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Symbol-flipping based decoding of generalized low-density parity-check codes over GF(q)

Fang-Chun Kuo, L. Hanzo
2006 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2006. WCNC 2006.  
An efficient symbol-flipping based decoding algorithm designed for nonbinary Generalized Low-Density Parity-Check (GLDPC) codes is proposed.  ...  By extending the concept of the Weighted Bit Flip Voting (WBFV) algorithm designed for binary Hamming-code based GLDPC codes, the symbol-flipping decoding algorithm can be beneficially employed for decoding  ...  As an evolution of classic LDPC codes [1] , Generalized Low-Density Parity-Check (GLDPC) codes were introduced by Tanner [4] and then Hamming-code based GLDPC codes were further explored by Boutros  ... 
doi:10.1109/wcnc.2006.1696457 dblp:conf/wcnc/KuoH06 fatcat:cmycva4pdvd3hiolroh2qx6z2a

Predictive Syndrome Based Low Complexity Joint Iterative Detection-Decoding Algorithm for Non-Binary LDPC Codes

Waheed Ullah, Ling Cheng, Fambirai Takawira
2021 IEEE Access  
This paper addresses the problem of decoding non-binary low density parity check codes(LDPC) over finite field GF(q) using symbol flipping approach.  ...  INDEX TERMS Coded modulation, non-binary LDPC, joint iterative detection-decoding, symbol flipping decoding, sum product algorithm, majority logic decoding, reliability based decoding, QAM detector. 33464  ...  INTRODUCTION Non-binary low density parity check (NB-LDPC) codes defined over GF(q > 2) are an extension of binary LDPC codes [1] , [2] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3060806 fatcat:xj324cbsmng5jka3sgrisqnbd4

A Fresh Look at Coding for q-ary Symmetric Channels [article]

Claudio Weidmann, Gottfried Lechner
2011 arXiv   pre-print
This paper studies coding schemes for the q-ary symmetric channel based on binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes that work for any alphabet size q=2^m, m∈N, thus complementing some recently proposed  ...  The decoder is derived from first principles and using a factor-graph representation of a front-end that maps q-ary symbols to groups of m bits connected to a binary code.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Jossy Sayir for helpful discussions and for pointing out the similarity with iterative demapping and decoding.  ... 
arXiv:0909.2009v2 fatcat:wacykhdva5fwvimpnjik6cvaii

A Fresh Look at Coding for $q$-ary Symmetric Channels

Claudio Weidmann, Gottfried Lechner
2012 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory  
This paper studies coding schemes for the q-ary symmetric channel based on binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes that work for any alphabet size q = 2 m , m ∈ N, thus complementing some recently  ...  Index Terms-q-ary symmetric channel, low-density paritycheck (LDPC) codes, decoder front-end.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Jossy Sayir for helpful discussions and for pointing out the similarity with iterative demapping and decoding.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tit.2012.2208576 fatcat:jjckq5p4yjap3paby4nmkvuwqm

Dual RAM Based LDPC Decoding Bit Flipping Algorithm

Pothumarthi Nagaiah, Gopala krishna Mellempudi
2016 International Journal Of Scientific Research And Education  
The problem of decoding non binary LDPC codes over finite fields GF(q),with reasonable complexity and good performance.  ...  The design of non-binary low-density parity-check (NB-LDPC) decoder architectures with moderated area and high throughput remains a challenge for very large scale integration designers.  ...  Log-domain decoding of LDPC codes over GF (q) Introduces a log-domain decoding scheme for LDPC codes over GF (q).  ... 
doi:10.18535/ijsre/v4i05.13 fatcat:mkz2jir635hzbfvwikpvc4al2e

Dual RAM Based LDPC Decoding Bit Flipping Algorithm

Pothumarthi Nagaiah, Gopala krishna Mellempudi
2016 International Journal Of Scientific Research And Education  
A generic RAM based FPGA architecture for decoding LDPC codes. RAM based decoding enables us to reduce permutation networks into simple address controllers.  ...  Utilizing the read-first property of the RAMs, the proposed design efficiently exploits the dual port Block RAM resources by accessing all the four ports at the same time.  ...  Log-domain decoding of LDPC codes over GF (q) Introduces a log-domain decoding scheme for LDPC codes over GF (q).  ... 
doi:10.18535/ijsre/v4i05.12 fatcat:mmtcbu3osfbj7d6y64ifw6icv4

Performance Comparison of Eg-Ldpc Codes With Maximum Likelihood Algorithm Over Non-Binary Ldpc Codes

Sakthivel M, Karthick Raja M, Ragupathy KR, Sathis Kumar K
2014 International Journal of Computational Science and Information Technology  
In this paper two error correcting codes from the family of LDPC codes specifically Euclidean Geometry Low Density Parity Check (EG-LDPC) codes and Nonbinary low density parity check (NB-LDPC) codes are  ...  Low density parity check (LDPC) codes are a class of linear block code has the superior performance closer to the Shannon's limit.  ...  This paper mainly focused on family of Low Density Parity check codes namely NB-LDPC codes and EG-LDPC codes in order compare their performances.  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijcsity.2014.2205 fatcat:zjoghdc3bvhmtpwgxi6hqi5yhm

Statistical mechanics of low-density parity check error-correcting codes over Galois fields

K Nakamura, Y Kabashima, D Saad
2001 Europhysics letters  
A variation of low density parity check (LDPC) error correcting codes defined over Galois fields (GF(q)) is investigated using statistical physics.  ...  A code of this type is characterised by a sparse random parity check matrix composed of C nonzero elements per column.  ...  Low-density parity check (LDPC) codes are based on the transmission of parity checks on top of the message itself, from which errors, which occur during transmission, could be identified and corrected.  ... 
doi:10.1209/epl/i2001-00564-y fatcat:7uplr66w7nbktgo3yzr3mtptcq

Low Complexity Bit Reliability and Predication Based Symbol Value Selection Decoding Algorithms for Non-Binary LDPC Codes

Waheed Ullah, Ling Cheng, Fambirai Takawira
2020 IEEE Access  
Consider a NB LDPC code C of length n with a regular parity check matrix H, defined over the GF (q), with m as number of rows and n as number of columns such that each row of H has a constant weight of  ...  SYMBOL FLIPPING NON-BINARY LDPC DECODING ALGORITHMS The low complexity hard decision symbol flipping decoding algorithm based on the majority logic decision is known as generalized algorithm B [15] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3013814 fatcat:sqzg2a54enfddpmgbjobebyqlm

Controversial Variable Node Selection-Based Adaptive Belief Propagation Decoding Algorithm Using Bit Flipping Check for JSCC Systems

Hao Wang, Wei Zhang, Yizhe Jing, Yanyan Chang, Yanyan Liu
2022 Entropy  
The proposed CVNS-ABP algorithm reduces the influence of error bits on decoding by selecting error variable nodes (VNs) from controversial VNs and adding them to the sparsity of the parity-check matrix  ...  An end-to-end joint source–channel (JSC) encoding matrix and a JSC decoding scheme using the proposed bit flipping check (BFC) algorithm and controversial variable node selection-based adaptive belief  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their constructive comments that have helped improving the overall quality of the article.  ... 
doi:10.3390/e24030427 pmid:35327937 pmcid:PMC8947198 fatcat:j2gm5iap3zasjcg2hcascy7a24

Quantum Error Correction beyond the Bounded Distance Decoding Limit [article]

Kenta Kasai, Manabu Hagiwara, Hideki Imai, Kohichi Sakaniwa
2010 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we consider quantum error correction over depolarizing channels with non-binary low-density parity-check codes defined over Galois field of size 2^p .  ...  The resulting quantum codes outperform the best known quantum codes and surpass the performance limit of the bounded distance decoder.  ...  INTRODUCTION In 1963, Gallager invented low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes [1] . Due to the sparseness of the code representation, LDPC codes are efficiently decoded by the sum-product algorithm.  ... 
arXiv:1007.1778v1 fatcat:fprx4vo2wvhwpkoa665cs53fdu

Modified belief propagation decoders for quantum LDPC codes [article]

Alex Rigby, JC Olivier, Peter Jarvis
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Quantum low-density parity-check codes can be decoded using a syndrome based GF(4) belief propagation decoder.  ...  We also propose the use of an augmented decoder, which has previously been suggested for classical binary low-density parity-check codes.  ...  For a code over GF(q) these messages will be vectors of length q.  ... 
arXiv:1903.07404v1 fatcat:7hqenn6l5vcx7kukkd5ivdtpmi

A Novel Architecture for Elementary-Check-Node Processing in Nonbinary LDPC Decoders

Oussama Abassi, Laura Conde-Canencia, Ali Al Ghouwayel, Emmanuel Boutillon
2017 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - II - Express Briefs  
This paper presents an efficient architecture design for Elementary Check Node processing in Non-Binary Low-Density Parity-Check decoders based on the Extended Min-Sum algorithm.  ...  The adoption of this new design at the Check Node level results in a high-rate low-cost full-pipelined processor.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to thank Yvan Eustache and Hassan Harb for the valuable discussion and insights on the implementation aspects of this work.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcsii.2016.2551550 fatcat:dvcjgq2tgjhijcua63vliyezse

An Area-Efficient Relaxed Half-Stochastic Decoding Architecture for Nonbinary LDPC Codes

Xin-Ru Lee, Chih-Wen Yang, Chih-Lung Chen, Hsie-Chia Chang, Chen-Yi Lee
2015 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - II - Express Briefs  
Index Terms-Nonbinary low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, relaxed half-stochastic (RHS) algorithm, stochastic decoding.  ...  This brief presents an area-efficient relaxed halfstochastic nonbinary low-density parity-check (NB-LDPC) decoder.  ...  INTRODUCTION N ONBINARY low-density parity-check (NB-LDPC) codes, investigated by Davey and Mackay [1] , are defined on the null space of a parity-check matrix H, in which the nonzero entries are the  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcsii.2014.2368616 fatcat:jeobzpibivd2veyu7r43kn6lmy

Parallel vs. sequential belief propagation decoding of LDPC codes over and Markov sources

N. Yacov, H. Efraim, H. Kfir, I. Kanter, O. Shental
2007 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications  
A sequential updating scheme (SUS) for belief propagation (BP) decoding of LDPC codes over Galois fields, GF(q), and correlated Markov sources is proposed, and compared with the standard parallel updating  ...  that for the PUS, independent of the finite field size q.  ...  Acknowledgment The research of I.K. is supported in part by the Israel Science Foundation.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.physa.2006.12.009 fatcat:ffezdpaujbfwtjgk6eev5sagqq
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