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3D Hand Gesture Representation and Recognition through Deep Joint Distance Measurements

P. Vasavi, Suman Maloji, E. Kiran, D. Anil, N. Sasikala
2020 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
Hand gestures with finger relationships are among the toughest features to extract for machine recognition.  ...  In this paper, this particular research challenge is addressed with 3D hand joint features extracted from distance measurements which are then colour mapped as spatio temporal features.  ...  angular displacement maps (JADMs) [37] , joint velocity maps (JVM) [38] , joint quad maps (JQM) [39] and joint trajectory maps (JTM) [40] .  ... 
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2020.0110496 fatcat:6omi4iq4gjcudf2sqeh5deihxy

Skeleton based View Invariant Human Action Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
In the second stage, the transformed joint locations of the skeletal data will be converted to RGB images by a color coding technique and forms a transformed joint location maps (TJLMs) .  ...  His works focus on mechine learing, biomechanics, artificial intelligence, human motion analysis and sign language machine translation.  ...  Concatenating the 3-color planes into one, creates a RGB image of joint angular displacement as intensity values.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijrte.b3547.078219 fatcat:xiyh5cn47zfn3nm776amdrjaye

A Data Augmentation Method for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Relative Features

Junjie Chen, Wei Yang, Chenqi Liu, Leiyue Yao
2021 Applied Sciences  
Because the generated color images are small in size, a shallow CNN model is suitable to extract the deep features of the generated motion images.  ...  However, using relative features to depict human actions, in addition to preventing overfitting when the CNN model is trained on a few samples, is still a challenge.  ...  For example, except for some subtle actions such as sign language or hand poses, the motion information of hand joints is redundant.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app112311481 fatcat:4ss67c6eqzhnvdlwbov24a4wf4

Multimodal Fusion Based on LSTM and a Couple Conditional Hidden Markov Model for Chinese Sign Language Recognition

Qinkun Xiao, Minying Qin, Peng Guo, Yidan Zhao
2019 IEEE Access  
A novel multimodal fusion approach is proposed for Chinese sign language (CSL) recognition.  ...  Then, as a result, the proposed skeleton-hand fusion framework can be used for the vision-based sign language recognition (SLR) of non-specific people in non-specific environments.  ...  sign has also been interpreted using joint angular displacement maps (JADMs), which encode the sign as a color texture image [7] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2925654 fatcat:aqwbtp4afbe6lcphyxudxk6yra

Action Recognition Using 3D Histograms of Texture and A Multi-Class Boosting Classifier

Baochang Zhang, Yun Yang, Chen Chen, Linlin Yang, Jungong Han, Ling Shao
2017 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing  
This paper presents a low-cost descriptor called 3D histograms of texture (3DHoTs) to extract discriminant features from a sequence of depth maps. 3DHoTs are derived from projecting depth frames onto three  ...  Human action recognition is an important yet challenging task.  ...  recognition, consisting of 12 gestures defined by American Sign Language (ASL).  ... 
doi:10.1109/tip.2017.2718189 pmid:28644810 fatcat:vyy6fauupbgpldw5k2wptzanye

GesSure- A Robust Face-Authentication enabled Dynamic Gesture Recognition GUI Application [article]

Ankit Jha, Ishita, Pratham G. Shenwai, Ayush Batra, Siddharth Kotian, Piyush Modi
2022 arXiv   pre-print
The face model uses MTCNN and FaceNet to verify the user, and our LSTM-CNN architecture for gesture recognition, achieving an accuracy of 95% with five classes of gestures.  ...  We use meaningful and relevant gestures for task operation, resulting in a better user experience.  ...  Also, they are less intuitive since they use static gesture techniques like the American sign language models.  ... 
arXiv:2207.11033v2 fatcat:wffjotgr7fbcvplbpsf3ykvfqm

GesSure: A Robust Face-Authentic Enabled Dynamic Gesture Recognition GUI Application

Ankit Jha, Ishita, Pratham G. Shenwai, Ayush Batra, Siddharth Kotian, Piyush Modi
2022 International Journal on Cybernetics & Informatics  
The face model uses MTCNN and FaceNet to verify the user, and our LSTM-CNN architecture for gesture recognition, achieving an accuracy of 95% with five classes of gestures.  ...  We use meaningful and relevant gestures for task operation, resulting in a better user experience.  ...  Also, they are less intuitive since they use static gesture techniques like the American sign language models.  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijci.2022.110402 fatcat:7yynxfbslrc7tpykjtosbukzia

Review on Vehicle Detection Technology for Unmanned Ground Vehicles

Qi Liu, Zirui Li, Shihua Yuan, Yuzheng Zhu, Xueyuan Li
2021 Sensors  
Finally, promising research topics in the future study of vehicle detection technology for UGVs are discussed in detail.  ...  Thirdly, several simulation platforms related to UGVs are presented for facilitating simulation testing of vehicle detection algorithms.  ...  The overall framework of vehicle recognition technology for unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs). Figure 3 . 3 Figure 3. Structure of vehicle detection algorithm overview in this survey.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21041354 pmid:33672976 fatcat:ammlsccxbbhgpkx6r5vod7ciuy

A Comparative Review on Applications of Different Sensors for Sign Language Recognition

Muhammad Saad Amin, Syed Tahir Hussain Rizvi, Md. Murad Hossain
2022 Journal of Imaging  
A sensor-based smart glove for sign language recognition (SLR) proved helpful to generate data based on various hand movements related to specific signs.  ...  A detailed comparative review of all types of available techniques and sensors used for sign language recognition was presented in this article.  ...  Color texture coded-based joint angular displacement maps were classified efficiently with the help of a 3-D deep CNN model.  ... 
doi:10.3390/jimaging8040098 pmid:35448225 pmcid:PMC9027924 fatcat:ocodirl2frht7pf6jflorjs2we

A Review on Deep Learning Approaches for 3D Data Representations in Retrieval and Classifications

Abubakar Sulaiman Gezawa, Yan Zhang, Qicong Wang, Lei Yunqi
2020 IEEE Access  
Therefore, it can be concluded that deep learning together with a suitable 3D data representation gives an effective approach for improving the performance of 3D shape analysis.  ...  For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ VOLUME 8, 2020  ...  It gives a 2.5D data about the obtained 3D object by giving the depth map (D) together with color information (RGB).  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2982196 fatcat:jnya5rscynf3zm7efuucqxafri

Analysis of the Influence of Training Data on Road User Detection

Carlos Guindel, David Martin, Jose Maria Armingol, Christoph Stiller
2018 2018 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES)  
Stiller and the other members of the MRT team for the four months that I spent there.  ...  Also, thanks to the members of the scientific community who made this thesis possible by publicly releasing databases and source code.  ...  Figure A. 3 : 3 Examples of lane detection and classification results using the proposed approach. Color code: pink for solid, blue for dashed and red for merging. CNN.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icves.2018.8519510 dblp:conf/icves/Guindel0AS18 fatcat:fu3cvrvkdjeivndsipd4hnhnqy

Neural Radiance Fields: Past, Present, and Future [article]

Ansh Mittal
2024 arXiv   pre-print
led to a boom in Computer Graphics, Robotics, Computer Vision, and the possible scope of High-Resolution Low Storage Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality-based 3D models have gained traction from res with  ...  In doing so, this survey categorizes all the NeRF-related research in terms of the datasets used, objective functions, applications solved, and evaluation criteria for these applications.  ...  This integration allows effective embedding of 3-D scene information into an observed image, overcoming the limitations of previous works that used joint aperture-exposure coding only for reconstructing  ... 
arXiv:2304.10050v2 fatcat:ixgkwqkt25gqdipgq4er6pdej4

Action in Mind: A Neural Network Approach to Action Recognition and Segmentation [article]

Zahra Gharaee
2021 arXiv   pre-print
For each level of development the system is trained with the input data consisting of consecutive 3D body postures and tested with generalized input data that the system has never met before.  ...  This thesis presents a novel computational approach for human action recognition through different implementations of multi-layer architectures based on artificial neural networks.  ...  There are indeed several applications for these systems including video surveillance, human-computer interaction, video retrieval, sign language recognition, robotics (social robotics), health care, video  ... 
arXiv:2104.14870v1 fatcat:cp7gnx34jbdq5o45zbfmhlrhlm

BIOSIG 2020 - Komplettband

2020 Biometrics and Electronic Signatures  
We address that by presenting a specifically collected database containing three session, each with three different capture instructions, to simulate realistic use cases.  ...  Face recognition has become essential in our daily lives as a convenient and contactless method of accurate identity verification.  ...  We thank the reviewers for their comments, the authors in [MSK06] for providing us with their codes for reconstructing faces, and NCI Australia for computational resources.  ... 
dblp:conf/biosig/X20 fatcat:hkqvegujqbatdlopbzclkxdive

BIOSIG 2021 - Complete Volume

2021 Biometrics and Electronic Signatures  
The problem of distinguishing identical twins and non-twin look-alikes in automated facial recognition (FR) applications has become increasingly important with the widespread adoption of facial biometrics  ...  The proposed network provides a quantitative similarity score for any two given faces and has been applied to large-scale face datasets to identify similar face pairs.  ...  TOC Biometrics, R+D Center SR-226, supported this work.  ... 
dblp:conf/biosig/X21 fatcat:susbfwcwi5dljbhxc4xxyv6dnq
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