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Constructive modal logics I

Duminda Wijesekera
1990 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic  
Let us use the computer science special case of constructive concurrent dynamic logic (CCDL) of [27] t o motivate our minimal system of intuitionistic modal logic more completely.  ...  Ewald's axioms The system of modal logic developed by Ewalds [7] uses more axioms than presented here, and is too restrictive to cover our intended application to constructive concurrent dynamic logic  ... 
doi:10.1016/0168-0072(90)90059-b fatcat:u2tiohp5snegvozxpddfez65x4

Fibred Coalgebraic Logic and Quantum Protocols

Daniel Marsden
2014 Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science  
As this fibred setting will typically involve multiple signature functors, the logic incorporates a calculus of modalities enabling the construction of new modalities using various composition operations  ...  We show how properties of the semantics of modalities are preserved under composition operations, and then apply the calculational aspect of our logic to produce an expressive set of modalities for reasoning  ...  Acknowledgements I would like to thank Andreas Döring and Samson Abramsky for their feedback and suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.4204/eptcs.171.9 fatcat:2flur2wl2befxidk7hoitrsjw4

Epistemic Modality in Georgian

Nino Sharashenidze
2015 Baltic Journal of Political Science  
So, the epistemic necessity is expressed by "Unda" modal particle and a verb in the subjunctive mood and implies a logical necessity based on the speaker's belief.  ...  Here "Unda" implies that as far as I know him, his capabilities and sense of responsibility, I believe that he must have got on with the job well enough.  ...  Modal constructions are more frequently used instead: (1) მინდა გაკეთება -I want to do it minda gak'eteba An infinitive construction expressing a wish; (2) მინდა გავაკეთო -I want to do it minda gavak'eto  ... 
doi:10.15388/verb.2014.5.5006 fatcat:jpgyblftwvd5vcum3ehx4rsxky

Constructive Description Logics Hybrid-Style

Valeria de Paiva, Edward Hermann Haeusler, Alexandre Rademaker
2011 Electronical Notes in Theoretical Computer Science  
Constructive modal logics come in several different flavours and constructive description logics, not surprisingly, do the same.  ...  The system iALC is related to Simpson's constructive modal logic IK the same way Mendler and Scheele's cALC is related to constructive CK and in the same way classical multimodal K is related to ALC.  ...  Constructive modal and hybrid logics Traditionally modal logics are classical propositional logics augmented with modalities for necessity, possibility, obligations, provability etc.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.entcs.2011.06.010 fatcat:yzu7dnmtcrg7da342ebwx5znb4

Page 1427 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 97C [page]

1997 Mathematical Reviews  
In fact, differently from the construction defined by these authors, we show that suitable modal logics for such a construction must indeed contain KD4.  ...  When reflexivity is added to the modal logic used for the fixed point construction, we arrive at the Marek, Schwarz and Truszczynski framework for Reiter’s default logic.  ... 

Wijesekera-style constructive modal logics [article]

Tiziano Dalmonte
2022 arXiv   pre-print
We define a family of propositional constructive modal logics corresponding each to a different classical modal system.  ...  The logics are defined in the style of Wijesekera's constructive modal logic, and are both proof-theoretically and semantically motivated.  ...  Introduction Constructive or intuitionistic modal logics are extensions of intuitionistic logic with modalities ✷ and ✸.  ... 
arXiv:2210.09937v1 fatcat:cuy56cwfefe4dde6qgcxyz3xtm

Epistemic Updates on Bilattices [chapter]

Zeinab Bakhtiarinoodeh, Umberto Rivieccio
2015 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
i is essentially the same as that of classical modal logic (augmented with constants representing elements of FOUR), but the propositional connectives as well as the modal operator ⌃ are interpreted using  ...  The language of bilattice modal logic h^, _, !, ¬, ⌃, t, >, f, ?  ...  We obtain the language of (single-agent) 3 BEAK by expanding that of bilattice modal logic with a dynamic modal operator h↵i, where ↵ is an action structure defined as below.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-48561-3_37 fatcat:qeyslell4vctzl2njg74l5qgoa

Constructing Cut Free Sequent Systems with Context Restrictions Based on Classical or Intuitionistic Logic [chapter]

Björn Lellmann, Dirk Pattinson
2013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Examples include constructive modal logics and conditional logic VA.  ...  The rule format encompasses e.g. rules for the boolean connectives and transitive modal logics such as S4 or its constructive version.  ...  Examples included the reconstruction of already known sequent systems for constructive modal logics and the construction of an apparently new sequent system for Lewis' conditional logic VA in the entrenchment  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-36039-8_14 fatcat:gtv57esgxjfq3i4wjwzcol77ie

Modalities in vector logic

Eduardo Mizraji
1994 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic  
The construction of these modal operators was inspired in Tarski's truth-functional definition of possibility for the 3-valued logic of Lukasiewicz.  ...  In this article we show that, within the formalism of vector logic, it becomes possible to obtain truth-functional definitions of the modalities "possibility" and "necessity".  ...  Acknowledgments I would like to thank L. Acerenza, F. Alvarez, J. Hernandez, and J. Seoane for many useful comments.  ... 
doi:10.1305/ndjfl/1094061864 fatcat:f247qbxfzbcprgmwylxwfafe6i

Page 6423 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 96k [page]

1996 Mathematical Reviews  
Muravitsky (New York) 96k:03043 03B45 03F99 68T27 Mayer, Marta Cialdea |Cialdea Mayer, Marta] (I-ROME3-I; Rome); Pirri, Fiora (I-ROME-I; Rome) Propositional abduction in modal logic.  ...  (RS-TVER; Tver’) On the recursive approximability of modal and superintuitionistic logics. (Russian. Russian summary) Algebraic and logical constructions (Russian), 91-97, Tver. Gos.  ... 

Fibrational Modal Type Theory

Valeria de Paiva, Eike Ritter
2016 Electronical Notes in Theoretical Computer Science  
Constructive type theory does not usually discuss logical modalities, and modalities tend to be mostly studied within classical logic, not within type theory.  ...  Providing constructive versions of modal logics and their associated Curry-Howard modal type theories is also a very productive program, e.g. helpful when dealing with computational effects, staged computation  ...  , while in this paper we deal with constructive modal logic.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.entcs.2016.06.010 fatcat:ya2v4fj2kvhjljmtmell2sakmq

Bridges from Language to Logic: Concepts, Contexts and Ontologies

Valeria de Paiva
2011 Electronical Notes in Theoretical Computer Science  
Then we turn our attention to formal logics applicable to systems of contexts and describe some open questions on these systems.  ...  This paper gives a brief overview of the work on translating natural language sentences into logic done at PARC and distills a few simple-minded lessons.  ...  The system proposed in [6] , called CK n (for constructive modal K n ) is a multiple operators K-style multi-modality modal logic.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.entcs.2011.03.007 fatcat:dmqqacmjlnhxjlun65bxma2koq

Realization Theorems for Justification Logics: Full Modularity [chapter]

Annemarie Borg, Roman Kuznets
2015 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
A constructive proof of a realization theorem typically relies on a cut-free sequent-style proof system for the corresponding modal logic.  ...  A uniform realization theorem for all the modal logics of the socalled modal cube, i.e., for the extensions of the basic modal logic K with any subset of the axioms d, t, b, 4, and 5, has been proven using  ...  The natural challenge is to extend this method to the nested sequent calculi for intuitionistic modal logics from [MS14] and for constructive modal logics from [ADS15] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24312-2_16 fatcat:s6dznxculjgevpuz6njzvw3cuu

Page 2073 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 98D [page]

1998 Mathematical Reviews  
(Il-ROME-1; Rome); Nardi, Daniele (l-ROME-I; Rome); Rosati, Riccardo (l-ROME-I; Rome) Ground noamonotonic modal logics. (English summary) J. Logic Comput. 7 (1997), no. 4, 523-548.  ...  Kripke complete axiomatic systems with several modal connectives describing the motivations of the actions of a rational agent are constructed. Lilija A.  ... 

Page 1872 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 89D [page]

1989 Mathematical Reviews  
Andrews) 89d:03015 03B45 54H99 Sambin, Giovanni (I-PADV); Vaccaro, Virginia (I-NAPL) Topology and duality in modal logic. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 37 (1988), no. 3, 249-296.  ...  - ing some set of modal formulas) in terms of closure under specific frame constructions.  ... 
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