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Guest Editorial Special Issue on Internet of Things for Smart Ocean

Bin Lin, Lian Zhao, Himal A. Suraweera, Tom H. Luan, Dusit Niyato, Dinh Thai Hoang
2020 IEEE Internet of Things Journal  
The article "Dynamic magnetic induction wireless communications for autonomous-underwater-vehicle-assisted underwater IoT" by Wei et al. proposes low-power magnetic induction (MI)-based wireless communications  ...  In the article "AUV-aided energy-efficient data collection in underwater acoustic sensor networks," Zhuo et al. introduced an AUV-aided underwater acoustic sensor network for data collection with energy  ... 
doi:10.1109/jiot.2020.3020444 fatcat:delnh2fehzczffi5vqh6nblmaq

Recent Advances, Future Trends, Applications and Challenges of Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT): A Comprehensive Review

Syed Agha Hassnain Mohsan, Yanlong Li, Muhammad Sadiq, Junwei Liang, Muhammad Asghar Khan
2023 Journal of Marine Science and Engineering  
The IoUT framework integrates different underwater communication techniques such as optical, magnetic induction, and acoustic signals.  ...  The promising concept of the Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is having a great influence in several areas, for example, in small research facilities and average-sized harbors, as well as in huge unexplored  ...  Acknowledgments: We really appreciate the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 62261009, Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Cognitive Radio and Information Processing  ... 
doi:10.3390/jmse11010124 fatcat:mlicxpjaovfpvmbrohql37ox5m

Underwater Optical Wireless Communications in Swarm Robotics: A Tutorial

Peter A. Hoeher, Jan Sticklus, Andrej Harlakin
2021 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials  
With ultra long-wavelength radio (< 3 kHz) significant distances can be covered, at the expense of huge antenna sizes, low data rates, and high transmit powers, which is beyond the scope of AUV swarms.  ...  A decisive advantage magnetic fields have over acoustic waves is the high underwater propagation speed, which is similar to that of UOWC.  ...  The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for constructive comments that improved the quality of the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1109/comst.2021.3111984 fatcat:dbu6v37agnaa7o46emq4qjjc4q

2020 Index IEEE Internet of Things Journal Vol. 7

2020 IEEE Internet of Things Journal  
., and Bose, R., Rateless-Code-Based Secure Cooperative Transmission Scheme for Industrial IoT; JIoT July 2020 6550-6565 Jamalipour, A., see Murali, S., JIoT Jan. 2020 379-388 James, L.A., see Wanasinghe  ...  ., +, JIoT Oct. 2020 9904-9918 AUV-Aided Energy-Efficient Data Collection in Underwater Acoustic Sen- sor Networks.  ...  ., +, JIoT April 2020 2531-2538 Electromagnetic induction Dynamic Magnetic Induction Wireless Communications for Autono- mous-Underwater-Vehicle-Assisted Underwater IoT.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jiot.2020.3046055 fatcat:wpyblbhkrbcyxpnajhiz5pj74a

A Comprehensive Survey of the Recently Proposed Localization Protocols for Underwater Sensor Networks

Tariq Islam, Seok-Hwan Park
2020 IEEE Access  
Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) offer a huge number of applications, most of which require tagging the sensed data with location information.  ...  INDEX TERMS Localization survey, underwater sensor networks, underwater acoustic channel, underwater optical channel, target tracking  ...  Alouini, and T. Y. Al-Naffouri, "Accurate 3-D localization of selected smart objects in optical internet of underwater things," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, pp. 937-947, 2019. [46] N.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3027820 fatcat:zcdkkxtsjvgkjlbopd76cq3l6e

Green Underwater Wireless Communications using Hybrid Optical-Acoustic Technologies

Kazi Yasin Islam, Iftekhar Ahmad, Daryoush Habibi, M. Ishtiaque A. Zahed, Joarder Kamruzzaman
2021 IEEE Access  
In this paper, we propose a hybrid opto-acoustic underwater wireless communication model that reduces network power consumption and supports high-data rate underwater applications by selecting appropriate  ...  In this work, we derive analytical models for both underwater acoustics and optics, and calculate the required transmit power for reliable communications in various underwater communication environments  ...  (UOC) [1] , [2] , [7] , and underwater magnetic induction communication (UMIC) [8] , [9] as alternative UWC techniques.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3088467 fatcat:d5dpl3tfqrgynmcng5whk4vgve

A Review of Unmanned System Technologies with Its Application to Aquaculture Farm Monitoring and Management

Naomi A. Ubina, Shyi-Chyi Cheng
2022 Drones  
This paper aims to provide an overview of the capabilities of unmanned systems to monitor and manage aquaculture farms that support precision aquaculture using the Internet of Things.  ...  For offshore fish cages, there is a difficulty and risk in the continuous monitoring considering the presence of waves, water currents, and other underwater environmental factors.  ...  One of the challenges to facilitate image and video collection in the underwater environment is data quality, and AUV should be capable of collecting high-definition data for monitoring.  ... 
doi:10.3390/drones6010012 fatcat:aik6rkmbffcfvjuzeaeuwefzti

Underwater Optical Wireless Communications, Networking, and Localization: A Survey

Nasir Saeed, Abdulkadir Celik, Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
2019 Ad hoc networks  
Compared to its bandwidth limited acoustic and RF counterparts, underwater optical wireless communications (UOWCs) can support higher data rates at low latency levels.  ...  Underwater wireless communications can be carried out through acoustic, radio frequency (RF), and optical waves.  ...  The sensors and AUVs in SoftWater system can transmit the sensing data to the surface buoys by using hybrid links such as acoustic, optical, and magnetic induction (MI) [342] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.adhoc.2019.101935 fatcat:3nugikrmibb3zj6feylphn2pu4

Cross-Layer Design Approaches in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey

Roshani V. Bhaskarwar, Dnyandeo J. Pete
2021 SN Computer Science  
The basic approach for each scheme is detailed with its advantages and shortcomings which will help future researchers to overcome them to design efficient schemes.  ...  We present the unique characteristics of the acoustic channel and its corresponding issues and challenges.  ...  Magnetic Induction technology is mostly used for the Internet of Underwater things which enables real-time communication because of high data rates in near field communication and significant bandwidth  ... 
doi:10.1007/s42979-021-00754-x fatcat:3rrlea6acbbgvgebn36qjen5mm

2020 Index IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Vol. 16

2020 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics  
-5149 Meng, K., see Zhang, Y., TII July 2020 4390-4402 Meng, K., Jia, Y., Yang, H., Niu, F., Wang, Y., and Sun, D., Motion Planning and Robust Control for the Endovascular Navigation of a Microrobot  ...  Gao, F., Data-Driven Two-Dimensional Deep Correlated Representation Learning for Nonlinear Batch Process Monitoring; TII April 2020 2839-2848 Jiang, S., see Li, Y., 1076-1085 Jiang, X., see Gong, K.,  ...  Zou, S., +, TII June 2020 4206-4218 Energy-Efficient and Trustworthy Data Collection Protocol Based on Mobile Fog Computing in Internet of Things.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tii.2021.3053362 fatcat:blfvdtsc3fdstnk6qoaazskd3i

2021 Index IEEE Internet of Things Journal Vol. 8

2021 IEEE Internet of Things Journal  
The primary entry includes the coauthors' names, the title of the paper or other item, and its location, specified by the publication abbreviation, year, month, and inclusive pagination.  ...  Departments and other items may also be covered if they have been judged to have archival value. The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first author's name.  ...  ., +, JIoT Feb. 15, 2021 2814-2825 AoI-Inspired Collaborative Information Collection for AUV-Assisted Internet of Underwater Things.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jiot.2022.3141840 fatcat:42a2qzt4jnbwxihxp6rzosha3y

2020 Index IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Vol. 69

2020 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology  
Revocable Data-Sharing Scheme in VANETs; TVT Dec. 2020 15933-15946 Hoseini, S.A., Ding, M., Hassan, M., and Chen, Y., Analyzing the Impact of Molecular Re-Radiation on the MIMO Capacity in High-Frequency  ...  + Check author entry for coauthors ami-mFading Channels With Integer and Non-Integerm; TVT March 2020 2785-2801 Hoang, T.M., Tran, X.N., Nguyen, B.C., and Dung, L.T., On the Performance of MIMO Full-Duplex  ...  ., +, TVT Feb. 2020 2034-2048 Blockchain-Envisioned Secure Data Delivery and Collection Scheme for 5G-Based IoT-Enabled Internet of Drones Environment.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tvt.2021.3055470 fatcat:536l4pgnufhixneoa3a3dibdma

2021 Index IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Vol. 70

2021 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology  
The primary entry includes the coauthors' names, the title of the paper or other item, and its location, specified by the publication abbreviation, year, month, and inclusive pagination.  ...  Departments and other items may also be covered if they have been judged to have archival value. The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first author's name.  ...  ., +, TVT May 2021 4512-4522 Multi-AUV Collaborative Data Collection Algorithm Based on Q-Learning in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tvt.2022.3151213 fatcat:vzuzqu54irebpibzp3ykgy5nca

2021 Index IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Vol. 17

2021 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics  
The primary entry includes the coauthors' names, the title of the paper or other item, and its location, specified by the publication abbreviation, year, month, and inclusive pagination.  ...  Departments and other items may also be covered if they have been judged to have archival value. The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first author's name.  ...  ., +, TII Feb. 2021 922-933 An Efficient Privacy Preserving Message Authentication Scheme for Internet-of-Things.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tii.2021.3138206 fatcat:ulsazxgmpfdmlivigjqgyl7zre

2021 Index IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Vol. 70

2021 IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement  
The primary entry includes the coauthors' names, the title of the paper or other item, and its location, specified by the publication abbreviation, year, and article number.  ...  Departments and other items may also be covered if they have been judged to have archival value. The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first author's name.  ...  ., +, TIM Efficient Data Reduction at the Edge of Industrial Internet of Things for PMSM Bearing Fault Diagnosis.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tim.2022.3156705 fatcat:dmqderzenrcopoyipv3v4vh4ry
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