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Machining fixture locating and clamping position optimization using genetic algorithms

Necmettin Kaya
2006 Computers in industry (Print)  
A genetic algorithm based approach is developed to optimise fixture layout through integrating a finite element code running in batch mode to compute the objective function values for each generation.  ...  The results of this approach show that the fixture layout optimization problems are multi-modal problems.  ...  The optimization objective is to search for a 2D fixture layout that minimizes the maximum elastic deformation at different locations of the workpiece.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.compind.2005.05.001 fatcat:vukown3mxjhdfcmhqrxe7dxtdq

Robust Planning for Multi-stage Forceful Manipulation [article]

Rachel Holladay, Tomás Lozano-Pérez, Alberto Rodriguez
2023 arXiv   pre-print
object.  ...  Multi-step forceful manipulation tasks, such as opening a push-and-twist childproof bottle, require a robot to make various planning choices that are substantially impacted by the requirement to exert  ...  Given an initial state, goal and graph, domain-independent graph search algorithms can be used to search for a path.  ... 
arXiv:2208.00319v2 fatcat:vfij3xnsajgwnez745qzn2bri4

Planning for Multi-stage Forceful Manipulation [article]

Rachel Holladay, Tomás Lozano-Pérez, Alberto Rodriguez
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Multi-stage forceful manipulation tasks, such as twisting a nut on a bolt, require reasoning over interlocking constraints over discrete as well as continuous choices.  ...  The robot must choose a sequence of discrete actions, or strategy, such as whether to pick up an object, and the continuous parameters of each of those actions, such as how to grasp the object.  ...  We thank the members of the MCube Lab and LIS Group for their helpful feedback and especially Caelan Garrett for the many PDDLStream discussions.  ... 
arXiv:2101.02679v2 fatcat:5my5zgqozfe6dbnjay7v5xmewa

Mathematical methodology for optimization of the clamping forces accounting for workpiece vibratory behaviour

Riadh Chaari, Moez Abennadher, Jamel Louati, Mohamed Haddar
2014 International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization  
Indeed, Material removal significantly affects the fixture-workpiece system dynamics and subsequently the minimum clamping forces required for achieving fixturing dynamic stability.  ...  Indeed, we present an innovative simulation methodology that is able to study the effects of fixture-workpiece system dynamics and the continuously change due to material removal on fixturing stability  ...  Future research will focus on the influence of the structure compliance (for relatively flexible parts) on the stability of the fixtured workpiece.  ... 
doi:10.1051/smdo/2013005 fatcat:tmnamrcuwbdgvgslqnqndezd2y

Intelligent design and optimization of machining fixtures

2016 Tehnički Vjesnik  
Adequate criteria for the selection of fixture elements are defined for locating, clamping, tool guiding, and tool adjustment elements, as well as for fixture body elements, connecting elements and add-on  ...  The design module performs selection of required fixture elements based on a set of predefined production rules.  ...  [18] described an approach based on memetic algorithm to multi-objective fixture layout optimization, considering both location accuracy and stability.  ... 
doi:10.17559/tv-20150908142130 fatcat:n4sqp6w5ircmbbjt5pikfefhx4

Automatic Design of 3-D Fixtures and Assembly Pallets

Randy C. Brost, Ralph R. Peters
1998 The international journal of robotics research  
Acknowledgments We thank Ron Simon for constructing the physical demonstration fixtures and pallets, offering comments on this work, and for writing the robot control software for the fixture loading experiments  ...  Snavely, Jim Wells, and Steve Holland at General Motors for sup porting and inspiring this work.  ...  The most important of these approximations is that the user may instruct the algorithm to limit its search for side locator height combinations, for example considering only height combinations where each  ... 
doi:10.1177/027836499801701201 fatcat:ixtuf6xl5jdsnjq77bu3gnvkua

Solving Minimum Distance Problems With Convex or Concave Bodies Using Combinatorial Global Optimization Algorithms

J.A. Carretero, M.A. Nahon
2005 IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B (Cybernetics)  
In this paper an optimization-based approach is used to solve the concave problem without the need for partitioning the concave object into convex sub-objects.  ...  algorithm.  ...  Often, a multi start search is used to bolster the confidence in the minimum value obtained using gradient-based approaches (see for instance [Carretero et al., 2000] ).  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsmcb.2005.850172 pmid:16366241 fatcat:5flonohyife27gacwpxhbxm24u

Autofix – Automated Design of Fixtures

S. Nambiar, A. P. Albert, V. V. R. C. Rimmalapudi, V. Acharya, M. Tarkian, M. Kihlman
2022 Proceedings of the Design Society  
AutoFix provides methods and tools for automatically optimizing resource-intensive fixture design utilizing digital tools from different disciplines.  ...  AbstractThis paper presents a framework to develop the automated design of fixtures using the combination of design automation (DA), multidisciplinary optimization and robotic simulation.  ...  Finite and predictable numbers of clamping and support locations which allows a mathematical formulation for searching these points from the master location systems. 2.  ... 
doi:10.1017/pds.2022.56 fatcat:togrgcaxirhwxclkpjifxh77im

Recent Patents on Computational Intelligence

David Elizondo, Stephen Matthews
2008 Recent Patents on Computer Science  
The last few years have seen a growth in theoretical and practical developments in this field.  ...  The patents are categorised by their domain of application: Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Algorithms and further classified by the application area.  ...  A phased multi colour display shows indicator status and monitored object status coloured by a scheme.  ... 
doi:10.2174/2213275910801020110 fatcat:beze53g2kvb57h6k3jf6icko4a

Recent Patents on Computational Intelligence

David A. Elizondo, Stephen G. Matthews
2010 Recent Patents on Computer Science  
The last few years have seen a growth in theoretical and practical developments in this field.  ...  The patents are categorised by their domain of application: Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Algorithms and further classified by the application area.  ...  A phased multi colour display shows indicator status and monitored object status coloured by a scheme.  ... 
doi:10.2174/1874479610801020110 fatcat:2timwdwx7neutiavmb2aiu3xxe

Task-Specific Sensor Planning for Robotic Assembly Tasks

Guy Rosman, Changhyun Choi, Mehmet Dogar, John W. Fisher IIIl, Daniela Rus
2018 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)  
When performing multi-robot tasks, sensory feedback is crucial in reducing uncertainty for correct execution.  ...  We show how they can be incorporated into a multi-robot planner, and demonstrate results with a team of robots performing assembly tasks.  ...  The search continues until an assignment is found for all variables. If there is no solution, backtracking search tries all combinations of value assignments.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icra.2018.8460194 dblp:conf/icra/RosmanCDFR18 fatcat:qbekvoqeqncljmc7zusk4uvoc4

Multi-vehicle testbed for decentralized environmental sensing

R Andres Cortez, Jose-Marcio Luna, Rafael Fierro, John Wood
2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
Two cooperative control algorithms: prioritized multi-sensing behavior, and a distributed adaptive algorithm for nonholonomic sensor networks are qualitatively verified using our multi-vehicle testbed.  ...  In this paper we present our multi-vehicle testbed that was designed for verification and validation of cooperative control algorithms involving environmental sensing.  ...  An outline of the control algorithm is described below. T search is taken to be the time allowed for the search.  ... 
doi:10.1109/robot.2010.5509294 dblp:conf/icra/CortezLFW10a fatcat:dbhf5e64yzfajmlshbidakoira

Optimisation for clamping force of aircraft composite structure assembly considering form defects and part deformations

Wei Zhang, Luling An, Yuan Chen, Yeping Xiong, Yabing Liao
2021 Advances in Mechanical Engineering  
Finally, the improved genetic algorithm (GA) was used to solve this problem. A parametric finite element analysis (FEA) model was built, and model accuracy was verified by physical experiments.  ...  Then, a mathematical optimisation model was established.  ...  Funding The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article: This work is supported by the National Natural  ... 
doi:10.1177/1687814021995703 fatcat:pging3bhvjfdddta5fqysp6yoi

Optimized Design of Fixture Mechanism for Cotton Bundle Fiber

Daiyu Jiang, Huting Wang, Ruoyu Zhang, Rong Hu, Hong Liu
2023 Actuators  
The dimensional parameters and angles of the mechanism were optimized using the multi-island genetic algorithm.  ...  The above results show that the DASAAM provided a new method for solving the static problem of mechanism morphological and position change, and the optimized linkage mechanism had better clamping force  ...  Acknowledgments: We express our gratitude to Chengzhi Wang from Jimei University for generously providing us with the Computer-Aided Design for Mechanism (MCad) software, which greatly facilitated our  ... 
doi:10.3390/act12120435 fatcat:bweuswdfj5cbjk2wlbfytv42uy

Multi-agent System Supporting Automated GIS-based Photometric Computations

Adam Sędziwy, Leszek Kotulski
2016 Procedia Computer Science  
In this article we propose the method of energy efficiency optimization relying on a multi-agent system framework which enables scalable computations capable of handling large-scale projects.  ...  The case of a real-life optimization is also presented in the paper.  ...  Note that it can be not a straightforward task due to the complex dependencies among luminaire locations, presence of shading objects and a resultant photometric performance.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2016.05.372 fatcat:5drm427glvarrdhwrzhfwhtsgi
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