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Full-Reference Image Quality Metrics: Classification and Evaluation

Marius Pedersen
2011 Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision  
Additionally, more work has been carried out on full-reference IQ metrics than on reduced-reference and no-reference metrics.  ...  Because the original is available in many situations, we limit our survey to full-reference IQ metrics, where both the complete original and reproduction are used for the calculation of quality.  ... 
doi:10.1561/0600000037 fatcat:tjit5cbfl5g77k7dtnqju6jzuu

Empirical evaluation of full-reference image quality metrics on MDID database [article]

Domonkos Varga
2019 arXiv   pre-print
This database contains distorted images derived from a set of reference, pristine images using random types and levels of distortions.  ...  In this study, our goal is to give a comprehensive evaluation of 32 state-of-the-art FR-IQA metrics using the recently published MDID.  ...  In Section 3, we give a comprehensive evaluation of 31 full-reference image quality assessment (FR-IQA) algorithms on MDID database.  ... 
arXiv:1910.01050v2 fatcat:62zl5ovsgzgllmyvi7n327wodm

An extensive performance evaluation of full-reference HDR image quality metrics

Emin Zerman, Giuseppe Valenzise, Frederic Dufaux
2017 Quality and User Experience  
However, full-reference (FR) HDR visual quality assessment poses new challenges with respect to the conventional low dynamic range case.  ...  We believe that our results could serve as the most complete and comprehensive benchmark of image quality metrics in the field of HDR image compression.  ...  Acknowledgements The work presented in this paper is supported by BPI France and Région Ile-de-France, in the framework of the FUI18 PLEIN PHARE Project.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s41233-017-0007-4 fatcat:mzatrswcoravxmbuwrdtj7xmia

Full-reference audio-visual video quality metric

Helard Becerra Martinez, Mylène C. Q. Farias
2014 Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI)  
The no-reference video quality metric consists of a blockiness and a blurriness metrics, while the NR audio metric is modification of the SESQA metric.  ...  With the help of the perceptual models obtained using subjective data, we propose 3 no-reference audio-visual quality metrics composed of combination functions of a video and an audio quality metrics.  ...  There is an ongoing effort to develop video quality metrics that estimate quality as perceived by human viewers, but most of the achievements have been in the development of full-reference (FR) video quality  ... 
doi:10.1117/1.jei.23.6.061108 fatcat:ttlmhj4aina4pkvmygwl33qttm

Extended Hybrid Image Similarity – Combined Full-Reference Image Quality Metric Linearly Correlated with Subjective Scores

K. Okarma
2013 Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika  
1 Abstract-One of the most relevant issues in image processing and analysis is a reliable image quality assessment.  ...  The results of extensive tests conducted using the most relevant image quality assessment databases are also presented. Index Terms-Image quality assessment, image analysis, image similarity.  ...  RECENT FULL-REFERENCE IMAGE QUALITY METRICS Poor correlation of some traditional metrics based on the comparison of corresponding pixels from the reference and distorted images, such as MSE or PSNR, caused  ... 
doi:10.5755/j01.eee.19.10.5908 fatcat:sp7mayu26fdpjp3ofbsk4retoi

Full-Reference Quality Metric Based on Neural Network to Assess the Visual Quality of Remote Sensing Images

Oleg Ieremeiev, Vladimir Lukin, Krzysztof Okarma, Karen Egiazarian
2020 Remote Sensing  
Examples of using known and designed visual quality metrics in remote sensing are presented.  ...  To characterize the visual quality of remote sensing images, the use of specialized visual quality metrics is desired.  ...  Acknowledgments: The Authors would like to thank the anonymous Reviewers as well as the Editor for their valuable comments and suggestions helping to improve the revised version of the paper.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs12152349 fatcat:paf5nzrk5jbx5f6ha75mhikg2y

A combined full-reference image quality assessment method based on convolutional activation maps [article]

Domonkos Varga
2020 arXiv   pre-print
The goal of full-reference image quality assessment (FR-IQA) is to predict the quality of an image as perceived by human observers with using its pristine, reference counterpart.  ...  More specifically, a reference-distorted image pair is run through a pretrained convolutional neural network and the activation maps are compared with a traditional image similarity metric.  ...  [27] pointed out that feature vectors extracted from pretrained CNNs outperform traditional image quality metrics.  ... 
arXiv:2010.09361v2 fatcat:y4iwwi5a65c7rhknuc4zs7u7xe

Deep Neural Networks for No-Reference and Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment

Sebastian Bosse, Dominique Maniry, Klaus-Robert Muller, Thomas Wiegand, Wojciech Samek
2018 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing  
We evaluate the proposed approach on the LIVE, CISQ, and TID2013 databases as well as the LIVE In the wild image quality challenge database and show superior performance to state-of-the-art NR and FR IQA  ...  Unique features of the proposed architecture are that: 1) with slight adaptations it can be used in a no-reference (NR) as well as in a full-reference (FR) IQA setting and 2) it allows for joint learning  ...  Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment The most simple and straight-forward image quality metric is the mean square error (MSE) between reference and distorted image.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tip.2017.2760518 pmid:29028191 fatcat:csr3qjozbzca7hly7nlchhdv5u

A Detail-Based Method for Linear Full Reference Image Quality Prediction

Elio D. Di Claudio, Giovanni Jacovitti
2018 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing  
In this paper, a novel Full Reference method is proposed for image quality assessment, using the combination of two separate metrics to measure the perceptually distinct impact of detail losses and of  ...  The affine combination of these two metrics forms a new index strongly correlated with the empirical Differential Mean Opinion Score (DMOS) for a significant class of image impairments, as verified for  ...  In the Full Reference (FR) mode they quantify the differences between the reference and test images.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tip.2017.2757139 pmid:28961112 fatcat:ajbdydyrzbbmpcwez3ixgvmpcm

Can No-reference features help in Full-reference image quality estimation? [article]

Saikat Dutta, Sourya Dipta Das, Nisarg A. Shah
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Full-reference branches use both distorted and reference images, whereas No-reference branch only uses distorted image.  ...  Recent works in Full-reference IQA research perform pixelwise comparison between deep features corresponding to query and reference images for quality prediction.  ...  is evaluated without any reference image.  ... 
arXiv:2203.00845v1 fatcat:wp7owsvsffff3eibrdkjotkcsy

Debiased Mapping for Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment [article]

Baoliang Chen, Hanwei Zhu, Lingyu Zhu, Shiqi Wang
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Mapping images to deep feature space for comparisons has been wildly adopted in recent learning-based full-reference image quality assessment (FR-IQA) models.  ...  Analogous to the classical classification task, the ideal mapping space for quality regression should possess both inter-class separability and intra-class compactness.  ...  INTRODUCTION Given the reference image, the full-reference image quality assessment (FR-IQA) methods aim to automatically predict the quality score of a test image based on the fidelity/similarity between  ... 
arXiv:2302.11464v3 fatcat:gzpivw6earekdixklrzrjebnvu


Alphy George .
2013 International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology  
Based on the availability of the image, image quality assessment algorithms are classified into full reference, reduced reference and no reference respectively.  ...  Full reference algorithms normally adopt a two stage structure including local quality measurement and pooling to get the quality value.  ...  John Livingston for helping me in the field of image quality assessment.  ... 
doi:10.15623/ijret.2013.0212052 fatcat:hxotnno7qnexfdpgrpkrh2clyu

Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on an Optimal Linear Combination of Quality Measures Selected by Simulated Annealing

Domonkos Varga
2022 Journal of Imaging  
Thus, the research of such algorithms, which can evaluate the perceptual quality of digital images consistent with human quality judgement, is a hot topic in the literature.  ...  In this study, an image quality assessment (IQA) method is introduced that predicts the perceptual quality of a digital image by optimally combining several IQA metrics.  ...  Acknowledgments: We thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of our manuscript and their many insightful comments and suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.3390/jimaging8080224 pmid:36005467 pmcid:PMC9409967 fatcat:ogafiiioxzga5ef7ocpknounna

Machine learning to design full-reference image quality assessment algorithm

Christophe Charrier, Olivier Lézoray, Gilles Lebrun
2012 Signal processing. Image communication  
A crucial step in image compression is the evaluation of its performance, and more precisely, available ways to measure the quality of compressed images.  ...  Obtained results are compared to the one obtained applying classical Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment (FR-IQA) algorithms to judge the efficiency of the proposed method.  ...  The selected features are chosen from full-reference image HVS-based features and full-reference image features, for both of them a reference image is needed.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.image.2012.01.002 fatcat:dckmzeatvrgdvpw34vjx2d3ihu

Comparison of three full-reference color image quality measures

Eugene Girshtel, Vitaliy Slobodyan, Jonathan S. Weissman, Ahmet M. Eskicioglu, Luke C. Cui, Yoichi Miyake
2006 Image Quality and System Performance III  
In this paper, we will compare three full-reference full-color image quality measures (M-DFT, M-DWT, and M-DCT). Assume the size of a given image is nxn.  ...  The three proposed full-reference measures outperform the Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), and two state-of-the-art metrics Q and MSSIM.  ...  Reduced-reference measures are between full-reference and no-reference measures; [7] evaluates the quality of JPEG and JPEG2000 coded images whereas [8] provides assessment for JPEG and JPEG2000 compressed  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.644226 fatcat:bf7j6ac4mbbevlajgrah7sohw4
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