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11,649 Hits in 7.0 sec

Communication architecture optimization: making the shortest path shorter in regular networks-on-chip

U.Y. Ogras, R. Marculescu, Hyung Gyu Lee, Naehyuck Chang
2006 Proceedings of the Design Automation & Test in Europe Conference  
Network-on-Chip (NoC)-based communication represents a promising solution to complex on-chip communication problems.  ...  Precise energy measurements on an FPGA prototype show that the improvement in network properties is achieved without a significant penalty in area and communication energy consumption.  ...  These networks, commonly referred to as small-world networks, are characterized by small inter-node distances and large clustering coefficients.  ... 
doi:10.1109/date.2006.244068 dblp:conf/date/OgrasMLC06 fatcat:x7nc3t2xsfa3reeqcjvinjpe6i

Performance Based Hypercube Interconnection Structurefor Better Grid Resource Discovery

M. Shanthi, Anthony Irudhayaraj
2012 International Journal of Modeling and Optimization  
Most current implementations of grids have a centralized or hierarchical architecture with little attention to fault tolerance and scalability.  ...  The proposed algorithm overcome the challenges like single point of failure , number of hops and network diameter.  ...  in which intra-cluster adopts centralized management and cluster center nodes form small-world network.  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijmo.2012.v2.221 fatcat:ejhpmnulyvewbokccauisqwecu

Distributed rewiring model for complex networking: The effect of local rewiring rules on final structural properties

Magali Alexander López Chavira, Ricardo Marcelín-Jiménez, Irene Sendiña-Nadal
2017 PLoS ONE  
., it is a small world), but also people operating only with local information are very adept to find them (i.e., this small world is easily navigated).  ...  In 1967, Milgram found that the diameter of social network can be very small, compared to the order of the underlying graph. He called this feature the small-world phenomenon [6] .  ...  The graphs created with this model are called Watts-Strogatz or small-world graphs (SW).  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0187538 pmid:29107986 pmcid:PMC5673200 fatcat:vayytnmvere5zlwrpnfby7gy24

Graph Theory in Practice: Part II

Brian Hayes
2000 American Scientist  
Graphs with the three properties of sparseness, clustering and small diameter have been termed "small-world" graphs, after the familiar cocktailparty experience of making a new acquaintance in a distant  ...  It is suitably sparse, with just n edges in the nearestneighbor case, and there is a sense in which it is highly clustered, since all the edges are "local." But the diameter is not small.  ...  Aiello, Chung and Lu developed their model with a specific family of real-world graphs in mind, namely "call graphs" recording long-distance telephone traffic. As described in Part I, a  ... 
doi:10.1511/2000.19.3281 fatcat:qgpfmxqh4rge5ogidvp7fjbzx4

Graph Theory in Practice: Part II

Brian Hayes
2000 American Scientist  
Graphs with the three properties of sparseness, clustering and small diameter have been termed "small-world" graphs, after the familiar cocktailparty experience of making a new acquaintance in a distant  ...  It is suitably sparse, with just n edges in the nearestneighbor case, and there is a sense in which it is highly clustered, since all the edges are "local." But the diameter is not small.  ...  Aiello, Chung and Lu developed their model with a specific family of real-world graphs in mind, namely "call graphs" recording long-distance telephone traffic. As described in Part I, a  ... 
doi:10.1511/2000.2.104 fatcat:ngh5of6sf5cnfoejgmh7xh77ue

A generative graph model for electrical infrastructure networks

Sinan G Aksoy, Emilie Purvine, Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez, Mahantesh Halappanavar
2018 Journal of Complex Networks  
Across these datasets, we find subgraphs induced by nodes of the same voltage level exhibit shared structural properties atypical to small-world networks, including low local clustering, large diameter  ...  On the other hand, we find subgraphs induced by transformer edges linking nodes of different voltage types contain a more limited structure, consisting mainly of small, disjoint star graphs.  ...  Distances in random graph models Small diameter and average distance are often cited as a ubiquitous property of real-world networks.  ... 
doi:10.1093/comnet/cny016 fatcat:jabnfnwpejdepkrrrwpt2bdhxm

Discovering the Influences of Complex Network Effects on Recovering Large Scale Multiagent Systems

Yang Xu, Pengfei Liu, Xiang Li, Wei Ren
2014 The Scientific World Journal  
Those interesting discoveries are helpful to predict how complex network attributes influence on system performance and in turn are useful for new algorithm designs that make a good use of those attributes  ...  algorithm designs have been proved to be feasible to build their functions in the large scale multiagent systems as claimed, the performances may not be stable if the multiagent networks were organized with  ...  This model presents much shorter average distance than that in a grid network.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2014/407639 pmid:24982947 pmcid:PMC3996872 fatcat:dzhfzrnaxfcwxhifhmljel7xp4

Self-similarity, small-world, scale-free scaling, disassortativity, and robustness in hierarchical lattices

Z.-Z. Zhang, S.-G. Zhou, T. Zou
2007 European Physical Journal B : Condensed Matter Physics  
Secondly, we define a deterministic family of graphs called small-world hierarchical lattices (SWHLs).  ...  Our construction preserves the structure of hierarchical lattices, while the small-world phenomenon arises.  ...  coefficient follows a power-law phenomenon; they are not small-world, the APL scales like a power-law in the number of nodes; they have a fractal topology with a general fractal dimension; and they are  ... 
doi:10.1140/epjb/e2007-00107-6 fatcat:4il7l5sxlnhl5jwgsgcgihklqe

Is global warming injecting randomness into the climate system?

A. A. Tsonis
2004 EOS  
Such a map is highly clustered; yet one can move for a point to another far away point with just a few connections. As such, this network has the property of 'small-world' networks.  ...  In random networks connecting far away nodes requires only a few steps. c) Small-world networks. A 'small-world' network is a superposition of regular and classical random graphs.  ... 
doi:10.1029/2004eo380002 fatcat:duc3ddy4hrcqzi24i4gti43g6y

Uncovering the differences in linguistic network dynamics of book and social media texts

İlker Türker, Eftal Şehirli, Emrullah Demiral
2016 SpringerPlus  
This study was the first that uncovered the "small world" phenomenon outlining there is a relatively short distance between two nodes in a self-organized system, as an average of six links.  ...  , with a small update having average distances 4.67 (Sysomos 2010) and 4.7 (Ugander et al. 2011) respectively.  ...  The remaining parameters preserve the general universal trends, consistent with the small-world property and high clustering.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s40064-016-2598-2 pmid:27386313 pmcid:PMC4920735 fatcat:zf5p6awfbzaexhl7nvy6la5i2a

Self-organized emergence of navigability on small-world networks

Zhao Zhuo, Shi-Min Cai, Zhong-Qian Fu, Wen-Xu Wang
2011 New Journal of Physics  
This paper mainly investigates why small-world networks are navigable and how to navigate small-world networks.  ...  Numerical simulations further suggest that high cluster coefficient and low diameter are both necessary for navigability.  ...  Introduction Small-world (SW) networks are ubiquitous in nature and society.  ... 
doi:10.1088/1367-2630/13/5/053030 fatcat:ehqxniejmfgibglrhrgvkfaz6u

What Do Networks Have to Do with Climate?

Anastasios A. Tsonis, Kyle L. Swanson, Paul J. Roebber
2006 Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - (BAMS)  
Our results suggest that the climate system exhibits aspects of 'small-world' networks as well as of scale-free networks with super nodes corresponding to major teleconnection patterns.  ...  The discovery of 'small-world' and scale-free networks has led to many new insights about the collective behavior of a large number of interacting agents and complex systems.  ...  Such a map is highly clustered, yet it allows motion from a point to another far away point with just a few connections.  ... 
doi:10.1175/bams-87-5-585 fatcat:6qehxzdjqzhsfgp5clz67ylyva

Graph theoretic topology of the Great but small Barrier Reef world

Stuart J. Kininmonth, Glenn De'ath, Hugh P. Possingham
2009 Theoretical Ecology  
This section of the GBR can be described by a directional weighted graph, and we discovered that it exhibits scale-free small-world characteristics.  ...  The GBR is the first reported mesoscale biological small-world network.  ...  This small network with a diameter of 9 became the largest network (diameter= 15, L=4.31) with a simple change in the competency period to 2 weeks.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12080-009-0055-3 fatcat:ijoxbhy2ozdyvnzm3dqv4psbdm

Vertex labeling and routing in self-similar outerplanar unclustered graphs modeling complex networks

Francesc Comellas, Alicia Miralles
2009 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical  
This paper introduces a labeling and optimal routing algorithm for a family of modular, self-similar, small-world graphs with clustering zero.  ...  Many properties of this family are comparable to those of networks associated with technological and biological systems with a low clustering, like the power grid, some electronic circuits and protein  ...  This paper introduces a labeling and optimal routing algorithm for a family of modular, self-similar, small-world graphs with clustering zero.  ... 
doi:10.1088/1751-8113/42/42/425001 fatcat:qz4lhe2lgvhqrnjva3fr4l4hdy

Urban Fine-Grained Spatial Structure Detection Based on a New Traffic Flow Interaction Analysis Framework

Yan Zhang, Xiang Zheng, Min Chen, Yingbing Li, Yingxue Yan, Peiying Wang
2021 ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information  
The spatial grid of fine particles and the trajectory connections between them are used to resolve the urban structure.  ...  Mining it not only can help us better understand the flow pattern of a city, but also provides a new perspective for interpreting the urban structure.  ...  The diameter of the network is 4, the average path length is 1.944, and the distance between any two locations is no more than two grids, reflecting a strong small-world characteristic (Shorter average  ... 
doi:10.3390/ijgi10040227 fatcat:y3nlxnltqrhstcwf26zhgmjlke
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