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32,079 Hits in 3.4 sec

Moving To The Cloud: Estimating The Internet Connection Bandwidth

Luís Ferreira da Silva, Fernando Brito e Abreu
2011 Zenodo  
This paper addresses this concern by providing guidelines for estimating internet connection bandwidth requirements for a prototypical cloud-based organization represented by means of an IT infrastructure  ...  IT Infrastructures (ITIs) have long been understood in terms of people and resources such as servers, routers, firewalls and operating systems, among other components, running and providing services inside  ...  Problem How to estimate the required internet bandwidth when moving applications to a public cloud?  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1001769 fatcat:j7mwj5doprbwhoe36qqujfw24y

Delay - aware bandwidth estimation and intelligent video transcoder in mobile cloud

S P Tamizhselvi, Vijayalakshmi Muthuswamy
2021 Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications  
To resolve the issue, we propose a novel framework called delay aware bandwidth estimation and intelligent video transcoder in mobile cloud.  ...  In this paper, we introduced four techniques, namely, Markov Mobile Bandwidth Cloud Estimation (MMBCE), Cloud Dynamic Congestion Window (CDCW), Queue-based Video Processing for Cloud Server (QVPS), and  ...  The new bandwidth algorithm description is as follows: Algorithm 1 Description In the cloud server, to estimate bandwidth, we propose MMBCE, to measure the best available bandwidth of each video request  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12083-021-01134-1 pmid:33968291 pmcid:PMC8087536 fatcat:n4yfpnyokbgqzl52fv2a4nouuu

A new form of DOS attack in a cloud and its avoidance mechanism

Huan Liu
2010 Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop on Cloud computing security workshop - CCSW '10  
In this paper, we describe a new form of DOS attack, which exploits the network under-provisioning in a cloud infrastructure.  ...  This is not a problem in a corporate data center, but it could be a problem in a shared infrastructure, such as a colocation facility or a cloud infrastructure.  ...  In the first phase, the tool estimates the available bandwidth. Let us denote this estimate by 1.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1866835.1866849 dblp:conf/ccs/Liu10 fatcat:ir2xvipatvbrxlo5uk6syltope

Scheduling in hybrid clouds

Luiz Bittencourt, Edmundo M. Madeira, Nelson S. Da Fonseca
2012 IEEE Communications Magazine  
In hybrid clouds, jobs can be allocated either on a private cloud or on a public cloud on a pay per use basis.  ...  To assess the influence of communication channels on job allocation, we compare and evaluate the impact of the available bandwidth on the performance of some of the scheduling algorithms.  ...  The inter cloud available bandwidth reduces the makespan.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mcom.2012.6295710 fatcat:3dzteno3i5a77ixal4iggvliqu

Optimizing Service Level Agreements for Autonomic Cloud Bursting Schedulers

Sriram Kailasam, Nathan Gnanasambandam, Janakiram Dharanipragada, Naveen Sharma
2010 2010 39th International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops  
preservation) by adapting to changing workload characteristics, variation in bandwidth and available resources.  ...  While cloud-bursting is addressing this process of scaling up and down across data centers (i.e. between private and public clouds), offering service level guarantees, is a challenge for inter-cloud computation  ...  The aforementioned decision factors the expected execution time/bandwidth requirements for the job using the estimation models, the current transit bandwidth and the resource availability in both the clouds  ... 
doi:10.1109/icppw.2010.54 dblp:conf/icppw/KailasamGDS10 fatcat:qskxjvlkm5ce3byklazagpdvam

A predictive approach for the efficient distribution of agent-based systems on a hybrid-cloud

Chahrazed Labba, Narjès Bellamine Ben Saoud, Julie Dugdale
2018 Future generations computer systems  
Hybrid clouds are increasingly used to outsource non-critical applications to public clouds.  ...  Thus, in this paper we propose a generic framework for adaptive cost-efficient deployment of MAS with a special focus on hybrid clouds.  ...  Impact of public cloud providers In this section, we present the impact of varying the used public cloud providers within the hybrid infrastructure while maintaining the same bandwidth and availability  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.future.2017.10.053 fatcat:caicga42vbcujmr6gutoieoj24

Application Portfolio Profiling and Appraisal as Part of Enterprise Adoption of Cloud Computing

Venkata Naga Satya Surendra Chimakurthi
2019 Global Disclosure of Economics and Business  
Consequently, a rough estimate of cloud operating costs (ROM) is required for inclusion in the planning phase of IT governance.  ...  Failures are largely due to a lack of planning in the early stages of identifying which legacy applications are best suited for private or public cloud deployment, resulting in cost and time overruns.  ...  Public cloud migration frameworks and TCO calculators are currently available (Pahl & Xiong, 2013 ).  ... 
doi:10.18034/gdeb.v8i2.610 fatcat:gtroek75yvcsfmerj5x7vkrufu

Achieving cost-efficient, data-intensive computing in the cloud

Michael Conley, Amin Vahdat, George Porter
2015 Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing - SoCC '15  
We describe the implications of this observation for achieving efficiency in large-scale cloud deployments.  ...  Our experience shows that there are scaling limitations in clusters relying on these new features.  ...  We would also like to thank Praveen Gujar, Chad Schmutzer, Ann Merrihew, Amy Hogenhurt, Jonathan Fritz, and Rahul Pathak from Amazon for their help in provisioning EC2 resources and obtaining EC2 credits  ... 
doi:10.1145/2806777.2806781 dblp:conf/cloud/ConleyVP15 fatcat:tfphsj7yfjfrtdfsuukjgxgtci

A Context Sensitive Offloading Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing Service

Bowen Zhou, Amir Vahid Dastjerdi, Rodrigo N. Calheiros, Satish Narayana Srirama, Rajkumar Buyya
2015 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing  
In this paper, we propose a prototype MCC offloading system that considers multiple cloud resources such as mobile ad-hoc network, cloudlet and public clouds to provide a adaptive MCC service.  ...  Mobile cloud computing (MCC) has drawn significant research attention as the popularity and capability of mobile devices have been improved in recent years.  ...  execution coston cloudlet 10: cloud cost ← estimate execution coston public cloud 11: check network interface state 12: if only cell network is available then 13: check cloud availability 14:  ... 
doi:10.1109/cloud.2015.119 dblp:conf/IEEEcloud/ZhouDCSB15 fatcat:nbxsojakdrgfjcd46qu4pctt2e


Thomas Heinze, Patrick Meyer, Zbigniew Jerzak, Christof Fetzer
2013 Proceedings of the 7th ACM international conference on Distributed event-based systems - DEBS '13  
In recent time due to the availability of cloud-based data streaming systems like Yahoo!  ...  In our demonstration we present an approach to measure and estimate the monetary cost for data streaming systems.  ...  CONCLUSION In this demonstration we presented a generic cost model, which allows to measure and estimate the monetary cost for a cloud-based data streaming engine.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2488222.2489276 dblp:conf/debs/HeinzeMJF13 fatcat:oar4dmudznc7fo77ku4feowitq

Traffic Analysis and Shaping of the Cloud Services over Common Deployment Model using Cloud Analyst

C. Saravanakumar, C. Arun
2012 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Cloud computing gives an enormous service to the customer in order to reduce the cost of investment on infrastructure development.  ...  The fluctuation in the traffic may lead to the problem in retaining the customer i.e., the customer may feel difficult to access the service.  ...  In a public cloud all services are accessed over the internet i.e., all the services are available globally.  ... 
doi:10.5120/6094-8281 fatcat:q7putimz35frvdcasssdyoebia

Bandwidth Measurements within the Cloud

José Luis García-Dorado
2017 ACM Transactions on Internet Technology  
The consequence of this is that a large amount of bytes must be transmitted across the public Cloud. However, very little is known about its bandwidth dynamics.  ...  While the former provides a description of the bandwidth users can expect in the Cloud, the latter is closely related to the robustness of the Cloud (i.e., the occurrence of downtimes is correlated).  ...  It was also partially supported by the UTN-CUICYT-177 project Characterization of Correlated Performance in the Cloud. Finally, the author thanks professors Edgar A. Maya and Julio J.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3093893 fatcat:c5loc3tlerg6jfr3ypasrhzesq

Implementasi Laboratorium Komputer Virtual Berbasis Cloud – Kelas Pemrograman Berorientasi Obyek

Dwi Susanto, Ridi Ferdiana, Selo Sulistyo
2022 Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi  
Vlab dapat menggunakan infrastruktur on-premise maupun infrastruktur public cloud.  ...  Bandwidth yang dibutuhkan untuk mengakses Vlab berbasis cloud berkisar antara 0,13 Mbps hingga 3,09 Mbps.  ...  Currently, available public cloud technology has the potential to be used as a virtual computer laboratory platform.  ... 
doi:10.22146/jnteti.v11i1.3475 fatcat:zmlyhg7v5vgyvllwleipwbelhi

RACE: Resource Aware Cost-Efficient Scheduler for Cloud Fog Environment

Jawad Usman Arshed, Masroor Ahmed
2021 IEEE Access  
the Fog layer, reduces the monetary cost of using Cloud resources with minimum execution time of applications and minimum bandwidth usage.  ...  The ModuleScheduler in RACE categorizes the incoming application modules according to their computation and bandwidth requirements which are then placed by CompareModule.  ...  In equation 13 the module is assigned to the Fog device with a minimum estimated finish time for that module on the available Fog devices. IV.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3068817 fatcat:p3nufd345nej7begieujxn2xte

Design and Development of Efficient Multipath TCP using GMM clustering for Big Data in Public Cloud Data Center

Currently new topologies have been introduced in many data centers that provide location independence and larger aggregate bandwidth by making different multiple paths in the network core.  ...  The experiment is conducted by clustering the public cloud data using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) based Expectation and Maximization (EM) algorithm and communicated over a network using MPTCP.  ...  running in public data center.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.e1973.039520 fatcat:vxnovbrhb5gaphq6wbrumnv2ye
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