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Turbulent Patch Identification in Microstructure Profiles: A Method Based on Wavelet Denoising and Thorpe Displacement Analysis

Jaume Piera, Elena Roget, Jordi Catalan
2002 Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology  
The second algorithm is based on a semiquantitative analysis of the Thorpe displacements.  ...  A new method based on wavelet denoising and the analysis of Thorpe displacements d T profiles is presented for turbulent patch identification.  ...  Wüest for critical comments on an early draft, and Dan E. Kelley and Peter S. Galbraith for providing some routines for validating the identified patches.  ... 
doi:10.1175/1520-0426(2002)019<1390:tpiimp>2.0.co;2 fatcat:wy3xuuymezg2hgcwebw3iiimpa

Determination of Bus Crowding Coefficient Based on Passenger Flow Forecasting

Zhongyi Zuo, Wei Yin, Guangchuan Yang, Yunqi Zhang, Jiawen Yin, Hongsheng Ge
2019 Journal of Advanced Transportation  
This paper first selected the performance measurements for determining bus crowd coefficient and calculated the digital characteristics of the cloud model based on the boundary values of the selected performance  ...  measures under six Levels-of-Service (LOSs).  ...  Acknowledgments This study is supported by the Liaoning Provincial Department of Education Research Projects (JDL2017034).  ... 
doi:10.1155/2019/2751916 fatcat:hshrkyigjrg5zcsiplirjglhxi

Individual Tree Crown Segmentation in Two-Layered Dense Mixed Forests from UAV LiDAR Data

Chiara Torresan, Federico Carotenuto, Ugo Chiavetta, Franco Miglietta, Alessandro Zaldei, Beniamino Gioli
2020 Drones  
To maximize the level of detection rate, the ITC algorithm parameters were tuned varying 1350 setting combinations and matching the segmented trees with field measured trees.  ...  For each setting, the delineation accuracy was assessed by computing the detection rate, the omission and commission errors over three forest plots.  ...  They obtained a determination coefficient between the number of trees delineated from the LiDAR data and field-based tree density equal to 0.77 and a determination coefficient for tree height within dense  ... 
doi:10.3390/drones4020010 doaj:61999b7495e24d2c9e3faff504146ce9 fatcat:t452ueqetvgrnkxefbr7qvdzbm

Aorta segmentation with a 3D level set approach and quantification of aortic calcifications in non-contrast chest CT

S. Kurugol, Raul San Jose Estepar, J. Ross, G. R. Washko
2012 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  
We propose an aorta segmentation algorithm consisting of an initial boundary detection step followed by 3D level set segmentation for refinement.  ...  The true positive detection rate of calcification algorithm was 0.96 over all CT scans.  ...  Acknowledgments We thank to all the COPDGene Investigators for the data used in the paper. We also thank Nina Muralidhar for manual segmentations of aorta and aortic calcifications.  ... 
doi:10.1109/embc.2012.6346433 pmid:23366394 pmcid:PMC3671590 fatcat:s7pbkei23fg43kv24rr4qxpqqa

Simulation and performance analysis for coefficient estimation for sinusodial signal using LMS, RLS and proposed method

Kantipudi MVV Prasad, H.N. Suresh
2017 International Journal of Engineering & Technology  
The estimated Power Spectral Density (PSD) gives the information regarding the architectural structure of random process; it can be utilized for mathematical modeling, removal of noise, prediction of the  ...  The objective of spectral density estimation is to approximation the spectral density of a random signal from a series of time sample of the signal.  ...  So, to get better the performance of RLS algorithm, the adaptive capon and amplitude and phase estimation based spectral analysis methods are used.  ... 
doi:10.14419/ijet.v7i1.2.8960 fatcat:aws74e3jrrcengwreqg4tkbmjq

Sound event detection in remote health care - small learning datasets and over constrained Gaussian Mixture Models

Jugurta Montalvao, D Istrate, J Boudy, Joan Mouba
2010 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology  
Sound event detection in remote health care -Small learning datasets and over constrained Gaussian Mixture Models. EMBC  ...  The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Brazilian Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), as well as the contribution of the European Community's Seventh  ...  For MFCC based analysis, each 500-dimensional vector is mapped into a 24-dimensional space, each dimension corresponding to one Mel-Cepstral Coefficient. IV.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iembs.2010.5627149 pmid:21096562 fatcat:xqgpzy5enfbp7gzu72dexo77eq

FALCON: fast and unbiased reconstruction of high-density super-resolution microscopy data

Junhong Min, Cédric Vonesch, Hagai Kirshner, Lina Carlini, Nicolas Olivier, Seamus Holden, Suliana Manley, Jong Chul Ye, Michael Unser
2014 Scientific Reports  
     0 if c[m] = 0 only for m ∈ Ω, +∞ otherwise. and Ω 1 is the support of the coefficients c[m] returned by the first stage of the algorithm.  ...  Figure 4 4 Performance analysis for synthetic "ring" phantoms with various imaging densities.  ... 
doi:10.1038/srep04577 pmid:24694686 pmcid:PMC3974135 fatcat:jfhemjlacjf7biykg4wrcggeja

A multiresolution image restoration method for photon imaging systems

G. Jammal, A. Bijaoui
1999 1999 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Proceedings. ICASSP99 (Cat. No.99CH36258)  
The latter are replaced by coefficients obtained by the introduction of a multiresolution regularity constraint.  ...  Nuclear medicine imaging systems rely on photon detection as the basis of image formation. One of the major sources of error in these imaging systems is Poisson noise.  ...  This is performed in the wavelet domain because the wavelet transform provides a method for local analysis which has the extra advantage of yielding coefficients equal to zero for a locally constant signal  ... 
doi:10.1109/icassp.1999.757572 dblp:conf/icassp/JammalB99 fatcat:4h6m7xitzfacnacpjd5zmsxsne

Research on Uncertainty of audio and Video Information Hiding Based on Semantic and Statistical Moment

Jiexin Zhang
2011 Journal of Software  
In this paper we present two statistical analysis algorithms for SS hiding.  ...  We use GMM to model the probability distribution of wavelet coefficient and calculate the absolute moment of statistical distribution as feature vector of each sub-band for statistical analysis.  ...  Fraid H [14] proposed detection algorithm based on higher-order statistics of wavelet coefficients and support vector machine.  ... 
doi:10.4304/jsw.6.6.1154-1162 fatcat:wj7vi5seazcllppmaex2wdxr7m

Spatio-temporal interaction model for crowd video analysis [article]

Neha Bhargava, Subhasis Chaudhuri
2017 arXiv   pre-print
Furthermore, we also propose an effective group detection algorithm that utilizes the eigenvectors of the interaction matrix of the model.  ...  We present an unsupervised approach to analyze crowd at various levels of granularity - individual, group and collective.  ...  Therefore, group level analysis and hence group detection becomes important in crowd analysis.  ... 
arXiv:1710.11354v1 fatcat:mtajxo62avbtrkyoe6vidf5zmm

A self-adaptive distance regularized level set evolution method for optical disk segmentation

Huiqun Wu, Xingyun Geng, Xiaofeng Zhang, Mingyan Qiu, Kui Jiang, Lemin Tang, Jiancheng Dong
2014 Bio-medical materials and engineering  
In this study, we proposed a self-adaptive distance regularized level set evolution method for OD segmentation without the periodically re-initializing steps in the level set function execution to a signed  ...  Therefore, we believe that such automatic OD segmentation method could assist the ophthalmologist to segment OD more efficiently, which is of significance for future computer-aided early detection of glaucoma  ...  Acknowledgment This work was supported by the grant of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81271668).  ... 
doi:10.3233/bme-141141 pmid:25227028 fatcat:2m5jnc4dxje2xn3v62uz7rpsou

Statistical Inversion Using Sparsity and Total Variation Prior And Monte Carlo Sampling Method For Diffuse Optical Tomography [article]

Thilo Strauss, Sanwar Ahmad, Taufiquar Khan
2020 arXiv   pre-print
A special kind of adaptive Metropolis algorithm for the reconstruction procedure using sparsity and total variation prior is presented.  ...  density measurements.  ...  • We present many numerical experiments to evaluate the performance of the statistical inverse problem and compare it with the IRGN method as baseline.  ... 
arXiv:2002.08038v1 fatcat:ldzizj3zjrcrnjkjbdal5oplw4

On-line test for fault-secure fault identification

S.N. Hamilton, A. Orailoglu
2000 IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (vlsi) Systems  
CONCLUSION Based on the radix-4 Booth algorithm, this work has successfully developed an FIR architecture with programmable dynamic ranges of input data and filter coefficients.  ...  The throughput rate is 50 MHz for 8-bit input data and 25 MHz for 16-bit input data. There are 241 742 transistors in the design, and the circuit density is around 164 m 2 per transistor.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions. The  ... 
doi:10.1109/92.863626 fatcat:rhh4t4llzjcsriwmc2opohnic4

Weight Estimation of the Sea Cucumber (Stichopus japonicas) using Vision-based Volume Measurement

Donggil Lee, Seonghoon Kim, Miseon Park, Yongsu Yang
2014 Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology  
Evaluation of the performance of this algorithm using cross-validation showed that the root mean square error and worst-case prediction error were 1.434 g and ±5.879 g, respectively.  ...  Growth analysis and selection of sea cucumbers (Stichopus japonicas) is typically performed through length or weight measurements.  ...  Acknowledgements This work was supported by a grant (RP-2014-FE-013) from the National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI), Republic of Korea.  ... 
doi:10.5370/jeet.2014.9.6.2154 fatcat:bgz2h2zoxjfljcxkj2vmdyerae

Regularization Penalty Optimization for Addressing Data Quality Variance in OoD Algorithms [article]

Runpeng Yu, Hong Zhu, Kaican Li, Lanqing Hong, Rui Zhang, Nanyang Ye, Shao-Lun Huang, Xiuqiang He
2022 arXiv   pre-print
A novel algorithm is proposed based on the theoretical results to alleviate the influence of low-quality data at both the sample level and the domain level.  ...  In this paper, we theoretically reveal the relationship between training data quality and algorithm performance and analyze the optimal regularization scheme for Lipschitz regularized invariant risk minimization  ...  The work of Shao-Lun Huang was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61807021, in part by the Shenzhen Science and Technology Program under Grant KQTD20170810150821146  ... 
arXiv:2206.05749v1 fatcat:xg7e37zsgrf73pqiqotn7l2pgq
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