specifically, we assess the benefits, and possibly the trade-offs, of exploiting sample correlations via cooperatively compressing the data as it hops around the network.  ...  Instead, we gather the joint samples of all nodes at node N , through cooperation in the forward direction, and then start sending collective conditional samples in the reverse direction at higher data  ... 
doi:10.1109/icc.2004.1313229 dblp:conf/icc/ElBatt04 fatcat:wv5njoralrgrjjzigqrz6bndem

Capacity and Delay Analysis for Data Gathering with Compressive Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks

Haifeng Zheng, Shilin Xiao, Xinbing Wang, Xiaohua Tian, Mohsen Guizani
2013 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications  
Compressive sensing (CS) provides a new paradigm for efficient data gathering in wireless sensor networks (WSNs).  ...  We investigate the fundamental limitation of data gathering with CS for both single-sink and multi-sink random networks under protocol interference model, in terms of capacity and delay.  ...  We investigate the fundamental limitation of data gathering with CS for both single-sink and multi-sink random networks under protocol interference model, in terms of capacity and delay.  ... 
doi:10.1109/twc.2012.122212.121032 fatcat:pdrnkrwm7jg67hvojyvbympwuy

Energy Efficient and Reliable Transport of Data in Cloud based IoT

Halah Mohammed Al-Kadhim, Hamed S. Al-Raweshidy
2019 IEEE Access  
There are several strategies to ensure energy efficient and reliable transport of data in the IoT.  ...  Moreover, we present a reliability-based data compression scheme (RBDS) to overcome the capacity limits of the links.  ...  In addition, she would like to thank the Higher Committee for Education Development in Iraq (HCED) for funding her PhD scholarship.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2917387 fatcat:hthnbgksgbck7jids47cidzcrm

Machine-to-machine communications: Technologies and challenges

Kwang-Cheng Chen, Shao-Yu Lien
2014 Ad hoc networks  
We present the technological scenario of M2M communications consisting of wireless infrastructure to cloud, and machine swarm of tremendous devices.  ...  Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications emerge to autonomously operate to link interactions between Internet cyber world and physical systems.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would appreciate Dr. J. Chris Ramming and Dr. Shu  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.adhoc.2013.03.007 fatcat:fsd6zefdq5fotbm5vhpozc4wci

Guest Editorial - Special Issue on Internet of Things (IoT): Architecture, Protocols and Services

Chonggang Wang, Mahmoud Daneshmand, Mischa Dohler, Xufei Mao, Rose Qingyang Hu, Honggang Wang
2013 IEEE Sensors Journal  
He is on the editorial board for several journals, including the IEEE Communications Magazine, the IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT.  ...  He has organized and is coorganizing several special issues respectively for the IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, the IEEE JSAC, the IEEE Network Magazine, the IEEE Communications Magazine, and the IEEE Communications  ...  In the article "An Experimental Study for Inter-User Interference Mitigation in Wireless Body Sensor Networks", Bin Cao et al. investigated and analyzed the impact of inter-user interference on packet  ... 
doi:10.1109/jsen.2013.2274906 fatcat:lkyji65yjfhptajet6jvhuovga

2018 IndexIEEE Wireless Communications LettersVol. 7

2018 IEEE Wireless Communications Letters  
Temporal Compressive Sensing-Based Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks.  ...  ., +, LWC Feb. 2018 134-137 Spatio-Temporal Compressive Sensing-Based Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks.  ... 
doi:10.1109/lwc.2018.2888676 fatcat:olfvetmkt5bt3c572e5y76b5pm

Wireless AI: Enabling an AI-Governed Data Life Cycle [article]

Dinh C. Nguyen, Peng Cheng, Ming Ding, David Lopez-Perez, Pubudu N. Pathirana, Jun Li, Aruna Seneviratne, Yonghui Li, H. Vincent Poor
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Specifically, we first propose a novel Wireless AI architecture that covers five key data-driven AI themes in wireless networks, including Sensing AI, Network Device AI, Access AI, User Device AI and Data-provenance  ...  Then, for each data-driven AI theme, we present an overview on the use of AI approaches to solve the emerging data-related problems and show how AI can empower wireless network functionalities.  ...  Problem formulation: In the era of big data, i.e. big sensor data, sensor data needs to be compressed to mitigate network traffic and save resources of wireless networks.  ... 
arXiv:2003.00866v1 fatcat:dofctwtag5ewhhzaseeukhtxbe

A Survey of Data Aggregation Protocols for Energy Conservation in WSN and IoT

Beneyaz Ara Begum, Satyanarayana V. Nandury, Junaid Shuja
2022 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  
Conservation of energy has been a major concern for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and IoT applications.  ...  A major contribution of the paper is to present a holistic review of data aggregation approaches emphasizing the effect of topology, security, mobility, interference, and fault-tolerance in WSN and IoTs  ...  The funder in such GAP projects is seldom involved in manuscript preparation and submission to a Journal.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/8765335 fatcat:c7jpmuxkdzbi7g77k2u42gui2m

Top Downloads in IEEE Xplore [Reader's Choice]

2020 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine  
Third, a linear-time algorithm is proposed to optimize the joint tour consisting of both wireless charging and data-gathering sites for mobile chargers.  ...  for Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks Wang, L.C.; Li, J.; Yang, Y.; Ye, F.  ... 
doi:10.1109/msp.2019.2959635 fatcat:si7hd7rirrhc7nbjle3ru6dyby

Distributed cross-layer optimization for healthcare monitoring applications

Alaa Awad, Amr Mohamed
2014 2014 12th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt)  
The source encoding and data transmission are the two dominant power-consuming operations in wireless monitoring system.  ...  Body Area Sensor Networks (BASNs) is part of the mHealth system that focuses on the acquisition by a group of biomedical sensors of vital signals.  ...  It considers the problem of computing a minimum-energy joint source coding, scheduling, and link adaptation strategy to transfer the gathered data by sensor nodes and satisfy the distortion threshold and  ... 
doi:10.1109/wiopt.2014.6850279 dblp:conf/wiopt/AwadM14 fatcat:vh3kzmm335cl3ckvzp7nto7wka
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