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A Time Lower Bound for Satisfiability [chapter]

Dieter van Melkebeek, Ran Raz
2004 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
For conondeterministic machines, we obtain a similar lower bound for any a such that a 3 < 1 + a/(d + 1). The same bounds apply to almost all natural NP-complete problems known.  ...  We show that a deterministic Turing machine with one d-dimensional work tape and random access to the input cannot solve satisfiability in time n a for a < (d + 2)/(d + 1).  ...  Acknowledgments We would like to thank Ravi Kannan, Rahul Santhanam, and the anonymous ICALP referees for helpful discussions, pointers to the literature, and other suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-27836-8_81 fatcat:4wfv4lejlngonj65wb7qkovr4i

A time lower bound for satisfiability

Dieter van Melkebeek, Ran Raz
2005 Theoretical Computer Science  
For conondeterministic machines, we obtain a similar lower bound for any a such that a 3 < 1 + a/(d + 1). The same bounds apply to almost all natural NP-complete problems known.  ...  We show that a deterministic Turing machine with one d-dimensional work tape and random access to the input cannot solve satisfiability in time n a for a < √ (d + 2)/(d + 1).  ...  Acknowledgements We would like to thank Ravi Kannan, Rahul Santhanam, and the anonymous ICALP referees for helpful discussions, pointers to the literature, and other suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2005.09.020 fatcat:2zbggupixjgsvd5fxcywgliopu

Connecting SAT Algorithms and Complexity Lower Bounds [chapter]

Ryan Williams
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
These connections have made it possible to prove new complexity lower bounds that had long been conjectured, and they suggest concrete directions for further progress.  ...  Surprisingly, even minor algorithmic progress on solving the circuit satisfiability problem faster than exhaustive search can be applied to prove strong circuit complexity lower bounds.  ...  In particular, circuit size lower bounds for the class ACC have been proved by designing new algorithms for satisfiability of ACC circuits [2] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21581-0_1 fatcat:3bpt4mnhbbg5fjmpjtda5ymtca

Page 82 of American Society of Civil Engineers. Collected Journals Vol. 9, Issue 1 [page]

1995 American Society of Civil Engineers. Collected Journals  
The upper bound of an event is the maximum time taken for an event to repeat itself. Likewise, the lower bound is the minimum time taken.  ...  Specification upper and lower bounds (U/L): After proving that the model meets its timing requirements, an upper and lower bound for every event in the Modechart may be obtained through simulation.  ... 

Ironic Complicity: Satisfiability Algorithms and Circuit Lower Bounds [article]

Rahul Santhanam
2012 Electronic colloquium on computational complexity  
His result exploits a formal connection from non-trivial SAT algorithms to circuit lower bounds.  ...  I discuss recent progress in developing and exploiting connections between SAT algorithms and circuit lower bounds.  ...  Acknowledgements I am grateful to Vikraman Arvind for commissioning a version of this article for the Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science.  ... 
dblp:journals/eccc/Santhanam12 fatcat:u6kczbzxxjhmph7tlj2p3opjh4

Parameterizing MAX SNP Problems Above Guaranteed Values [chapter]

Meena Mahajan, Venkatesh Raman, Somnath Sikdar
2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
bound cannot be fixed parameter tractable unless P = NP, for a number of NP-optimization problems.  ...  We next introduce the notion of 'tight' upper and lower bounds for the optimum solution and show that the parameterized version of a variant of the above guarantee question with respect to the tight lower  ...  Thus the polynomial-time computable lower bound that we exhibit in Proposition 1 is a special lower bound obtained from a specific L-reduction to a specific complete problem (Max 3-Sat) for the class MAX  ... 
doi:10.1007/11847250_4 fatcat:ws22q7uuczb45o4qufksfzkbxy

A Novel Approach for Mining Similarity Profiled Temporal Association Patterns [article]

Vangipuram Radhakrishna, P.V.Kumar, V.Janaki
2016 arXiv   pre-print
The objective of this research is to come up with a novel approach so as to find similar temporal association patterns w.r.t user specified threshold and a given reference support time sequence using concept  ...  A Temporal database is a database which can store past, present and future information.  ...  Now, find the upper-lower bound , lower-lower bound, and lower bound values for temporal pattern, .  ... 
arXiv:1604.05272v1 fatcat:f7ekbpf5grcptar5s7fv4poeka

Improved On-Line Broadcast Scheduling with Deadlines [chapter]

Feifeng Zheng, Stanley P. Y. Fung, Wun-Tat Chan, Francis Y. L. Chin, Chung Keung Poon, Prudence W. H. Wong
2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This improves upon the previous √ ∆ lower bound in [11, 4] and is much closer to the current upper bound of (∆ + 2 √ ∆ + 2) in [7] . Furthermore, for small values of ∆ we give better lower bounds.  ...  In the case that pages may have different lengths, we prove a lower bound of Ω(∆/ log ∆) on the competitive ratio where ∆ is the ratio of maximum to minimum page lengths.  ...  He then complemented his upper bound with several lower bounds, including a tight lower bound for this special case of unit page length.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11809678_34 fatcat:trv6ujflbrbxlcaedlrmqvrdoe

Improved on-line broadcast scheduling with deadlines

Stanley P. Y. Fung, Feifeng Zheng, Wun-Tat Chan, Francis Y. L. Chin, Chung Keung Poon, Prudence W. H. Wong
2008 Journal of Scheduling  
This improves upon the previous √ ∆ lower bound in [11, 4] and is much closer to the current upper bound of (∆ + 2 √ ∆ + 2) in [7] . Furthermore, for small values of ∆ we give better lower bounds.  ...  In the case that pages may have different lengths, we prove a lower bound of Ω(∆/ log ∆) on the competitive ratio where ∆ is the ratio of maximum to minimum page lengths.  ...  He then complemented his upper bound with several lower bounds, including a tight lower bound for this special case of unit page length.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10951-007-0036-6 fatcat:ev5ywbj5pbdv5ijr5v2ginr2k4

An Efficient Approach to find Similar Temporal Association Patterns Performing Only Single Database Scan

2016 Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad del Zulia  
The third objective is to design novel expressions to find the lower bound support sequence and upper bound support sequence by defining two functions called sum and XOR over temporal patterns.  ...  This concept of traditional support value does not hold good to discover similar temporal association patterns for a known reference sequence and threshold value.  ...  We are also thankful for the editor, Miguel Sanchez for his cooperation and allowing us to extend the present work.  ... 
doi:10.21311/ fatcat:rmyqccizxzcf7ack2l33kdylju

Hardness Magnification for Natural Problems

Igor Carboni Oliveira, Rahul Santhanam
2018 2018 IEEE 59th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS)  
We show that for several natural problems of interest, complexity lower bounds that are barely non-trivial imply super-polynomial or even exponential lower bounds in strong computational models.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Jan Krajíček, Ján Pich and Ninad Rajgopal for helpful discussions and comments.  ...  The antecedent here is a "mild" lower bound against quasi-linear time algorithms, while the consequent is a more significant lower bound against any polynomial-time algorithm, but for a larger class.  ... 
doi:10.1109/focs.2018.00016 dblp:conf/focs/OliveiraS18 fatcat:4youvi7wjfbxzn32ttjuy4c6f4

Adaptations of the A* algorithm for the computation of fastest paths in deterministic discrete-time dynamic networks

I. Chabini, Shan Lan
2002 IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems (Print)  
We summarize useful properties of dynamic networks and develop improved lower bounds on minimum travel times.  ...  node, in a class of dynamic networks the link travel times of which satisfy the first-in-first-out property.  ...  Lemma 6 provides a conceptual lower bound on for a node , which is on a shortest path corresponding to departure time . We refer to this lower dynamic lower bound as the dynamic lower bound.  ... 
doi:10.1109/6979.994796 fatcat:rcnja5ga55fephcdrhasksyxya

Page 316 of The Journal of the Operational Research Society Vol. 51, Issue 3 [page]

2000 The Journal of the Operational Research Society  
Numerical aspects Under the assumptions A,,) per state S; (j = | k) and known preventive replacement preparation time p > 0, we can create a table which gives the lower and upper bounds for the probability  ...  = 00 for all s, it is clear that the number of combinations that satisfy the lower bound condi- tion for state S; can be obtained from the number of combinations that satisfy the upper bound condition  ... 

An Anytime Algorithm for Computing Inconsistency Measurement [chapter]

Yue Ma, Guilin Qi, Guohui Xiao, Pascal Hitzler, Zuoquan Lin
2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Many methods have been proposed to solve this problem and a main class of them is based on some kind of paraconsistent semantics.  ...  We show that our algorithm satisfies some desirable properties and give experimental results of our implementation of the algorithm.  ...  For each w, it needs at most |Var(K)| w times tests of S-4 unsatisfiability. So it takes O( |Var(K)| w |K|w · 2 w ) time to compute a lower bound 1 − (w − 1)/|Var(K)|.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-10488-6_7 fatcat:svjku63kenglnmyexswbaa7usq

Lower Bounds and Upper Bounds for MaxSAT [chapter]

Federico Heras, Antonio Morgado, Joao Marques-Silva
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paper presents several ways to compute lower and upper bounds for MaxSAT based on calling a complete SAT solver.  ...  Preliminary results indicate that (i) the bounds are of high quality, (ii) the bounds can boost the search of MaxSAT solvers on some benchmarks, and (iii) the upper bounds computed by a Stochastic Local  ...  Note that the necessary time to compute the bounds is included in the time limit for each execution.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-34413-8_35 fatcat:xh5pgcyqzjbrrjureknsyienpi
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