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A model to support IT infrastructure planning and the allocation of IT governance authority

Steven Thompson, Peter Ekman, Daniel Selby, Jonathan Whitaker
2014 Decision Support Systems  
It becomes more challenging to align IT infrastructure and IT investments with firm strategy when firms operate in multiple geographic markets, because the firm faces different competitive positions and  ...  applications, and modifications to existing software applications.  ...  Financial support was provided in part by the Handelsbanken Foundation and the University of Richmond Robins School of Business.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.dss.2013.10.010 fatcat:akyxwfpmeje27ano4oke5nzoye

Multiagent Web based Decision Support Systems for Global Enterprises: An Architectural Blueprint

Tagelsir Mohamed Gasmelseid
2006 Engineering Letters  
While the migration to global spaces of operation is being relaxed by the proliferation of information technology infrastructures, the deployment of web based decision support systems is still constrained  ...  However, the decision to take such an investment option is contingent upon the "preparedness" of these institutions and the attributes of the infrastructure of global transactions.  ...  the global market in areas related to the five forces model (i.e., the power of the customer, suppliers, new market entrants, rivalries, and substitute products and/or services).  ... 
dblp:journals/engl/Gasmelseid06 fatcat:glgx27xgvbhglerkgrk22pztay


2009 Issues in Information Systems  
This paper also illustrates the computing, operational, and productivity issues facing BI as well as presents frameworks that may offer new delivery mechanisms for business intelligence.  ...  Due to this relationship, technologies are deployed with greater speed, features, and functionality; and, business users are challenged to implement new practices faster to support strategic objectives  ...  Global 360's Information Management products are said to provide document capture capabilities supporting multiple scanning stations in centralized or distributed mailroom configurations, manage reports  ... 
doi:10.48009/1_iis_2009_51-61 fatcat:ucerujm2r5dhlhhymf7olnsmjm

The past, present, and future of supply-chain automation

N. Viswanadham
2002 IEEE robotics & automation magazine  
The main message is that it is important to make balanced investments in all four facets of automation to maximize shareholder value.  ...  I n this article, we trace 20th-Century developments in the area of supply-chain automation. During the mass-production era, hard automation brought the automobile within the reach of the common man.  ...  Gaonkar for his help in figures, discussions, and critical comments.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mra.2002.1019490 fatcat:nbgbnygmkfgjzkwcgbflhofqia

Impact of the World-Wide Web on today's society - the economic and business sectors

L. Van der Klashorst
1999 South African Journal of Information Management  
Market spoilers are offering decision-support applications that integrate supplier information with third-party information and with user requirements and preferences.  ...  The attacker first breaks into multiple Internet sites and installs relay software.  ...  ISSN 1560-683 Published by InterWord Communications for the Centre for Research in Web-based Applications, Rand Afrikaans University  ... 
doi:10.4102/sajim.v1i4.80 fatcat:4tkcsvjwjbf7litlpsbxpwj2ye

Data-centric decision support

R. Kulhavy
2002 Proceedings of the 2002 American Control Conference (IEEE Cat. No.CH37301)  
The paper deals with both methodological and practical aspects of design, implementation and application of datacentric decision support systems powered by the historical process and business data.  ...  The paper is written from the product development and corporate R&D perspective and discusses major decisions and traps on the developers' way from the original idea to its commercial use.  ...  In decision support, one often faces the problem of optimizing performance indicators (such as the operating cost or profit) the actual values of which are known only ex post.  ... 
doi:10.1109/acc.2002.1025318 fatcat:6odf3hdayzfktplxpg4u6jyxte

Toward the 24-Hour Knowledge Factory in Software Development

Satwik Seshasai, Amar Gupta
2007 Social Science Research Network  
The notion of multiple support centers was subsequently adapted for supporting global communications networks over time.  ...  Fuchs notes the need to align product-market focus, resources and capabilities, organizational culture, and directionthis is a challenge to be faced with many global centers, especially when working on  ...  The notion of multiple support centers was subsequently adapted for supporting global communications networks over time.  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.969529 fatcat:5y747ivfe5celnojpkvxajqyzy

An Empirical Investigation to Understand the Issues of Distributed Software Testing amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Abdullah Alharbi, Md Tarique Jamal Ansari, Wael Alosaimi, Hashem Alyami, Majid Alshammari, Alka Agrawal, Rajeev Kumar, Dhirendra Pandey, Raees Ahmad Khan
2022 Processes  
We used a Fuzzy TOPSIS-based multiple-criteria decision-making approach to evaluate the distributed software testing challenges.  ...  Moreover, the pandemic has exposed or helped to develop flaws in production systems, which obstruct software test completion.  ...  Acknowledgments: This research was supported by the Taif University Researchers Supporting Project number (TURSP-2020/231), Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia.  ... 
doi:10.3390/pr10050838 fatcat:xso325g7dfafhfvocyhwlqsqqy

E-Commerce Trends and Future Analytics Tools

Premkumar Balaraman, Sabarinathan Chandrasekar
2016 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
The study is qualitative and descriptive in nature and most of the data is based on secondary sources of survey data. Such an approach is adopted in the study as the area of  ...  In the globally connected world we face hurdles in managing business processes with different data exchange formats, vocabularies and structures.  ...  Conclusion With global explosion in Big data, application and utilization of Big Data Analytics tools is not only limited to E commerce and Business decision making, it can also be expanded to Government  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/98653 fatcat:vgnkx3vckng4dis35rzycoypiy

Real time business intelligence in supply chain analytics

B.S. Sahay, Jayanthi Ranjan
2008 Information Management & Computer Security  
Competitive pressures have led to sourcing and manufacturing on a global scale resulting in a significant increase in products.  ...  Originality/value -This paper furthers understanding of the issues surrounding the use of BI systems in supply chains.  ...  As a result firms need appropriate decision support infrastructures in order to face these challenges.  ... 
doi:10.1108/09685220810862733 fatcat:csj3jfq47ndxhipb56valhoz6u

The Role of Software Engineering in Future Automotive Systems Development

Siobhán Clarke, Brian Fitzgerald, Paddy Nixon, Klaus Pohl, Kevin Ryan, David Sinclair, Steffen Thiel
2008 SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems  
In the future even more software-intensive automotive systems are expected as automotive manufacturers and suppliers tend to integrate and combine applications on more powerful platforms.  ...  The amount and complexity of software in automotive systems is constantly increasing. Today's luxury cars include numerous electronic control units.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is partially supported by Science Foundation Ireland under grant number 03/CE2/I303-1.  ... 
doi:10.4271/2008-01-1450 fatcat:sqnxjapxmnahnbg3cpdngt37zy

State of apps targeting management for sustainability of agricultural landscapes. A review

Sarah E. Eichler Inwood, Virginia H. Dale
2019 Agronomy for Sustainable Development  
The digital age has brought many new cloud-based and mobile device-accessible software applications (apps) targeted at farmers and others in the agriculture sector; however, the effectiveness of these  ...  , product tracking, pest identification, emissions accounting, or benchmarks for marketing claims. (2) Many apps are developed to link specific products for single solutions, such as GPS-guided crop implementation  ...  Farmers with internet access face an information overload from digital decision support systems or tools (henceforth referred to as decision support tool) that could support on-farm management decisions  ... 
doi:10.1007/s13593-018-0549-8 fatcat:6o6wld6rt5buhegd2liz5n4oou

Strategic Integration of IT and Business Service Management

Brenda F. Richardson, Ahmed Y. Mahfouz
2014 Communications of the IIMA  
BMC Software, Inc., a leading global provider of enterprise management solutions helps companies to automate their Information Technology (IT) and align it to the needs of the business, pioneered the concept  ...  The implementation of this strategy has made BMC a leader in BSM solutions. As a result of its business strategy, between 2002 and 2007, BMC revenue  ...  BMC Software is historically the market leader in application management software.  ... 
doi:10.58729/1941-6687.1103 fatcat:u5fo3dnwqzhdvocvwklxcvn4se

Achieving the Rewards of Smart Agriculture

Jian Zhang, Dawn Trautman, Yingnan Liu, Chunguang Bi, Wei Chen, Lijun Ou, Randy Goebel
2024 Agronomy  
From connected sensors in soils, on animals or crops, and on drones, to various software and services that are available, "smart" technologies are changing the way farming is carried out.  ...  of agricultural and food products.  ...  In brief, SA is the application of connectivity (e.g., IoT) to traditional agriculture, where the use of sensors and software is used to collect data to optimize agricultural production decisions through  ... 
doi:10.3390/agronomy14030452 fatcat:w2nspvm6zjdnrh6r4gr7vp37ge

Analytical approaches to ensure product quality -- AAPS Joint Face-to-Face Meeting of the Stability, the Pharmaceutical Impurities, and the CMC Statistics Focus Groups, April 6th, 2016 in Gaithersburg, MD

Kim Huynh-Ba, Greg Larner, Helen Strickland, Dilip Choudhury, Yan Wu, Jeff Hofer, Zhenyu Wang, Timothy Schofield
2017 AAPS Open  
An AAPS joint face-to-face meeting was held on April 6th, 2016 at MedImmune, Gaithersburg, MD.  ...  ; (2) Ensure product quality through lifecycle management; (3) Best practices for predictive stability programs; and (4) ICH Guideline M7 and mutagenic impurities.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from all the Subject Matter Experts that participated in the Face-to-Face discussion.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s41120-017-0011-z fatcat:iyrdqf4fvvh3hoo7bcf6jvo5se
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