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Fuzzy Hashing as Perturbation-Consistent Adversarial Kernel Embedding [article]

Ari Azarafrooz, John Brock
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Our experiments show that learned fuzzy hash functions generalize well, capable of determining that two files are similar even when one of those files was generated using insertion and deletion operations  ...  Measuring the similarity of two files is an important task in malware analysis, with fuzzy hash functions being a popular approach.  ...  The x axis in Fig. 3 represent the events with random action selected from the insertion and deletion actions available to LIEF.  ... 
arXiv:1812.07071v1 fatcat:uaeni2abhvgozfddfcngsqaamq

On efficiency of artifact lookup strategies in digital forensics

Lorenz Liebler, Patrick Schmitt, Harald Baier, Frank Breitinger
2019 Digital Investigation. The International Journal of Digital Forensics and Incident Response  
We outline the capabilities of the different approaches, integrate new extensions, discuss possible features and perform a detailed evaluation with a special focus on runtime efficiency.  ...  However, a comparison of different database and lookup approaches is considerably hard, as most techniques partially differ in considered use-case and integrated features, respectively.  ...  Acknowledgment This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as well as by the Hessen State Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts within CRISP (www.crisp-da.de  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.diin.2019.01.020 fatcat:d2ntcunzefcadm46a4jesbco6y

High-error approximate dictionary search using estimate hash comparisons

Johan Rönnblom
2007 Software, Practice & Experience  
A method for finding all matches in a pre-processed dictionary for a query string q and with at most k differences is presented. A very fast constant-time estimate using hashes is presented.  ...  Practical tests are performed, showing that the estimate can filter out 99% of the full comparisons for 40% error rates and dictionaries of up to four million words.  ...  To simulate this with a hash consisting of a fixed-size computer word, the idea is to map features of strings to the bits of the hash.  ... 
doi:10.1002/spe.797 fatcat:3ut4zr3wtbeb5bbfztwivv7ok4

High-Performance Filters for GPUs

2022 Zenodo  
A few papers have also explored adding new features in the filter such as deletion, associating small values with hashes, and counting, which are critical for many applications [4, 6, 22, 44, 46] .  ...  The TCF can represent a set of items approximately and supports deletions, enumeration, and associating small values with items.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7155788 fatcat:hyb4h6766vc6xm6a56da6edbte

Privacy-preserving Image Retrieval and Sharing in Social Multimedia Applications

Zongye Zhang, Fucai Zhou, Shiyue Qin, Qiang Jia, Zifeng Xu
2020 IEEE Access  
To meet the requirements of dynamic image updating, we enrich our service with image insertion and deletion.  ...  First, the users extract visual features from the images, and perform locality-sensitive hashing functions on visual features to generate image profile vectors.  ...  For each item = {tag, id image , id feature , id eLSH } in Tag: • Primary insertion: the SS tries to insert item into one of the l hash tables.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2984916 fatcat:h35m3uqpfzgxvp3qzxmmqd2t2u

A robust alignment-free fingerprint hashing algorithm based on minimum distance graphs

Priyanka Das, Kannan Karthik, Boul Chandra Garai
2012 Pattern Recognition  
The main challenge is in finding the right choice of features which remain relatively invariant to distortions such as rotation, translation and minutiae insertions and deletions, while at the same time  ...  The computational cost associated with our fingerprint hash generation and matching processes is relatively low, despite its success in capturing the minutia positional variations across users.  ...  Cropping We will briefly see how the nature of the distance graph changes with insertion, deletion of one or more minutiae in any image due to noise and feature extraction errors.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2012.02.022 fatcat:ax46ltgecvbxljserfhp2d7c44


Saeed Arif Shah, Imran Ali Khan, Syed Zaki Hassan Kazmi, Fariza Hanum Binti Md Nasaruddin
2021 Malaysian Journal of Computer Science  
Theoretical analysis and experiments show that even a single value modification can be detected with very high probability besides detection of attacks like tuple insertion and tuple deletion.  ...  Besides detection and localization of database tampering, the proposed scheme allows modifications to the data that need periodic updates, without requiring re-watermarking.  ...  This is obvious, as with 90% deleted tuple we are only left with a few tuples and there is a high possibility that most of the group were completely deleted.  ... 
doi:10.22452/mjcs.vol34no1.1 fatcat:n2uugm2sufg33ki4vijesppoda

Stereoscopic Image Feature Indexing Based on Hybrid Grid Multiple Suffix Tree and Hierarchical Clustering

Fengfeng Duan, Qicong Zhang
2020 IEEE Access  
The features are quantified and hashed, and the optimized underlying features are sorted as leaf nodes of hierarchical indexing.  ...  With the RGB-D image model, the shape features of depth map obtained from the matching of binocular stereoscopic left image and right image and the color features of left image are extracted respectively  ...  Otherwise, building a new grid and inserting the feature point. When a feature point is deleted, if there is nothing else in the grid, then deleting the grid and releasing the memory.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2970123 fatcat:vcnd7442end2bltnaq6xmyuawi

A Detection Method of Temporally Operated Videos Using Robust Hashing [article]

Shoko Niwa, Miki Tanaka, Hitoshi Kiya
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In addition, videos are temporally operated such as the insertion of new frames and the permutation of frames, of which operations are difficult to be detected by using conventional methods.  ...  Accordingly, in this paper, we propose a novel method with a robust hashing algorithm for detecting temporally operated videos even when applying resizing and compression to the videos.  ...  features from the preprocessed image using quaternions. 3) Select some features from them using a feature selection algorithm. 4) Generate a binary hash value of 120 bits in length.  ... 
arXiv:2208.05198v2 fatcat:mrvueasa2fhnfhwvmrcmwglbly

Persistent Memory Hash Indexes: An Experimental Evaluation

Daokun Hu, Zhiwen Chen, Jianbing Wu, Jianhua Sun, Hao Chen
2021 Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  
Persistent memory (PM) is increasingly being leveraged to build hash-based indexing structures featuring cheap persistence, high performance, and instant recovery, especially with the recent release of  ...  In particular, we focus on the evaluation of six state-of-the-art hash tables including Level hashing, CCEH, Dash, PCLHT, Clevel, and SOFT, with real PM hardware.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2018YFB1003502), and by the National Science Foundation of China under Grants 61772183 and  ... 
dblp:journals/pvldb/HuCW0021 fatcat:xifixwwcirc6vpnpr2aak4od2a

Twofold Video Hashing with Automatic Synchronization [article]

Mu Li, Vishal Monga
2014 arXiv   pre-print
That is, when the query video results by deleting or inserting some frames from the reference video, most existing methods assume the positions of the deleted (or inserted) frames are either perfectly  ...  The second contribution of this paper is to propose a new robust feature extraction method called flow hashing (FH), based on frame averaging and optical flow descriptors.  ...  the frame deletion /insertion positions are perfectly known; 3) random: Assume frames are deleted /inserted at random positions.  ... 
arXiv:1402.5422v1 fatcat:j6d6lq7lbrbm5pmkyr5zybuweq

Optimizing hash-array mapped tries for fast and lean immutable JVM collections

Michael J. Steindorfer, Jurgen J. Vinju
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications - OOPSLA 2015  
HAMTs already feature efficient lookup, insert, and delete operations, however due to their tree-based nature their memory footprints and the runtime performance of iteration and equality checking lag  ...  The standard libraries of recent Java Virtual Machine languages, such as Clojure or Scala, contain scalable and well-performing immutable collection data structures that are implemented as Hash-Array Mapped  ...  Acknowledgments We thank Mark Hills for providing PHP control flow graphs, and our colleagues and the anonymous referees for providing feedback on earlier drafts of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2814270.2814312 dblp:conf/oopsla/SteindorferV15 fatcat:2ldqqnjz2rex7f2cgdalgshvpi

Optimizing hash-array mapped tries for fast and lean immutable JVM collections

Michael J. Steindorfer, Jurgen J. Vinju
2015 SIGPLAN notices  
HAMTs already feature efficient lookup, insert, and delete operations, however due to their tree-based nature their memory footprints and the runtime performance of iteration and equality checking lag  ...  The standard libraries of recent Java Virtual Machine languages, such as Clojure or Scala, contain scalable and well-performing immutable collection data structures that are implemented as Hash-Array Mapped  ...  Acknowledgments We thank Mark Hills for providing PHP control flow graphs, and our colleagues and the anonymous referees for providing feedback on earlier drafts of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2858965.2814312 fatcat:wc3s6s4q7rcipdpk6tb4bgafca

Dynamic data auditing scheme for big data storage

Xingyue Chen, Tao Shang, Feng Zhang, Jianwei Liu, Zhenyu Guan
2019 Frontiers of Computer Science  
There are many ways to compromise data because of insufficient authentication, authorization, and audit (AAA) controls, such as deletion or alteration of records without a backup of the original content  ...  Big data is an evolving term that describes any voluminous amount of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. The term is often used when speaking about peta-bytes and exa-bytes of data.  ...  Data Deletion Data deletion is just the opposite operation of data insertion. For single block deletion, it deletes the specified block and moving all the latter blocks.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11704-018-8117-6 fatcat:22qdnuarejhsrb7a7o7snjv5vm

A Review of Cuckoo Filters for Privacy Protection and Their Applications

Yekang Zhao, Wangchen Dai, Shiren Wang, Liang Xi, Shenqing Wang, Feng Zhang
2023 Electronics  
The Cuckoo filter is an alternative to the Bloom filter, with advantages such as support for deleting elements and efficient space utilization.  ...  With the development of the times, the improvement of the structure and operation logic of the Cuckoo filter itself has become an important direction for the research of aggregate element query.  ...  It can work with deletions, insertions, and queries without increasing the storage space. These good features have led to the use of CFs in several applications [15, 16] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics12132809 fatcat:vhebtemq3jefpjkl5rurpuerxa
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