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Received-Signal-Strength Threshold Optimization Using Gaussian Processes

Feng Yin, Yuxin Zhao, Fredrik Gunnarsson, Fredrik Gustafsson
2017 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing  
This paper presents a generic received-signal-strength (RSS) threshold optimization framework for generating informative proximity reports.  ...  Among others, we focus on Gaussian process regression (GPR) based RSS models and positioning metric computation.  ...  The underlying received signal strength due to path loss is represented by a deterministic, linear log-distance model as follows: m i (p) = A i + 10B i log d i (p) d 0 , (2) where A i is the received signal  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsp.2017.2655480 fatcat:am2j36fvirebbakfqe2bc4lglq

Performance of on-off modulated lightwave signals with phase noise

Murat Azizoglu, Pierre A. Humblet, Leonid G. Kazovsky
1991 Advanced Fiber Communications Technologies  
We analyze the performance of On-Off-Keying modulated signals in the presence of phase noise for different envelope detection structures.  ...  It was also noticed that the Gaussian threshold estimate is much lower than the actual optimal threshold.  ...  This signal will be the input to the IF receiver which is the main focus of this paper. We use the standard Brownian motion model for the phase noise process.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.50149 fatcat:e7bpei54wbby7h2tf3tc47avfy

On the beating of ASE and XPM noise in optical receivers

I. Lyubomirsky, M.Y. Frankel
2003 IEEE Photonics Technology Letters  
The ASE-XPM beat noise produces skewed non-Gaussian probability distributions and shifts optimum receiver threshold closer to the one level.  ...  Our theory of ASE-XPM beat noise predicts that such beating effects are actually beneficial to receiver performance, resulting in lower error probabilities.  ...  Livas for useful discussions.  ... 
doi:10.1109/lpt.2003.818636 fatcat:r3ehupgr4za7rovemqwzxq5cye

Dynamic Threshold Selection Approach in Voting Rule for Detection of Primary User Emulation Attack

Abbas Ali Sharifi, Mohammad Mofarreh-Bonab
2018 Istanbul University - Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering  
Spectrum sensing is an essential CR function which includes an intelligent signal processing algorithm to identify the vacant frequency bands.  ...  In this study, we propose an optimal threshold selection approach to address one of the most important attacks called primary user emulation attack (PUEA).  ...  Financial Disclosure: The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.  ... 
doi:10.5152/iujeee.2018.1819 fatcat:zmnptnultzhc5aoejbsogzvnhu

Collaborative Spectrum Sensing under Primary User Emulation Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks

Abbas Ali Sharifi, Morteza Sharifi, Mir Javad Musevi Niya
2015 Journal of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers  
between the received signal from the PU and PUEA.  ...  More precisely, the sensing results of the CR users are summed up in the Fusion Center (FC) and compared with the optimum threshold that minimizes the Bayes risk.  ...  In the simulation, the initial stage can be set as the first 500 sensing intervals where the attack strength is estimated and then used to find optimum threshold to improve the CSS process in the presence  ... 
doi:10.1080/03772063.2015.1083907 fatcat:rywxq3pm3vfwvehac3h233soyy

Statistical Design and Performance of High-Sensitivity Frequency-Feedback Receivers

Jean A. Develet
1963 IEEE Transactions on Military Electronics  
Phase-lock loops are usually optimally designed for a particular set of conditions, e.g., noise, loop error, and signal strength at threshold.  ...  CONCLUSIONS A simple receiver model and a threshold criterion for the FM feedback receiver have been developed. Only the situation of Gaussian signals and noise was considered.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tme.1963.4323092 fatcat:43vjluu6hrc2xdonikdr4heyzm

A Novel Indoor Positioning Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network Based on Received Signal Strength Indicator Filtering and Improved Taylor Series Expansion

Jin Ren, Songyang Huang, Wei Song, Jun Han
2019 Traitement du signal  
The distance between two nodes in the WSN can be estimated by the signal strength of the sending node and the signal strength at the receiving node, i.e. the RSSI.  ...  The RSSIs processed by the Gaussian filter are presented in Figure 1 .  ... 
doi:10.18280/ts.360113 fatcat:puxylrsfzjg4lexvwhpctpab7i

Asymptotic locally optimal detector for large-scale sensor networks under the Poisson regime

Y. Sung, L. Tong, A. Swami
2005 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing  
We also derive the optimal threshold for each sensor.  ...  We show that the ALMP test statistic is a weighted sum of local decisions the optimal weights being the shape of the spatial signal; the exact value of the signal strength is not required.  ...  We used the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) as the performance criterion.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsp.2005.847827 fatcat:cwlmd6zidjcdhbvxe3jznrcuru

Asymptotic locally optimal detector for large-scale sensor networks under Poisson regime

Youngchul Sung, Lang Tong, A. Swami
2004 2004 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37577)  
We also derive the optimal threshold for each sensor.  ...  We show that the ALMP test statistic is a weighted sum of local decisions the optimal weights being the shape of the spatial signal; the exact value of the signal strength is not required.  ...  We used the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) as the performance criterion.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icc.2004.1313046 dblp:conf/icc/SungTS04 fatcat:w7t54xoqsbbn7jzkyxlmazf3jq

Optimal and Near-Optimal Signal Detection in Snapping Shrimp Dominated Ambient Noise

M.A. Chitre, J.R. Potter, S.-H. Ong
2006 IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering  
In many applications, the assumption of Gaussian noise allows the use of the linear correlator (LC), which is known to be optimal in these circumstances.  ...  The optimal detection of signals requires detailed knowledge of the noise statistics.  ...  B. who designed and built the HifDAQ, collected ambient noise samples at various locations in Singapore waters, and kindly provided the sample data sets used in this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1109/joe.2006.875272 fatcat:zcjzp2l7h5ffxouo3cepvoqql4

Regional Double-Layer, High-Precision Indoor Positioning System Based on iBeacon Network

Xiaona Zhang, Shufang Zhang, Chao Wang, Shujing Sun, Wen-Tsao Pan
2022 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
Based on iBeacon equipment, this paper proposes a method to optimize received signal strength indication indoor positioning algorithm by using the Gaussian filtering method so as to reduce the adverse  ...  Through the simulation test of the system, it can be seen that the error of received signal strength indication indoor positioning algorithm based on extended Gaussian filter is small.  ...  Received Signal Strength Indication Ranging.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/8673083 fatcat:llnytwttovhotl4d6ekdyxlicq

Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network Equalization of Channel Impulse Response in Optical Mode Division Multiplexing

Anahed M. Kareem, Angela Amphawan
2017 Qalaai Zanist Scientific Journal  
(LG) modes at the transmitter to five reference Gaussian pulses at separate time intervals at the receiver in order to mitigate the effects of ISI from nonlinear channel impairments.  ...  To address this issue, a nonlinear evolving fuzzy neural network (EFuNN) equalization scheme was developed in MATLAB to reshape the channel impulse response of a MDM system comprising five Laguerre-Gaussian  ...  The parameter values for optimal performance have been used as follows: Initial value for sensitivity threshold (radius of role nodes) S= 0.5, Error threshold (The level of error tolerance for the output  ... 
doi:10.25212/lfu.qzj.2.2.28 fatcat:iew6p2g7sjdcrp4j52f5f6boqa

Effect of avalanche photodiode and thermal noises on the performance of binary phase-shift keying-subcarrier-intensity modulation/free-space optical systems over turbulence channels

Duy A. Luong, Anh T. Pham, Truong C. Thang
2013 IET Communications  
The optimal value of APD average gain remains almost the same for different levels of turbulence; nevertheless it varies significantly in accordance to the change of receiver noise temperature.  ...  In this study, the authors theoretically study the performance of direct-detection free-space optical communication systems using binary phase-shift keying subcarrier-intensity modulation and avalanche  ...  OOK systems however require an adaptive threshold to optimally operate in atmospheric turbulence conditions [8] .  ... 
doi:10.1049/iet-com.2012.0600 fatcat:qcjnw5bzlrefdh3rpiyyk6ng6a

Distortion Estimation In Digital Image Watermarking Using Genetic Programming

Labiba Gilani, Asifullah Khan, Anwar M. Mirza
2008 Zenodo  
GP-based distortion estimation scheme is checked for Gaussian attack and Jpeg compression attack. We have used Gaussian attacks of different strengths by changing the standard deviation.  ...  This function regression problem is solved using GP, where the original watermarked signal is considered as an independent variable.  ...  proposed scheme has been tested against Gaussian and JPEG compression attacks with different strengths. We have estimated channel distortion using GP.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1057077 fatcat:zrsdtnl2wjaffeln4ze6iqpb6q

Designing of Jamming-Resistant Global Positioning System Receiver

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
In this paper, Designing of Jamming-resistant GPS system receiver is propose to achieve impartial developments and the parameters are utilized to correctly compute the narrowband signals in the online  ...  The Global Positioning System (GPS) that guarantees the perfect location and period data has mostly used steering appliance for several applications.  ...  The elevated power interference is computed using the threshold value based on the adaptive detection method with standard deviation of the received signal strength [10] .  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijeat.d6032.109119 fatcat:l6pohxaxyngr3pqawy2wqz4jfa
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