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Motion adaptation for humanoid robots in constrained environments

Edmond S. L. Ho, Hubert P. H. Shum
2013 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
This paper presents a new method to synthesize full body motion for controlling humanoid robots in highly constrained environments.  ...  Such a representation is then used in adapting the reference motion to an altered environment.  ...  Chris Blythe for his help in producing the demonstration video. This work was partially supported by the Hong Kong Baptist University RC start-up research grant.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icra.2013.6631113 dblp:conf/icra/HoS13 fatcat:wjx74km3ojb3pjd6gcy7npe7xe

Interaction mesh based motion adaptation for biped humanoid robots

Shin'ichiro Nakaoka, Taku Komura
2012 2012 12th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2012)  
We present that the system can adapt human motion sequences that include close interactions between the arms for the biped humanoid robot HRP-4C, and the adapted motion can be stably performed in dynamics  ...  Adapting human motion data for humanoid robots can be an efficient way to let them conduct specific tasks or perform visually intriguing movements.  ...  Adapting human motions for the humanoid robots can be a reasonable solution for this problem.  ... 
doi:10.1109/humanoids.2012.6651585 dblp:conf/humanoids/NakaokaK12 fatcat:dtgjtzyncrex3cfr5vya56mugq

Reactive whole-body control for humanoid balancing on non-rigid unilateral contacts

Mingxing Liu, Vincent Padois
2015 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)  
Humanoid robots are expected to act in human environments, where some of the contacts can be non-rigid.  ...  Verification of this approach is conducted through experiments on the iCub humanoid robot in simulation.  ...  field intervention in constrained environments held by Vincent Padois.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2015.7353938 dblp:conf/iros/LiuP15 fatcat:ywlwo2uoszhafdqspcqv3reexy

Dynamic walking and whole-body motion planning for humanoid robots: an integrated approach

Sébastien Dalibard, Antonio El Khoury, Florent Lamiraux, Alireza Nakhaei, Michel Taïx, Jean-Paul Laumond
2013 The international journal of robotics research  
This paper presents a general method for planning collision-free wholebody walking motions for humanoid robots.  ...  First, we present a randomized algorithm for constrained motion planning, that is used to generate collision-free statically balanced paths solving manipulation tasks.  ...  When planning collision free motions for humanoid robots, different representations of the robot and its environment can be used.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0278364913481250 fatcat:np5r6qaoezextipc6cysr5y6ca

Motion Planning for Humanoid Robots in Complex Environments Based on Stance Sequence and ZMP Reference

Hong Liu, Qing Sun
2012 Applied Mechanics and Materials  
It is a great challenge to plan motion for humanoid robots in complex environments especially when the terrain is cluttered and discrete.  ...  As demonstrated in experiments on the humanoid robot HOAP-2, our method can successfully plan footstep trajectories as well as generate the stable and natural-looking gait in typical cluttered and discrete  ...  In recent years, various methods of planning the motion for humanoid robot in complex environment have appeared [1, 2] .  ... 
doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.197.415 fatcat:o3pzkov2xbfibh7gyzwk6x4gem

Synthesis of kinematically constrained full-body motion from stochastic motion model

Wataru Takano, Yoshihiko Nakamura
2019 Autonomous Robots  
Adaptive motion synthesis from memorized motions is an essential technique for allowing robots to perform human-like motions and accomplish motion tasks.  ...  However, generation of motions by robots that are precisely the same as learned motions is not typically helpful in real environments, which are likely to be different from the environment where the motions  ...  This research was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (No. 17H00766) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10514-019-09837-4 fatcat:fm357jo37fe7dpwx7ihf7d3l3m

Exploring humanoid robots locomotion capabilities in virtual disaster response scenarios

Karim Bouyarmane, Joris Vaillant, Francois Keith, Abderrahmane Kheddar
2012 2012 12th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2012)  
The results -the controlled motions-are demonstrated in the accompanying video.  ...  We study the feasibility of having various humanoid robots undertake some tasks from those challenged by the DARPA's call on disaster operations.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work is partially supported by grants from the RoboHow.Cog FP7 www.robohow.eu, and by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 22300071, 2010.  ... 
doi:10.1109/humanoids.2012.6651541 dblp:conf/humanoids/BouyarmaneVKK12 fatcat:fig62jtmbzazpe2rf2alrl4akm

Whole-body Humanoid Robot Locomotion with Human Reference [article]

Qiang Zhang, Peter Cui, David Yan, Jingkai Sun, Yiqun Duan, Arthur Zhang, Renjing Xu
2024 arXiv   pre-print
been used for imitation learning in a full-size humanoid robot.  ...  In addition, we have developed a novel imitation learning framework based on an adversarial motion prior, which applies not only to Adam but also to humanoid robots in general.  ...  for research and development in humanoid robotics.  ... 
arXiv:2402.18294v2 fatcat:qolfsy3fojfinace5mxbm7feie

Collision-Free Humanoid Reaching: Past, Present and Future [chapter]

Evan Drumwright, Maja Mataric
2007 Humanoid Robots: New Developments  
This concentration is certainly important, but one of the great promises of humanoid robots is their potential for effective interaction with human environments through manipulation.  ...  et al., 1995) -researchers in humanoid robotics have made few forays into these domains.  ...  One possibility is to adapt the concepts employed for mobile robot exploration to humanoids.  ... 
doi:10.5772/4868 fatcat:eefdxb5ejrettmf67lyzzdwvue

Whole-body planning for humanoids along deformable tasks

Marco Cognetti, Valentino Fioretti, Giuseppe Oriolo
2016 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)  
This paper addresses the problem of generating whole-body motions for a humanoid robot that must execute a certain task in an environment containing obstacles.  ...  The proposed algorithm has been successfully implemented for the NAO humanoid in V-REP.  ...  CONCLUSIONS We have presented a two-level framework aimed at solving task-constrained motion planning problems for humanoid robots.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icra.2016.7487301 dblp:conf/icra/CognettiFO16 fatcat:o2gm4qzqovdnpf6mydeggmpw5q

Towards understanding and synthesis of contact-rich anthropomorphic motions through interactive cyber-physical human

Eiichi Yoshida
2022 Frontiers in Robotics and AI  
The iCPH platform combines humanoid robots as "physical twins" of human and "digital twins" that simulates humans and robots in cyber-space.  ...  The final target is to establish a high-level symbolic system allowing automatic understanding and generation of contact motions in unexperienced environments.  ...  Acknowledgments The author thanks the collaborators in the project, Ko Ayusawa, Mitsuharu Morisawa, Hiroshi Kaminaga, Masaki  ... 
doi:10.3389/frobt.2022.1019523 pmid:36530502 pmcid:PMC9751326 fatcat:2rzcbha7ibeyte7rgksy2a54qa

Analysis of Hybrid Technique for Motion Planning of Humanoid NAO

Abhishek Kumar Kashyap, Dayal R. Parhi, Anish Pandey
2021 International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems  
Therefore, in this article, a hybrid controller is employed in the humanoid NAO for motion planning assignment.  ...  The Eagle strategy (ES) with Ant colony optimization (ACO) is introduced in this article for evaluating precise steering angles for humanoid robots as they traverse a route from a reference point to a  ...  Various adaptive strategies for unknown environments and their effectiveness are discussed in the paper. Kowdiki et al.  ... 
doi:10.31763/ijrcs.v1i1.285 fatcat:z3repg4vsrgrde5wsgo7ir5rcq

Dynamically consistent motion design of a humanoid robot even at the limit of kinematics

Ken'ya Tanaka, Tomomichi Sugihara
2014 2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots  
A motion design for humanoid robots to satisfy dynamical constraints on the external forces even at the kinematic exceptions such as singular configurations and joint angle limits is proposed.  ...  Motion continuity in spite of the discontinuous change of a set of constraints is also taken into account. Kneestretched walks are demonstrated as an application with the inverse dynamics analyses.  ...  Many humanoid robots at present, however, move in different manners from those of humans, typically bending their knees deeply, which sometimes looks unnatural for us.  ... 
doi:10.1109/humanoids.2014.7041486 dblp:conf/humanoids/TanakaS14 fatcat:hhv2hhpznvgfbofbketn3ayk64

Interactive design of expressive locomotion controllers for humanoid robots

Sebastien Dalibard, Daniel Thalmann, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann
2012 2012 IEEE RO-MAN: The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication  
The purpose of this work is to provide animators and artists easy and intuitive tools to design expressive motions for humanoid robots.  ...  This paper presents an interactive dynamic controller used to generate locomotion patterns for humanoid robots.  ...  For example, Simbicon [17] uses a joint space representation of locomotion patterns, that adapts to changes in character or environment by physical simulation and control.  ... 
doi:10.1109/roman.2012.6343790 dblp:conf/ro-man/DalibardTM12 fatcat:gtbtkl5fwjfhpoidt35ryy36la

Whole-body motion planning for manipulation of articulated objects

Felix Burget, Armin Hornung, Maren Bennewitz
2013 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
with obstacles in the environment must be avoided and, if applicable, the trajectory of the end-effector must follow the constrained motion of a manipulated object in Cartesian space.  ...  These constraints and the high number of degrees of freedom make wholebody motion planning for humanoids a challenging problem.  ...  INTRODUCTION Due to their dexterity, humanoid robots are well-suited for mobile manipulation tasks in complex environments designed for humans, e.g., containing stairs or slopes in domestic, industrial  ... 
doi:10.1109/icra.2013.6630792 dblp:conf/icra/BurgetHB13 fatcat:jkhh36rhrvgm3d3cv7ilczyrre
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