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Presence in Visual Mental Imagery [chapter]

Jayesh S. Pillai, Uday A. Athavankar, Colin T. A. Schmidt, Simon Richir
2013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We studied verbal expressions, physical movements and gestures, exhibited during mental imagery experiences in two scenarios -a guiding task and a mental walk exercise.  ...  A 'protocol analysis' was performed followed by analysis of time taken and mapping of physical movements. The results evidently point to this spatio-temporal phenomenon of experiencing presence.  ...  This study was made possible through a collaboration between the laboratories of Arts et Métiers ParisTech and Indian Institute of Technology Bombay as part of the IIT-ParisTech mobility programme.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-02958-0_57 fatcat:xdcrszps3bd6xjxztplqu7zic4

A Mimetic Strategy to Engage Voluntary Physical Activity In Interactive Entertainment [article]

Andreas Wiratanaya, Michael J. Lyons
2017 Figshare   pre-print
The iMime system consists of a character animation engine based on the interaction metaphor of a mime performer that simulates non-verbal communication strategies, without spoken dialogue, to capture and  ...  Care for a dementia sufferer can place unreasonable demands on the time and attentional resources of their caregivers or family members.  ...  One camera, aimed at the face, captures emotional and attentional information, while the camera focussed on the upper body extracts information about upper body gestures.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.5372875.v1 arXiv:1709.00904v1 fatcat:lsuo37kx2jbw5g7lzrl2hnlctm

About a Role and Value of Nonverbal Communication in Psycholinguistics

Ilhan Yildirim, Zeine Orazbekova, Yener Unal
2014 Asian Social Science  
The aim of our study is to determine and describe the characteristic and distinguishing features of non-verbal communication of Turkic culture and compare the data and if possible give them an interpretation  ...  Since the late 1970s, the problems of psycholinguistics were influenced by the state of affairs in linguistics and related sciences.  ...  Verbal and non-verbal communication use different sign systems. Non-verbal type of communication as a language of gestures is area which recently becomes a focus of researches.  ... 
doi:10.5539/ass.v10n4p27 fatcat:csdzcqklvfdrtouele26oy2r3y

Generation and Evaluation of Communicative Robot Gesture

Maha Salem, Stefan Kopp, Ipke Wachsmuth, Katharina Rohlfing, Frank Joublin
2012 International Journal of Social Robotics  
We present a framework that enables the humanoid robot to flexibly produce synthetic speech and co-verbal hand and arm gestures at run-time, while not being limited to a predefined repertoire of motor  ...  Keywords Multimodal interaction and conversational skills · Non-verbal cues and expressiveness · Social human-robot interaction · Robot companions and social robots Katharina Rohlfing  ...  Given the design of humanoid robots, they are typically expected to exhibit human-like communicative behaviors, using their bodies for non-verbal expression just as humans do.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12369-011-0124-9 fatcat:g4w576adezfktjlqceoyucci74

Psycholinguistic Aspects of Nonverbal Communication in the Turkish Speaking Cultures

Z. Orazbekova, S. Burbekova, G. Isabekova
2014 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
Verbal and non -verbal communication use different sign systems. Non-verbal type of communication as a language of gestures is area which recently becomes a focus of researches.  ...  Its effectiveness , in addition to knowledge of the language depends on many factors: the conditions and culture of communication, knowledge of non -verbal forms of expression (facial expressions, gestures  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.01.1231 fatcat:uq45aiimqzci5nibne4g7so3bi

Non-verbal communication of the residents living in homes for the older people in Slovenia

Marija Zaletel, Asja Nina Kovacev, Olga Sustersic, Lijana Zaletel Kragelj
2010 Collegium Antropologicum  
The caregivers should be aware of this and pay a lot of attention to these two groups of non-verbal expressions.  ...  The study aimed at determining the characteristics of non-verbal communication of the older people living in old people's homes (OPH).  ...  Also the authors thank all students of nursing care that helped performed the observation. Without them this study would be much more difficult to accomplish.  ... 
pmid:20977069 fatcat:zs7pqn2pjnh5bcwbarubvm75lq

3D Corpus of Spontaneous Complex Mental States [chapter]

Marwa Mahmoud, Tadas Baltrušaitis, Peter Robinson, Laurel D. Riek
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Hand-over-face gestures, a subset of emotional body language, are overlooked by automatic affect inference systems.  ...  The corpus includes spontaneous facial expressions and hand gestures labelled using crowd-sourcing and is publicly available.  ...  We were interested in upper body posture and gesture as well as facial expressions to investigate the significance of hand and body gestures as important cues in non-verbal communication.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-24600-5_24 fatcat:5r66bxs77jf7jdgftied5uviwe

Virtually Cloning Real Human with Motion Style [chapter]

Manoj kumar Rajagopal, Patrick Horain, Catherine Pelachaud
2012 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing  
We experimentally demonstrate that expressivity can be another clue for identifiable virtual clones of real humans.  ...  Second, we capture the expressivity of real users and then output it to the Greta engine that animates a virtual agent representing the user.  ...  Body Motion Style and Expressivity Non-verbal behavior, including body language, is an important communication channel. It conveys user's mental and affective states.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31603-6_11 fatcat:3bj323pm7nap5ce7puzxuyurz4

Towards a minimal representation of affective gestures (Extended abstract)

Donald Glowinski, Marcello Mortillaro, Klaus Scherer, Nele Dael, Gualtiero Volpe Antonio Camurri
2015 2015 International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)  
This paper presents a framework for analysis of affective behavior starting with a reduced amount of visual information related to human upper-body movements.  ...  The main goal is to individuate a minimal representation of emotional displays based on non-verbal gesture features.  ...  However, our approach is different since we focus on the non-verbal expressive content rather than on the specific sign or gesture being performed.  ... 
doi:10.1109/acii.2015.7344616 dblp:conf/acii/GlowinskiMSDVC15 fatcat:gsetyz5xpveydm5hbqddh6z5ce

Human–Robot Interaction by Understanding Upper Body Gestures

Yang Xiao, Zhijun Zhang, Aryel Beck, Junsong Yuan, Daniel Thalmann
2014 Presence - Teleoperators and Virtual Environments  
The robot understands the meaning of human upper body gestures and expresses itself by using a combination of body movements, facial expressions and verbal language.  ...  The experimental results demonstrate that our approach can recognize the upper body gestures with high accuracy in real time.  ...  Acknowledgements This work partially carried out at BeingThere Center is supported by IMI Seed Grant Appendices The demonstration video of this paper can be viewed at https://www.dropbox.com/s/eht69b8kyg53vso  ... 
doi:10.1162/pres_a_00176 fatcat:7c2f5q3szvhxfjj2s4p3abwcx4


Andreas Wiratanaya, Michael J. Lyons, Nicholas J. Butko, Shinji Abe
2007 Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Intelligent user interfaces - IUI '07  
The system analyzes the attentive state and aspects of the affective behaviour of a viewer using input from a video camera and uses this to control the behaviour of a cartoon-like animated character.  ...  We describe the design and implementation of an interactive character animation interface.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported in part by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology and the NSF-JSPS EAPSI program.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1216295.1216342 dblp:conf/iui/WiratanayaLBA07 fatcat:36tf4uvw7zem7jh5hp43kgd2ra

Affordance Analysis of Virtual and Augmented Reality Mediated Communication [article]

Mohammad Keshavarzi, Michael Wu, Michael N. Chin, Robert N. Chin, Allen Y. Yang
2019 arXiv   pre-print
We further systematically analyze and rank the impact of low-fidelity representation of micro-expressions, body scale, head pose, and hand gesture in affecting the user experience in one-on-one conversations  ...  We perform a series of user experiments, triggering nine conversation tasks in 4 settings, each containing corresponding non-verbal communication features.  ...  non-verbal qualitative features such as realistic body scale, head pose and body gestures.  ... 
arXiv:1904.04723v1 fatcat:n6g6tiztbbhdfclmyv5oszuny4

Gaze and Gesture Activity in Communication [chapter]

Kristiina Jokinen
2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Non-verbal communication is important in order to maintain fluency of communication.  ...  In this paper, verbal and non-verbal feedback are discussed from the point of view of how they contribute to the communicative activity in conversations, especially the type of strategies that the speakers  ...  In this paper we look at verbal and non-verbal feedback from the point of view of the joint activity that the partners show in their gestures, facial expressions, and body posture.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02710-9_60 fatcat:7j66ivjifbhsbec4mjw7p6w6z4

User modeling via gesture and head pose expressivity features

George Caridakis, Stylianos Asteriadis, Kostas Karpouzis
2010 2010 Fifth International Workshop Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization  
The analysis performed within this work comprises of statistical processing and classification of automatically extracted gestural and head pose expressivity features.  ...  Computational formulation of qualitative expressive cues of body and head motion is performed and the resulting features are processed statistically, their correlation is studied and finally an emotion  ...  Affective analysis Expressivity features extraction Gestures Features and cues of non verbal behavior are an integral part of the communication process since they provide information on the current  ... 
doi:10.1109/smap.2010.5706868 dblp:conf/smap/CaridakisAK10 fatcat:b54pycvrprf2pfbqkfcifzsm7m

Behavioural Observation as a Means of Assessing Sleepiness Related Driving Impairment in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Andrew Vakulin, Jillian Dorrian, Tristan R Duggan, Carla A Litchfield, Katherine J Cobb, Nick A Antic, Doug McEvoy, Stuart D Baulk, Peter G Catcheside
2016 Eat Sleep Work  
Kaplain-Meier analyses showed a progressive cessation of non-verbal facial activities leading up to crash events (c²=6.2, p=0.013).  ...  Collateral behaviours (self-centred gestures, non-verbal facial activities, postural adjustments, ludic activities and eye closures) were identified using video recording and a behavioural ethogram.  ...  Disclosures The authors do not have any conflict of interest in relation to this work.  ... 
doi:10.21913/jdrssesw.v1i1.981 fatcat:5d47qedp5fh2xnr7af24jo62jq
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