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Random Early Detection Web Servers for Dynamic Load Balancing

Chih-Chiang Yang, Chien Chen, Jing-Ying Chen
2009 2009 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks  
In conventional DNS-based load balancing architecture, a Doman Name Server (DNS) dispatches requests to web servers based on their load status.  ...  Such systems need effective methods to spread the load among web servers evenly in order to keep web server utilization high while providing sufficient quality of service for end users.  ...  Load Buffer Range Method In DNS-based load balancing method, the DNS server distributes the load among servers in a round-robin manner, and the service server periodically sends its load status to the  ... 
doi:10.1109/i-span.2009.44 dblp:conf/ispan/YangCC09 fatcat:fnpeyjfkbbbwjo2neorban2opa

Dispatcher Based Dynamic Load Balancing on Web Server System

Harikesh Singh, Shishir Kumar
2012 International Journal of System Dynamics Applications  
The aim of this paper is the development of a load balancing techniques on distributed Web-server systems.  ...  Efficiency of a replicated web server system will depend on the way of distributed incoming requests among these replicas.  ...  Although the model proposed by us solves the purpose of Dynamic load balancing on Web Server System, it can be considered as a base model or preliminary work.  ... 
doi:10.4018/ijsda.2012040102 fatcat:y6lfrdzj2rdslby6mhtc5kypma

NDLB: Nearest Dispatcher Load Balancing approach for Web Server Cluster

Kadiyala Ramana
2017 Helix  
A novel distributed web server system NDLB (Nearest Dispatcher Load Balancing) is proposed in this paper which uses both DNS and Dispatcher to forward the client requests efficiently to the servers in  ...  This system conquers superior response time than other distributed web server architectures and also poises loads between servers within the clusters effectively.  ...  In this paper a novel approach is proposed for dynamic load balancing with both DNS and Dispatcher.  ... 
doi:10.29042/2018-3023-3030 fatcat:dn34prx2rvee3kkc6jbs6vlmp4

Dynamic load balancing on Web-server systems

V. Cardellini, M. Colajanni, P.S. Yu
1999 IEEE Internet Computing  
The client-based solution we discuss requires software modification on the client side; the other three (DNS-based, dispatcher-based, server-based) affect one or more components of the Web-server system  ...  One approach is to replicate information across a mirrored-server architecture. This load-balancing technique lets users manually select alternative URLs for a Web site.  ...  The first two authors are supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research in the project framework of "Design Methodologies and Tools of High Performance Systems for Distributed  ... 
doi:10.1109/4236.769420 fatcat:kdzy7pg5kbeodlm6cprqa53zva

Two-Layer Load Balancing for Onedata System

Łukasz Opioła, Łukasz Dutka, Michał Wrzeszcz, Renata Słota, Jacek Kitowski
2018 Computing and informatics  
One of them is designing load balancing algorithms that could allow for optimal utilization of servers' resources in large, distributed systems.  ...  A study of Onedata architecture, request types and use cases has been performed to determine the requirements of load balancing set by similar, highly scalable distributed systems.  ...  Remarkable algorithms have also been developed in the field of distributed web systems. In such systems, load balancing is executed by DNS servers.  ... 
doi:10.4149/cai_2018_1_1 fatcat:m2mjy56nybawpiuunejub2cp3e

A Web Clustered System for Achieving Higher Performances through Load Balancing Mechanism

Young Rhee
2013 American Journal of Industrial and Business Management  
In order to analyze the dynamics of server performance due to the workload, we model a system software to evaluate the level of load balancing in the LVS, and perform actual experiments using web agenda  ...  This cluster-based Web server consists of the load balancer and real servers, and the IP addresses are mapped between these two groups. Exception for the real servers, 2 more IP addresses are required  ...  This study focuses on finding a load balancing method to improve its performance efficiency. Numbers of load balancing techniques for the Web server have already been proposed [3] .  ... 
doi:10.4236/ajibm.2013.33041 fatcat:q7gl7zrw7bfbbhvb4jw3fehexy

Engineering Highly Accessed Web Sites for Performance [chapter]

Jim Challenger, Arun Iyengar, Paul Dantzig, Daniel Dias, Nathaniel Mills
2001 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Web server acceleration can signi cantly improve performance and reduce the hardware needed at a Web site. We discuss techniques for balancing load among multiple serve r s a t a W eb site.  ...  This paper describes techniques for improving performance at Web sites which receive signi cant tra c.  ...  There are a n umber of methods for providing load balancing of client requests among geographically distributed Web sites including: (i) Manual (ii) DNS-based (iii) Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)-based  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-45144-7_25 fatcat:jowfywpzebg4xg6qks24gdgcgq

Lab4WS: A Testbed for Web Services

Alan Massaru Nakai, Edmundo Madeira, Luiz Eduardo Buzato
2009 2009 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications  
The key features of Lab4WS are illustrated by using it to compare four WAN load balancing mechanisms (DNS-based, server-based, dispatcher-based, and client-based).  ...  Web services are increasingly being deployed in clusters located at geographically distributed datacenters linked via the Internet.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Fapesp (n. 07/56423-6), CAPES, and CNPQ for the financial support, and Schooner, Emulab, PlanetLab, and RNP (National Education and Research Network) for  ... 
doi:10.1109/csa.2009.5404192 fatcat:tf2wqttet5hhfdlhvcqcayheqi

Study of enterprise load balancing algorithms using model-based design

K. A. Aidarov, A. Zh. Almatov
2017 Journal of Mathematics Mechanics and Computer Science  
Algorithms of load balancing for DNS Round Robin, Direct Routing, Redirect methods are studied.  ...  Given work describes load balancing algorithms for external services with unspecified clients used in real enterprise facilities.  ...  In traditional web server architectures DNS balancer distributes requests to the server based on the status of their workload.  ... 
doaj:7072c504d0ed42878bd3164e03a14367 fatcat:ilqhiuogczepjgqidqqq7kwofi

Load Balancing Policies of Web Servers: Research Analysis, Classification and Perspectives

Prabu U, Malarvizhi N, Amudhavel J, Sriram R, Ravisasthiri P
2019 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems  
There are various policies available for web server load balancing. Each of these policies came into existence based on the certain needs.  ...  So the core part to be concentrated is web server load balancing. Load balancing plays a vital role in allocating the jobs to the web server based on its status.  ...  Platform for Load This policy considers load balancing within DNS. 2.  ... 
doi:10.4108/eai.10-6-2019.159098 fatcat:2ob6kpqvtzdgvm6bjhgxrtsa7u

Enhancing Web Performance [chapter]

Arun Iyengar, Erich Nahum, Anees Shaikh, Renu Tewari
2002 Communication Systems  
For improving server performance, multiple Web servers can be used in combination with efficient load balancing techniques. We also discuss how the choice of server architecture affects performance.  ...  This paper provides an overview of techniques for improving Web performance.  ...  Load Balancing The load balancer in Figure 1 distributes requests among the servers. One method of load balancing requests to servers is via DNS servers.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35600-6_4 fatcat:mh3xvl7hprb6nnvdbjfv7fi7ym

Balancing HTTP Traffic Using Dynamically Updated Weights, an Implementation Approach [chapter]

A. Karakos, D. Patsas, A. Bornea, S. Kontogiannis
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper we present a load balancing application for HTTP traffic that uses dynamic weights. We introduce a load balancing policy based on two criteria: "process time" and "network delay".  ...  We confirm that the combination of the two criteria increases sensitivity and responsiveness of the application towards network conditions and therefore the performance of the whole load balancing system  ...  The term "Load balancing" for Cisco describes also a functionality in a router that distributes packets across multiple links based on Layer-3 routing information.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11573036_82 fatcat:jlpftjvranadrponibaa3wqple

Dynamic pull-based load balancing for autonomic servers

Remi Badonnel, Mark Burgess
2008 NOMS 2008 - 2008 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium  
The growing autonomy of servers may significantly deteriorate the performance of traditional load-balancing strategies.  ...  We describe the underlying architecture and evaluate our solution based on a first set of experimentations.  ...  This requires the clients to be aware of several available web servers for a given service, and therefore shows a limited applicability. • DNS-based scheme: the DNS server is responsible for load balancing  ... 
doi:10.1109/noms.2008.4575205 dblp:conf/noms/BadonnelB08 fatcat:qonb45kfxne2vi7ikqcru34lci

An Analytical Model of Web Server Load Distribution by Applying a Minimum Entropy Strategy

Teeranan Nandhakwang, Settapong Malisuwan, Jesada Sivaraks, Navneet Madan
2013 International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering  
Under load balancing, the queue size for each web server differs based on the probability of accessing that server.  ...  This paper presents an analytical model and the way of simulation for distributing workload on a distributed web server system.  ...  Each DNS, the minimum entropy load balancing policy, sends the queries to each web server and other DNS for updating their information.  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijcce.2013.v2.214 fatcat:5mpaex6ct5epfmgh4c2hc2frw4

Scalable load balancing on distributed web servers using mobile agents

Jiannong Cao, Yudong Sun, Xianbin Wang, Sajal K. Das
2003 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing  
In this paper, we propose a framework called MALD (Mobile Agent based LoaD balancing) that uses mobile agents technology to implement scalable load balancing on distributed web servers.  ...  Compared with the traditional message-passing based load balancing methods, the mobile-agent based approaches have the merits of high flexibility, low network traffic and high asynchrony.  ...  MESSENGERS [8] is a system for general-purpose distributed computing based on mobile agents. It supports load balancing and dynamic resource utilization [11] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0743-7315(03)00099-6 fatcat:fhbbh2tgr5gszavb4onhso3wei
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