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A Comprehensive Review of Smart Wheelchairs: Past, Present and Future [article]

Jesse Leaman, Hung M. La
2017 arXiv   pre-print
A smart wheelchair (SW) is a power wheelchair (PW) to which computers, sensors, and assistive technology are attached.  ...  We conclude with our vision for the future of SW research and how to best serve people with all types of disabilities.  ...  A person with that level of disability is by default bedridden because without assistance from people and/or technology there would be no way to get up.  ... 
arXiv:1704.04697v2 fatcat:j2y2b73cibbmlgqfqq4jfwxovi

A Semi-autonomous Wheelchair with HelpStar [chapter]

H. Uchiyama, L. Deligiannidis, W. D. Potter, B. J. Wimpey, D. Barnhard, R. Deng, S. Radhakrishnan
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paper demonstrates the successful integration of assistive technologies that allow a person who is visually impaired and using a wheelchair to navigate through everyday environments.  ...  When the user finds themself in an unforeseen circumstance, the "HelpStar" feature can be activated to allow a remote operator to use Virtual Reality technologies to provide helpful navigational instructions  ...  Introduction A semi-autonomous (SA) wheelchair is an electric powered wheelchair that contains perceptual and navigational capabilities for assisting a person who is visually impaired and using a wheelchair  ... 
doi:10.1007/11504894_111 fatcat:jeopif2b2fhjzhhbp2dkylq4om


Serge Ageyev, Andrii Yarovyi
2021 Informatyka Automatyka Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska  
Also, it is stated that the implementation of smart PW technology opens possibilities to effective integration with new control methods (including brain-computer interfaces).  ...  This paper focuses on intelligent assistant for power wheelchair (PW) usage in home conditions. Especially in the context of PW intelligent assistant as a consumer product.  ...  -00-1362/19) for Mobilis Electric Wheelchair Autopilot Project, with scientific assistance by Vinnytsia National Technical University.  ... 
doi:10.35784/iapgos.2716 fatcat:il2u7yvtevgz5guwdanidfs7ca

Development of a Modular Real-time Shared-control System for a Smart Wheelchair [article]

Vaishanth Ramaraj, Atharva Paralikar, Eung Joo Lee, Syed Muhammad Anwar, Reza Monfaredi
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we propose a modular navigation system that can be mounted on a regular powered wheelchair to assist disabled children and the elderly with autonomous mobility and shared-control features  ...  To address this problem, we propose a comparatively inexpensive and modular system that uses a stereo camera to perform tasks such as path planning, obstacle avoidance, and collision detection in environments  ...  Powered wheelchairs are among the commonly used assistive devices for the personal mobility of physically challenged people.  ... 
arXiv:2211.14711v1 fatcat:g5mtd7xqjjhsjapbz65ycyg3dq

Smart Glove or Sign Language and AI-Driven Wheelchair Navigation

Kalpana Akkineni, Thodeti Mounika, Malgari Pooja, T. Bhanu Prasad Reddy, K. Sandeep Reddy, G. Ramesh, Gaurav Gupta, K. Satyanarayana, P.B. Bobba, A. Perveen, S. Debnath
2024 MATEC Web of Conferences  
The use of AI-controlled wheelchairs and smart gloves together raises the bar for assistive technology even higher.  ...  The goal of gesture gloves, a notable development in assistive technology, is to empower people with disabilities by improving mobility and enabling effective communication through natural hand and finger  ...  with an AI-powered wheelchair navigation system.[11] The aim was to elevate communication and mobility for individuals dealing with speech and motor impairments.  ... 
doi:10.1051/matecconf/202439201061 fatcat:rdrxw2owwrafvk2r27pgnxxqju

An Innovative System to Assist the Mobility of People With Motor Disabilities

Faiza Ajmi, Sawssen Ben Abdallah, Sarah Ben Othman, Hayfa Zgaya-Biau, Slim Hammadi
2019 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC)  
Researchers [18] have introduced a personalized wheelchair navigation system equipped with a digital map database, a navigation module and a routing module.  ...  This navigation assistance supports wheelchair users in their movements giving them the possibility to cooperate and interact with the system.  ... 
doi:10.1109/smc.2019.8914332 dblp:conf/smc/AjmiAOZH19 fatcat:xbmdxozvfvhh5nwv7yxkfti2au

IoT Based Smart Wheelchair for HealthCare

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
The technology adopted is Internet of Things wherein the heart rate and blood oxygen levels are detected by sensors, processed by embedded systems and sent to the cloud that initiates a trigger in case  ...  Since disabled patients cannot afford to travel, smart healthcare systems help them gain access to healthcare systems.  ...  The aim was to develop an inexpensive and easy use health monitoring wheelchair, which enables patients with disabilities to be in contact with the concerned person via sms updates.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijrte.b1592.078219 fatcat:h73g4boitjblbcrb5fhsolotj4

Design of a home multi-robot system for the elderly and disabled

Patrick Benavidez, Mohan Kumar, Sos Agaian, Mo Jamshidi
2015 2015 10th System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE)  
We propose a home robot system consisting of a set of heterogeneous robots with different task spaces, cloud computing to enhance the abilities of the system, integration with existing home infrastructure  ...  , and compatibility with mobile technology.  ...  Network Control and Cloud Computing Network based controllers for robots are ideal when the computational power of the computer on a robot is limited and upgrading to a higher powered system would not  ... 
doi:10.1109/sysose.2015.7151907 dblp:conf/sysose/BenavidezKAJ15 fatcat:vrelpofj35bfxhdzg72nghashq

IoT based Eye Movement Guided Wheelchair driving control using AD8232 ECG Sensor

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
Thus, the wheelchair movement can be controlled by online and offline modes, making it more opportune to the patient. The goal of the system is to avail low-cost solutions to the needer.  ...  This paper proposes a new method for eye-movement tracking, using Arduino Nano along with AD8232, i.e. the ECG Sensor.  ...  Desktop Navigation: Eyeball motion can also be used to scroll the computer pages up and down, and control several other screen activities.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijrte.d8182.118419 fatcat:4wphkferkfd4pcuwas55kzytya

Design and Development of an Assistive System Based on Eye Tracking

May Phu Paing, Aniwat Juhong, Chuchart Pintavirooj
2022 Electronics  
This research concerns the design and development of an assistive system based on eye tracking, which can be used to improve the quality of life of disabled patients.  ...  GUI pages for the mobile assistive system are similar to the GUI pages for the stationary assistive system, with the additional eye-controlled wheelchair page.  ...  With the mobile assistive system and stationary assistive system, a disabled patient is capable of controlling appliances and communicating with caretakers using eye tracking.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics11040535 fatcat:m4kz4ivg7reqbpfa4nxqts762a

Navigation-synchronized multimodal control wheelchair from brain to alternative assistive technologies for persons with severe disabilities

Dilok Puanhvuan, Sarawin Khemmachotikun, Pongsakorn Wechakarn, Boonyanuch Wijarn, Yodchanan Wongsawat
2017 Cognitive Neurodynamics  
Moreover, the proposed navigation system had a flexible design that could be interfaced with other assistive technologies.  ...  Other existing assistive technologies could also be connected to the proposed system in the future using the same protocol.  ...  Finally, many thanks go to all of the disable subjects from Putthamonthon Independent Living Center (PILC) and the healthy subjects who volunteered to participate in the experiments described in this paper  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11571-017-9424-6 pmid:28348644 pmcid:PMC5350091 fatcat:lk3wlz762ndexdalvxbi55lerq

RoboEYE, an Efficient, Reliable and Safe Semi-Autonomous Gaze Driven Wheelchair for Domestic Use

Luca Maule, Alessandro Luchetti, Matteo Zanetti, Paolo Tomasin, Marco Pertile, Mattia Tavernini, Giovanni M. A. Guandalini, Mariolino De Cecco
2021 Technologies  
users of standard electric wheelchairs, to verify the efficiency, reliability and safety of the proposed system for domestic use.  ...  RoboEYE integrates functionalities from the mobile robotics field into a standard power wheelchair, with the main advantage of providing the user with two driving options and comfortable navigation.  ...  The research team would like to thank all the volunteers who participated in the testing campaign. Their willingness to help us was fundamental to the realization of the device and this work.  ... 
doi:10.3390/technologies9010016 fatcat:ldtcdqcg6jaqlglpeenzpxhszy

Embedded hardware for closing the gap between research and industry in the assistive powered wheelchair market

V. Canoz, M. Gillham, P. Oprea, P. Chaumont, A. Bodin, P. Laux, M. Lebigre, G. Howells, K. Sirlantzis
2016 2016 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII)  
There exists two fundamental difficulties when developing a smart powered wheelchair assistive system, the first is need for the system to be fully compatible with all of the manufacturers, and the second  ...  We present our powered wheelchair system which integrates with 95% of the powered wheelchair controller market; our system allows researchers to access the low level embedded system with more powerful  ...  We would like to thank; technical electronic support Andy Brookman and Daniel Knox for assistance with PCB assembly.  ... 
doi:10.1109/sii.2016.7843983 dblp:conf/sii/CanozGOCBLLHS16 fatcat:zhmewg3t7rck3oxw64pvt2frgm

How a diverse research ecosystem has generated new rehabilitation technologies: Review of NIDILRR's Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers

David J. Reinkensmeyer, Sarah Blackstone, Cathy Bodine, John Brabyn, David Brienza, Kevin Caves, Frank DeRuyter, Edmund Durfee, Stefania Fatone, Geoff Fernie, Steven Gard, Patricia Karg (+24 others)
2017 Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation  
systems for powered wheelchairs.  ...  barriers for persons with cognitive disabilities through the use of technology [308] .  ...  Ethics approval and consent to participate Not applicable. Consent for Publication Not applicable.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12984-017-0321-3 pmid:29110728 pmcid:PMC5674748 fatcat:7ocbf6dsvjc6tn7uko75gg5w2u

Human-Machine Interface for a Smart Wheelchair

Amiel Hartman, Vidya K. Nandikolla
2019 Journal of Robotics  
A centralized power system is integrated to power the smart wheelchair along with the cluster and sensor feedback system.  ...  The paper describes the integration of hardware and software with sensor technology and computer processing to develop the next generation intelligent wheelchair.  ...  This project would have been difficult to complete without his contribution and dedication.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2019/4837058 fatcat:dpntszsrdrbinh63rdq7st6fcq
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