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Parallel high-radix Montgomery multipliers

Philip Amberg, Nathaniel Pinckney, David Money Harris
2008 2008 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers  
This paper describes the algorithm and design tradeoffs for multiple hardware implementations of parallel high-radix scalable Montgomery multipliers.  ...  Hardware implementations of Montgomery multipliers require choosing a radix, shift direction, and whether to use Booth encoding.  ...  In developing a parallel high radix Montgomery multiplier, a designer has three primary design choices: radix, left or right shifting, and use of pre-computed multiples or Booth encoding.  ... 
doi:10.1109/acssc.2008.5074513 fatcat:r7uxkxvz3vhthpzhoppfi6aeu4

Parallelized Very High Radix Scalable Montgomery Multipliers

K. Kelley, D. Harris
Conference Record of the Thirty-Ninth Asilomar Conference onSignals, Systems and Computers, 2005.  
This paper describes a parallelized very high radix scalable Montgomery multiplier designed for non-redundant FPGA implementations.  ...  It improves on the very high radix scalable architecture by using techniques to parallelize the two multiplications within each processing element.  ...  The following notation is used to describe this parallelized very high radix Montgomery multiplication.  ... 
doi:10.1109/acssc.2005.1599950 fatcat:lbm3zz5refax5d5evl2t5z3hwq

Parallelized radix-4 scalable montgomery multipliers

Nathaniel Ross Pinckney, David Money Harris
2007 Proceedings of the 20th annual conference on Integrated circuits and systems design - SBCCI '07  
This paper describes a parallelized radix-4 scalable Montgomery multiplier implementation.  ...  This is comparable to radix-2 for long multiplies and nearly twice as fast for short ones.  ...  Previous scalable Montgomery multiplier designs include radix-2 [3, 2] , radix-4 [4] , radix-8 [5] , radix-16 [6] , and very high radix [7, 8] .  ... 
doi:10.1145/1284480.1284562 dblp:conf/sbcci/PinckneyH07 fatcat:wbjirxbcfjazjbxjl6ve66t3xq

Parallelized radix-2 scalable Montgomery multiplier

Nan Jiang, David Harris
2007 2007 IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration  
This paper describes the FPGA implementation of a parallelized scalable radix-2 Montgomery multiplier.  ...  On a Virtex-II FPGA, this design can perform 1024-bit modular exponentiation in 6.3 ms using 6006 lookup tables, a 17% speed improvement over the previously fastest scalable radix-2 Montgomery multiplier  ...  We have successfully applied the technique to very high radix Montgomery multipliers [4, 5, 6] to shorten the critical path.  ... 
doi:10.1109/vlsisoc.2007.4402488 dblp:conf/vlsi/JiangH07 fatcat:g3vhf3rnarb5lg6esfrahn6k7q

A Low Latency Montgomery Modular Exponentiation

Venkata Reddy K, Simranjeet Singh C, Vivian Desalphine, David Selvakumar
2020 Procedia Computer Science  
high-radix Montgomery Modular Multiplier.  ...  high-radix Montgomery Modular Multiplier.  ...  In [8, 9, 10, 11] , the authors implemented high-radix Montgomery Multiplier by using Booth's encoding/recoding schemes.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2020.04.087 fatcat:c2oee4idejgkrlny74zd25riyy

Scalable unified dual-radix architecture for Montgomery multiplication in GF(P) and GF(2n)

Kazuyuki Tanimura, Ryuta Nara, Shunitsu Kohara, Kazunori Shimizu, Youhua Shi, Nozomu Togawa, Masao Yanagisawa, Tatsuo Ohtsuki
2008 2008 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference  
The proposed architecture unifies 4 parallel radix-2 16 multipliers in GF (P ) and a radix-2 64 multiplier in GF (2 n ) into a single unit.  ...  Moreover, parallel architecture in GF (P ) reduces the clock cycles increased by dual-radix approach.  ...  Dual-Radix Unified Multiplier In this section, we propose a Montgomery multiplier architecture which unifies 4 parallel radix-2 16 multipliers in GF (P ) and a radix-2 64 multiplier in GF (2 n ) into a  ... 
doi:10.1109/aspdac.2008.4484041 dblp:conf/aspdac/TanimuraNKSSTYO08 fatcat:slou4tbb2jbvlhiaofmclux5cm

Quotient Pipelined Very High Radix Scalable Montgomery Multipliers

Nan Jiang, David Harris
2006 2006 Fortieth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers  
This paper describes the FPGA implementation of a scalable very high radix Montgomery multiplier using quotient pipelining.  ...  This design can perform 1024-bit modular exponentiation in 5.1 ms using 3825 4-input lookup tables and 32 18×18 multipliers, a 20% speed increase over a comparable design without quotient pipelining.  ...  Parallelized very high radix design In [1] , an alternative implementation of the Montgomery algorithm based on [5] is discussed.  ... 
doi:10.1109/acssc.2006.355045 fatcat:xcf3c2g5ijf3jbz44ivbsx6ism

Bipartite Modular Multiplication Method

Marcelo Kaihara, Naofumi Takagi
2008 IEEE transactions on computers  
A radix-4 version of a multiplier based on a radix-4 classical modular multiplier and a radix-4 Montgomery multiplier has been designed and simulated.  ...  This paper proposes a new modular multiplication method that uses Montgomery residues defined by a modulus M and a Montgomery radix R whose value is less than the modulus M.  ...  The space and time trade-offs for high-radix classical modular multiplication and high-radix Montgomery multiplication, both based on repetitive additions, are detailed in [17] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/tc.2007.70793 fatcat:a4zvozdu2rdctkecfsrjat3aa4

Quad-Core RSA Processor with Countermeasure Against Power Analysis Attacks [article]

Javad Bagherzadeh, Vishishtha Bothra, Disha Gujar, Sugandha Gupta, Jinal Shah
2020 arXiv   pre-print
This paper proposes a new parallel, high-radix Montgomery multiplier for 1024 bits multi-core RSA processor. Each computation step operates in radix 4.  ...  In this paper, we intend to implement and analyze a power attack resilient quad-core ASIC RSA processor with parallel high-radix Montgomery multiplication in hardware.  ...  The parallel core and high radix Montgomery multiplication reduces the total number of clock cycles required, thereby reducing the RSA computational time to 1.2 ms.  ... 
arXiv:2009.03468v1 fatcat:qgxx5zd7anb6vpzx5wogzhffyu

Bipartite Modular Multiplication [chapter]

Marcelo E. Kaihara, Naofumi Takagi
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The upper part and the lower part of the multiplier are processed using the interleaved modular multiplication algorithm and the Montgomery algorithm respectively.  ...  These two parts are then processed separately, in parallel, potentially doubling the calculation speed.  ...  The space and time trade-offs for high radix modular multiplications based on the classical interleaved algorithm and the Montgomery algorithm are detailed in [14] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/11545262_15 fatcat:lt5u2kh225gwvmvtyy7pjyv5ui

Systematic design of high-radix Montgomery multipliers for RSA processors

Atsushi Miyamoto, Naofumi Homma, Takafumi Aoki, Akashi Satoh
2008 2008 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design  
The present paper proposes a systematic design approach to provide the optimal high-radix Montgomery multipliers for an RSA processor satisfying user requirements.  ...  A total of 202 designs for 1,024bit RSA processors were obtained for each radix, and were synthesized using a 90-nm CMOS standard cell library.  ...  HIGH-RADIX MONTGOMERY MULTIPLIER A.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iccd.2008.4751894 dblp:conf/iccd/MiyamotoHAS08 fatcat:rs2mpx6w6rb5fblhjvbvsmi4ga

A High-Speed Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Processor for Generic Curves over $$\mathrm{GF}(p)$$ [chapter]

Yuan Ma, Zongbin Liu, Wuqiong Pan, Jiwu Jing
2014 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The existing high-radix Montgomery multipliers performed a single Montgomery multiplication either in approximately 2n clock cycles, or approximately n cycles but with a very low frequency, where n is  ...  In this paper, we first design a novel Montgomery multiplier by combining a quotient pipelining Montgomery multiplication algorithm with a parallel array design.  ...  DSP Blocks in FPGAs Dedicated multiplier units in older FPGAs have been adopted in the high-radix Montgomery multiplication implementations for years.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-43414-7_21 fatcat:ybgywvegy5dthddrc4mfnve4im

Montgomery Modular Multiplication on Reconfigurable Hardware: Systolic versus Multiplexed Implementation

Guilherme Perin, Daniel Gomes Mesquita, João Baptista Martins
2011 International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing  
The proposed systolic architecture presents a high-radix implementation with a one-dimensional array of Processing Elements.  ...  The multiplexed implementation is a new alternative and is composed of multiplier blocks in parallel with the new simplified Processing Elements, and it provides a pipelined operation mode.  ...  Forcing a pipelined operation mode and using a high-radix architecture (16 or 32 bits), the multiplexed multipliers ensure the high speed performance provided by systolic architectures, with reduced arithmetic  ... 
doi:10.1155/2011/127147 fatcat:notenc6k3febnbzwjczrnidcdu

Design and Evaluation of Novel Effective Montgomery Modular Multiplication Architecture

Maryam Moayedi, Abdalhossein Rezai
2016 International Journal of Security and Its Applications  
In the proposed algorithm and architecture, the parallel architecture and compact SD technique are utilized to improve the performance of modular multiplication operation and cryptosystems.  ...  So, using compact SD representation for the multiplier, the calculation high radix partial multiplication of the P=S(i)+ Y is simplified to binary partition multiplication.  ...  The proposed modular multiplication algorithm and architecture has the following distinctive characteristics: a) It utilizes parallel computation to reduce the total computation time. b) It utilizes high-radix  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijsia.2016.10.10.24 fatcat:a5nxnra7p5h3zfg7sxt6r5gt5u

Page 443 of IEEE Transactions on Computers Vol. 52, Issue 4 [page]

2003 IEEE Transactions on Computers  
Montgomery Multiplier Core \ slightly modified version of the high-radix Montgomery Multiplier Core in [8] is shown in Fig. 1.  ...  We start to build a new unified core by extending a high-radix word-level Montgomery Multiplier core, which implements Algorithm 3.2, to support NTRL with minimal change to the hardware.  ... 
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