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Speculative Backpropagation for CNN Parallel Training

Sangwoo Park, Taeweon Suh
2020 IEEE Access  
Thus far, all the ingredients for the speculative backpropagation for the CNNs have been addressed. V.  ...  CONCLUSION In this paper, we proposed a novel CNN parallel training architecture for image recognition.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3040849 fatcat:pbnnwcmxwncgzpn3nw5e2gy4ty

A Deep Cascade of Convolutional Neural Networks for Dynamic MR Image Reconstruction [article]

Jo Schlemper, Jose Caballero, Joseph V. Hajnal, Anthony Price, Daniel Rueckert
2017 arXiv   pre-print
neural networks (CNNs) to accelerate the data acquisition process.  ...  Inspired by recent advances in deep learning, we propose a framework for reconstructing dynamic sequences of 2D cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) images from undersampled data using a deep cascade of convolutional  ...  We trained the network for 3 × 10 4 backpropagations and the result is denoted as CNN-AD (green curve).  ... 
arXiv:1704.02422v2 fatcat:owrzheosyjggjgbxqqp3lidqda

A Deep Cascade of Convolutional Neural Networks for Dynamic MR Image Reconstruction

Jo Schlemper, Jose Caballero, Joseph V. Hajnal, Anthony N. Price, Daniel Rueckert
2018 IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging  
For more information, see  ...  neural networks (CNNs) to accelerate the data acquisition process.  ...  We trained the network for 3 × 10 4 backpropagations and the result is denoted as CNN-AD (green curve).  ... 
doi:10.1109/tmi.2017.2760978 pmid:29035212 fatcat:g4hq6kemrnf5tlcmdbvlwoxnqe

Associated Learning: Decomposing End-to-end Backpropagation based on Auto-encoders and Target Propagation [article]

Yu-Wei Kao, Hung-Hsuan Chen
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Specifically, this pipeline structure improves the complexity of the training time from O(nl), which is the time complexity when using BP and stochastic gradient descent (SGD) for training, to O(n + l)  ...  Consequently, it is challenging to apply parallel computing or a pipeline structure to update the weights in different layers simultaneously.  ...  We thank the reviewers for their informative feedback.  ... 
arXiv:1906.05560v4 fatcat:canrjhhoxzcxdi2iydkzkk47fy

Visualizing Residual Networks [article]

Brian Chu, Daylen Yang, Ravi Tadinada
2017 arXiv   pre-print
This work potentially challenges our understanding that CNNs learn layers of local features that are followed by increasingly global features.  ...  We also provide alternate visualizations that confirm that residual networks learn what is already intuitively known about CNNs in general.  ...  Thanks Alyosha and Deepak for comments during the poster session. What is Cory Hall?  ... 
arXiv:1701.02362v1 fatcat:dpvl2r4shbhr5m6rpu5lymzurm

Parallel Convolutional Networks for Image Recognition via a Discriminator [article]

Shiqi Yang, Gang Peng
2018 arXiv   pre-print
The framework consists of two parallel CNNs, a discriminator and an extra classifier which takes integrated features from parallel networks and gives final prediction.  ...  The corresponding training strategy is introduced to ensures utilization of discriminator.  ...  Speculating on how to strengthen ability of existed CNN models is a feasible approach.  ... 
arXiv:1807.02265v3 fatcat:iz435tga6rhy3dssiiabpeiuk4

End-to-End Text Classification via Image-based Embedding using Character-level Networks [article]

Shunsuke Kitada, Ryunosuke Kotani, Hitoshi Iyatomi
2018 arXiv   pre-print
For analysing and/or understanding languages having no word boundaries based on morphological analysis such as Japanese, Chinese, and Thai, it is desirable to perform appropriate word segmentation before  ...  Through various experiments, we found and confirmed that our CE-CLCNN captured closely embedded features for visually and semantically similar characters and achieves state-of-the-art results on several  ...  For training of the model, we split the dataset into the training and testing set with an 8:2 ratio, respectively.  ... 
arXiv:1810.03595v2 fatcat:43yhkxnnanh5nfh2xrzbuzje44

Dysarthric Speech Recognition Using Convolutional LSTM Neural Network

Myungjong Kim, Beiming Cao, Kwanghoon An, Jun Wang
2018 Interspeech 2018  
We hypothesized CLSTM-RNNs have the potential to capture the distinct characteristics of dysarthric speech, taking advantage of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for extracting effective local features  ...  and LSTM-RNNs for modeling temporal dependencies of the features.  ...  The parameters were trained using backpropagation through time. For CLSTM-RNN, we used the same structure of CNN and replaced the fully connected layer with 2 LSTM-RNN layers.  ... 
doi:10.21437/interspeech.2018-2250 dblp:conf/interspeech/KimCAW18 fatcat:pth7u5r7onfyzclnyo5oxvvud4

Training Convolutional Neural Networks with the Forward-Forward algorithm [article]

Riccardo Scodellaro, Ajinkya Kulkarni, Frauke Alves, Matthias Schröter
2024 arXiv   pre-print
We show how different hyperparameters affect the performance of the proposed algorithm and compare the results with CNN trained with the standard backpropagation approach.  ...  The training of these CNNs, and in fact of all deep neural network architectures, uses the backpropagation algorithm where the output of the network is compared with the desired result and the difference  ...  Figure 3 : 3 Figure 3: The best MNIST performance of an FF-trained CNN architecture is comparable to the results of a backpropagation trained CNN of the same architecture.  ... 
arXiv:2312.14924v3 fatcat:fotulean3rgeziq6qj43iwlvl4

D-PCN: Parallel Convolutional Networks for Image Recognition via a Discriminator [article]

Shiqi Yang, Gang Peng
2018 arXiv   pre-print
The framework consists of two parallel CNNs, a discriminator and an extra classifier which takes integrated features from parallel networks and gives final prediction.  ...  Additionally, we apply D-PCN for segmentation on PASCAL VOC 2012 and also find promotion.  ...  Speculating on how to strengthen ability of existed CNN models is a feasible approach.  ... 
arXiv:1711.04237v3 fatcat:qgtyugujwneshcnezyprv55bhu

Thanks for Nothing: Predicting Zero-Valued Activations with Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks [article]

Gil Shomron, Ron Banner, Moran Shkolnik, Uri Weiser
2020 arXiv   pre-print
ZAPs are trained by mimicking hidden layer ouputs; thereby, enabling a parallel and label-free training.  ...  Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) introduce state-of-the-art results for various tasks with the price of high computational demands.  ...  Acknowledgments We acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation for its donation of a Titan V GPU used for this research.  ... 
arXiv:1909.07636v3 fatcat:4f4vh6y6o5at3a7c7zwbxxwsr4

EEG-Based Emotion Classification Using Improved Cross-Connected Convolutional Neural Network

Jinxiao Dai, Xugang Xi, Ge Li, Ting Wang
2022 Brain Sciences  
This study proposes an improved deep convolutional neural network model for emotion classification using a non-end-to-end training method that combines bottom-, middle-, and top-layer convolution features  ...  The use of electroencephalography to recognize human emotions is a key technology for advancing human–computer interactions.  ...  Acknowledgments: We thank the Hangzhou Mingzhou Naokang Rehabilitation Hospital and medical staff for their help in this study.  ... 
doi:10.3390/brainsci12080977 pmid:35892418 pmcid:PMC9394254 fatcat:xgf2dn26tfczterqqdfwftzn7u

Computational Efficiency of a Modular Reservoir Network for Image Recognition

Yifan Dai, Hideaki Yamamoto, Masao Sakuraba, Shigeo Sato
2021 Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience  
Compared to traditional RNNs, RC saves the resource for backpropagation.  ...  Therefore, hardware-based parallelization speedup could be a promising direction for LSMs.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fncom.2021.594337 pmid:33613220 pmcid:PMC7892762 fatcat:lp5ltnvnsnaf5ldu63rul4ngoq

Syntax-based Transfer Learning for the Task of Biomedical Relation Extraction

Joël Legrand, Yannick Toussaint, Chedy Raïssi, Adrien Coulet
2018 Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis  
In particular, domain adaptation consists, for a specific task, in reusing training data developed for the same task but a distinct domain.  ...  exist for side domains.  ...  All parameters (weights, biases and embeddings) were iteratively updated via backpropagation for the MCCNN and backpropagation Through Structure (Goller and Kuchler, 1996) for the TreeL-STM.  ... 
doi:10.18653/v1/w18-5617 dblp:conf/acl-louhi/LegrandTRC18 fatcat:darkxdyi3jfxtfdapuxe2hhlta


Nima Nikopour, Gabriela Best, Pedro Amaral, Thomas May
2023 Zenodo  
I compare several architectures including Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), an Attention-LSTM hybrid, and a novel Attention-CNN hybrid.  ...  This research presents a comprehensive evaluation of Deep Learning models for high-frequency univariate financial time series forecasting.  ...  of the training set being used for validation during training.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10421119 fatcat:gynbgjg43fgzjfnp5b3h6tndqe
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