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Modeling and Managing Energy Flexibility Using FlexOffers

Torben Bach Pedersen, Laurynas Siksnys, Bijay Neupane
2018 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm)  
In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the FlexOffer concept, which offers an effective way of modeling and managing energy demand and supply flexibilities from a wide range of flexible  ...  In order to harness the full potential of flexibility, flexibility has to be modeled and represented in a manner that can be efficiently managed, manipulated, and traded on a market.  ...  CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK This paper presents a comprehensive overview of modeling and managing of energy demand and supply flexibilities utilizing FlexOffers.  ... 
doi:10.1109/smartgridcomm.2018.8587605 dblp:conf/smartgridcomm/PedersenSN18 fatcat:wkyypcszxnb7vmnvdrwb4wkc4a

The Arrowhead Framework applied to energy management

Rafael Rocha, Michele Albano, Luis Lino Ferreira, Flavio Relvas, Luisa Matos
2018 2018 14th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS)  
This work considers using the FlexOffer (FO) concept to allow the consumer to express its energy needs, and FO-related mechanisms to aggregate energy requests into quantities relevant for energy markets  ...  This work considers using the FlexOffer (FO) concept to allow the consumer to express its energy needs, and FO-related mechanisms to aggregate energy requests into quantities relevant for energy markets  ...  A FlexOffer is intended to be used on a Virtual Market of Energy. The actors on the market are energy sellers and buyers, and flexibility sellers and buyers.  ... 
doi:10.1109/wfcs.2018.8402357 dblp:conf/wfcs/RochaAFRM18 fatcat:lys42oh2ofcnbkydm7b2rdqxsi

MIRABEL DW: Managing Complex Energy Data in a Smart Grid [chapter]

Laurynas Šikšnys, Christian Thomsen, Torben Bach Pedersen
2015 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Energy can then be requested by means of flexoffers which define flexibility with respect to time, amount, and/or price.  ...  We also discuss alternative data modeling strategies and present typical queries from the energy domain and a performance study.  ...  All these models, however, focus on a semantic rather than the storage or the management of energy-related entities.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-47804-2_3 fatcat:cf6y3lm7brbvzcewxfryu3cuhi

MIRABEL DW: Managing Complex Energy Data in a Smart Grid [chapter]

Laurynas Siksnys, Christian Thomsen, Torben Bach Pedersen
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Energy can then be requested by means of flexoffers which define flexibility with respect to time, amount, and/or price.  ...  We also discuss alternative data modeling strategies and present typical queries from the energy domain and a performance study.  ...  All these models, however, focus on a semantic rather than the storage or the management of energy-related entities.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-32584-7_36 fatcat:xdele4wetbbcvkq3odpva473ea

A service oriented QoS architecture targeting the smart grid world & machine learning aspects

Christos Chrysoulas, Maria Fasli
2016 2016 International Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy Science (SpliTech)  
Dynamic selection of services and by extension of service providers are vital in today's liberalized market of energy.  ...  Type of service, response time, throughput, availability and cost, consist a basic set of attributes that should be taken into consideration when building a concrete Grid network.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT Special thanks to former WP5 partners from the Arrowhead project [13], and to Prof. L.L.  ... 
doi:10.1109/splitech.2016.7555923 fatcat:rr3cpga6kjcolc6j44s5jygmfu

Data management in the MIRABEL smart grid system

Matthias Boehm, Laurynas Šikšnys, Tea Tušar, Lars Dannecker, Andreas Doms, Erik Dovgan, Bogdan Filipič, Ulrike Fischer, Wolfgang Lehner, Torben Bach Pedersen, Yoann Pitarch
2012 Proceedings of the 2012 Joint EDBT/ICDT Workshops on - EDBT-ICDT '12  
In this paper, we address the balancing challenge and present the MIRABEL project which aims to prototype an Energy Data Management System (EDMS) which takes benefit of flexibilities to efficiently balance  ...  energy demand and supply.  ...  an Energy Data Management System (EDMS).  ... 
doi:10.1145/2320765.2320797 dblp:conf/edbt/BohmDDDFFLPPST12 fatcat:yxkfoiqshjhvdpwy2dvfcd7lje

Uncertain FlexOffers: a scalable, uncertainty-aware model for energy flexibility

Fabio Lilliu, Torben Bach Pedersen, Laurynas Siksnys, Bijay Neupane
2023 Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems  
The FlexOffer (FO) model can perform approximations of flexibility with good accuracy across different devices, and scales well to long time horizons and many devices: this work extends FOs to uncertain  ...  UFOs can capture more flexibility than other uncertain models: UFOs considering energy dependencies can model flexibility without losses for a charging battery, and retain 86.8% of the total flexibility  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the DomOS and FEVER projects, funded under the Horizon 2020 programme, GAs 864537 and 894240 respectively, and Flexible Energy Denmark, funded by Innovation Fund  ... 
doi:10.1145/3575813.3576873 fatcat:gdhkh54p3zgg3okeny3sw5vv24

Analyzing the Charging Flexibility Potential of Different Electric Vehicle Fleets Using Real-World Charging Data

Vincent Barthel, Jonas Schlund, Philipp Landes, Veronika Brandmeier, Marco Pruckner
2021 Energies  
A successful transformation of the energy and transportation sector is one of the main targets for our society today.  ...  Additionally, we investigate different charging rates and their impact on the temporal flexibility of the charging events.  ...  of "outliers", and filling of data gaps); (3) flexibility forecasting using a model; (4) generation of the FlexOffers-time and energy flexibility; (5) aggregation/disaggregation of the FlexOffers (for  ... 
doi:10.3390/en14164961 fatcat:dhb7e55gfndjlg7addywhjnuye

Real-Time Business Intelligence in the MIRABEL Smart Grid System [chapter]

Ulrike Fischer, Dalia Kaulakienė, Mohamed E. Khalefa, Wolfgang Lehner, Torben Bach Pedersen, Laurynas Šikšnys, Christian Thomsen
2013 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing  
These solutions include realtime time series forecasting, real-time aggregation of the flexibilities in energy supply and demand, managing subscriptions for forecasted and flexibility data, efficient storage  ...  of time series and flexibilities, and realtime analytical query processing spanning past and future (forecasted) data.  ...  of energy flexibilities.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-39872-8_1 fatcat:mfmn377aerb2fndjzgxemsdzxy

AI Modelling and Time-series Forecasting Systems for Trading Energy Flexibility in Distribution Grids

Bradley Eck, Francesco Fusco, Robert Gormally, Mark Purcell, Seshu Tirupathi
2019 Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems - e-Energy '19  
An artificial-intelligence (AI) grid modelling tool, based on probabilistic graphs, predicts congestions and estimates the amount and location of energy flexibility required to avoid such events.  ...  flexibilities.  ...  their management, by trading energy flexibility resources.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3307772.3330158 dblp:conf/eenergy/EckFGPT19 fatcat:aizecczppvdctjsz56nbgspl2m

Towards an adaptive SOA-based QoS & Demand-Response Provisioning Architecture for the Smart Grid

Christos Chrysoulas, Maria Fasli
2017 Journal of Communications Software and Systems  
Dynamic selection of services and by extension of service providers are vital in today's liberalized market of energy.  ...  Type of service, response time, throughput, availability and cost, consist a basic set of attributes that should be taken into consideration when building a concrete Grid network.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to thank the former WP5 partners from the Arrowhead project [13], for sharing their views and thoughts on defining a QoS architecture for the Smart Grid.  ... 
doi:10.24138/jcomss.v13i2.375 fatcat:rjnx3aedovfn7cf4wvtiqzejrm

Secure Automated Home Energy Management in Multi-Agent Smart Grid Architecture

Hisain Elshaafi, Meritxell Vinyals, Ivan Grimaldi, Steven Davy
2018 Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy  
This paper describes an approach to decentralised and automated demand response and home energy management that takes into consideration privacy and security of home users implemented using a multi-agent  ...  Keywords Multi-agent system · Demand response · Home energy management · Flexibility · Access control · Device abstraction AGRs occur at the congestion point level, turning every congestion point into  ...  The authors would like to thank all the advice and comments particularly from the reviewers which significantly contributed to the improvement of the paper.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s40866-018-0042-0 fatcat:vynff6y2svgrliifpyzbnhzvji

Arrowhead compliant virtual market of energy

Luis Lino Ferreira, Laurynas Siksnys, Per Pedersen, Petr Stluka, Christos Chrysoulas, Thibaut le Guilly, Michele Albano, Ame Skou, Cesar Teixeira, Torben Pedersen
2014 Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA)  
Industrial processes use energy to transform raw materials and intermediate goods into final products. Many efforts have been done on the minimization of energy costs in industrial plants.  ...  Abstract-Industrial processes use energy to transform raw materials and intermediate goods into final products. Many efforts have been done on the minimization of energy costs in industrial plants.  ...  Acknowledgment This work is supported by National Funds through FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) and the EU ARTEMIS JU funding, within project ARTEMIS/0001/2012, JU grant nr. 332987  ... 
doi:10.1109/etfa.2014.7005193 dblp:conf/etfa/FerreiraSPSCGASTP14 fatcat:fdqut4qokrh33ddxlzati6j5xi

Summary of Energy Informatics.Academy Conference 2022

Zheng Ma, Birte Holst Jørgensen, Guangchao Chen, Henrik Madsen, Hongbo Duan, Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva, Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen
2022 Energy Informatics  
The thirty-two papers cover 4 important aspects of the energy informatics domain (shown in Table 1 ): • Simulation and modeling in energy • Software and applications in energy • Big data and AI in energy  ...  and information management theory and practice to facilitate the global transition towards sustainable and resilient energy systems.  ...  data and AI in energy Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Optimization in Energy Communities using Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Investigation on Air Conditioning Load Patterns and Electricity Consumption  ... 
doi:10.1186/s42162-022-00220-9 fatcat:gzxjfym2avhd3n72ffrvsf6ogu

QoS provisioning in a service-oriented architecture targeting the smart grid world

Christos Chrysoulas
2018 International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications  
In today's liberalized market of energy, dynamic selections of services and by extension of service providers are crucial.  ...  Attributes like type of service, response time, throughput, availability and cost, form the basic set of attributes that should be taken into consideration when building a concrete/stable Grid network.  ...  grid, utilize the uniform platform and model to provide standardized and refined management; • Optimization: The Smart Grid shall optimize assets, reduce costs and operate efficiently; • Green energy:  ... 
doi:10.1504/ijsggc.2018.10012426 fatcat:rmlfp4rasrc6po2mbfsjtmaake
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