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Chaotic Properties of Rhythmic Forearm Movement

Tetsuya Miyoshi, Atsuo Murata
2000 The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics  
Chaotic Properties of Rhythmic Forearm Movement Tetsuya Miyoshi and Atsuo Murata (Hiroshima City University) 1.は じ め に 近 年,脳 波 や 心 電 図,心 拍 な ど の生 体 信 号 が カ オ ス的 特 徴 を持 つ と報 告 され て い る1).カ オ ス の特 徴 と して  ...  emerge from the properties of nonlinear , limit cycle oscillatory process: Theory and Data, J. of Motor Behavior, 13, pp.226-261, 1981 4) P.J.Beek, E.I.Walter and C.W.Piet:Limit cycle properties of rhythmic  ... 
doi:10.5100/jje.36.supplement_432 fatcat:cpsqkqdiuvehbi5ys57ot3ecea

Deterministic and stochastic features of rhythmic human movement

Anke M. van Mourik, Andreas Daffertshofer, Peter J. Beek
2005 Biological cybernetics  
The dynamics of rhythmic movement has both deterministic and stochastic features.  ...  Subsequently, we exemplify the method's merits in extracting deterministic and stochastic aspects of various instances of rhythmic movement, including tapping, wrist cycling and forearm oscillations.  ...  of modelling rhythmic movements in terms of self-sustaining oscillations or limit cycles, either with or without noise.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00422-005-0041-9 pmid:16380845 fatcat:jmjjjjapmzg3naqzo65zez3m3a

Variability and Determinism in Motor Behavior

Michael A. Riley, M. T. Turvey
2002 Journal of Motor Behavior  
In tutorial fashion, the authors review the concepts of variability and determinism with respect to postural and rhythmic movements.  ...  Study of the variability of those behaviors has revealed crucial features suggestive of underlying mechanisms and control, such as particular blends of noise and determinism (piecewise determinism).  ...  In their analysis of rhythmic forearm movements, for instance, Zak et al. (1997) used a rate of I kHz.  ... 
doi:10.1080/00222890209601934 pmid:12057885 fatcat:lv2ycyprgnbkxjy5gwt6wabbqu

Dynamics of effortful touch and interlimb coordination

M.T Turvey
1998 Journal of Biomechanics  
control of biological movements.  ...  This research also suggests that the assembled rhythms exploit the unique blend of stability and variability characteristic of low-dimensional chaotic motion on strange attractors.  ...  The contributions of Claudia Carello, both conceptual and artistic, are gratefully acknowledged.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0021-9290(98)00066-9 pmid:9840752 fatcat:ccuf2ekddfavjonwvnkf5tmeru

The primacy of rhythm: how discrete actions merge into a stable rhythmic pattern

Zhaoran Zhang, Dagmar Sternad
2019 Journal of Neurophysiology  
Stable rhythmic patterns may simplify control of movement and serve as dynamic primitives for more complex actions.  ...  These findings are discussed in the context of previous neuroimaging results showing that rhythmic movements involve significantly fewer cortical and subcortical activations than discrete movements and  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Nikita Kuznetsov and Oliver Cervantes for contributions at the early stage of this project.  ... 
doi:10.1152/jn.00587.2018 pmid:30565969 pmcid:PMC6397394 fatcat:hppjehlhuzbnzloirrtf6w5h7y

Adiabatic invariants drive rhythmic human motion in variable gravity [article]

Nicolas Boulanger, Fabien Buisseret, Victor Dehouck, Frederic Dierick, Olivier White
2019 bioRxiv   pre-print
Natural human movements are stereotyped. They minimise cost functions that include energy, a natural candidate from mechanical and physiological points of view.  ...  We fill this gap and show that the theory of adiabatic invariants explains how humans move when gravity varies.  ...  The observation of rapid adaptation of rhythmic forearm movements suggests that vestibular and proprioceptive feedback are the major source of information used by CPGs to ensure adjustments to altered  ... 
doi:10.1101/674143 fatcat:qomm2o7b4vbgdl7qnusqzzlaby

Physicality as a performer-specific perspectival point to I. Xenakis's piano work: Case study Mists

Pavlos Antoniadis
2011 Zenodo  
Subsequently, I rethink a list of the most common challenges (physical effort, non-linear keyboard, complex rhythm, form and detail) against a historically informed background, including: a reading of  ...  The emerging notion of corporeal navigation, demonstrated through multi-layered tablatures, is hopefully a useful tool towards the demystification of difficulty in Xenakian performance, as well as an original  ...  This monotimeline is in itself opening in a perpetually renewable multitude of learning paths, reflecting the very specific properties of the materials; a movement inside the materials and in between them  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6347422 fatcat:ymb6nwh7rvgfdhowd5deybtmmu

The Human Motor Control System's Response to Mechanical Perturbation: Should It, Can It and Does It Ensure Stability?

Z. Hasan
2005 Journal of Motor Behavior  
Moreover, properties of nerves, muscles, and tendons present serious challenges to stabilization.  ...  The observations encompass situations of position maintenance as well as impending or ongoing movement.  ...  The challenge arises from the properties of peripheral elements: nerves, muscles, and tendons.  ... 
doi:10.3200/jmbr.37.6.484-493 pmid:16280319 fatcat:u44se2qknbhf5kjsirtlfqudh4

Steady-state and perturbed rhythmical movements: A dynamical analysis

Bruce A. Kay, Elliot L. Saltzman, J. A. Kelso
1991 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance  
The purpose of this study was to derive the qualitative dynamical properties of a simple type of voluntary rhythmical activity.  ...  To this end, rhythmic finger movements were examined in the steady-state and when momentarily perturbed by a torque pulse.  ...  In this article, we report on the macroscopic dynamical properties of a simple, one-joint voluntary rhythmic movement.  ... 
doi:10.1037//0096-1523.17.1.183 pmid:1826311 fatcat:6gfrqz422rd4bohc2pallobjiy

Dynamic primitives of motor behavior

Neville Hogan, Dagmar Sternad
2012 Biological cybernetics  
We present in outline a theory of sensorimotor control based on dynamic primitives, which we define as attractors.  ...  To account for the broad class of human interactive behaviors-especially tool use-we propose three distinct primitives: submovements, oscillations, and mechanical impedances, the latter necessary for interaction  ...  Dagmar Sternad was supported by The National Institutes of Health R01-HD045639 and the American Heart Association 11SDG7270001, and the National Science Foundation NSF DMS-0928587.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00422-012-0527-1 pmid:23124919 pmcid:PMC3735361 fatcat:7n6wnohw7zc4tbam76bccyxuqu

Human Control of Interactions with Objects – Variability, Stability and Predictability [chapter]

Dagmar Sternad
2017 Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics  
In rhythmic ball bouncing, subjects exploit the dynamic stability of the paddle-ball system.  ...  In rhythmic ball bouncing, subjects exploit 17 the dynamic stability of the paddle-ball system.  ...  a combination of complex rhythmic finger movements 828 combined with reaches across the keyboard.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-51547-2_13 fatcat:fim45q22avgnxpke6zoejc6lky

Bioinformatic Approaches Used in Modelling Human Tremor

Manto Mario, Grimaldi Giuliana, Lorivel Thomas, Farina Dario, Popovic Lana, Conforto Silvia, D'Alessio Tommaso, Belda-Lois Juan-Manuel, Pons Jose-Luis, Rocon Eduardo
2009 Current Bioinformatics  
Tremor is a common movement disorder, for which pharmacological and neurophysiological models have been developed these last 3 decades, and which is at the frontier of biology, health sciences and computer  ...  Bioinformatics is a field of information technology concerning the storage, retrieval, analysis, visualization, prediction and analysis of sets of data with biological or clinical significance.  ...  Pathological Tremor Pathological Tremor is usually a rhythmic and roughly sinusoidal oscillatory movement.  ... 
doi:10.2174/157489309788184747 fatcat:kts5h6kgxzchfb6ejxgiprl4jy

Space–time behavior of single and bimanual rhythmical movements: Data and limit cycle model

B. A. Kay, J. A. Kelso, E. L. Saltzman, G. Schöner
1987 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance  
How do space and time relate m rhythmical tasks that reqmre the hmbs to move singly or together m various modes of coordination ?  ...  a number of fundamental aspects of movement coordination and control schaft, Bonn Thanks to David Ostry, John Scholz, Howard Zelazmk, and three anonymous reviewers for comments Correspondence concermng  ...  Stochastic properties of rhythmic movement patterns may be ex-plored independent ofperturbataon experiments by appropriate spectral analysis of the time-series data (see, e.g., Kelso & Scholz, 1985)  ... 
doi:10.1037/0096-1523.13.2.178 fatcat:vkevot5zojbszjtbfrqmr4bmce

Space-time behavior of single and bimanual rhythmical movements: Data and limit cycle model

B. A. Kay, J. A. Kelso, E. L. Saltzman, G. Schöner
1987 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance  
a number of fundamental aspects of movement coordination and control How do space and time relate m rhythmical tasks that require the hands to move singly or together in various modes of coordi-nation9  ...  How do space and time relate m rhythmical tasks that reqmre the hmbs to move singly or together m various modes of coordination ?  ...  Stochastic properties of rhythmic movement patterns may be ex-plored independent ofperturbataon experiments by appropriate spectral analysis of the time-series data (see, e.g., Kelso & Scholz, 1985)  ... 
doi:10.1037//0096-1523.13.2.178 pmid:2953849 fatcat:rfn3gl6rubaazfk7osiqd52fsu

Concurrent Cognitive Task Modulates Coordination Dynamics

Geraldine L. Pellecchia, Kevin Shockley, M. T. Turvey
2005 Cognitive Science  
Does a concurrent cognitive task affect the dynamics of bimanual rhythmic coordination?  ...  In-phase coordination was performed under manipulations of phase detuning and movement frequency and either singly or in combination with an arithmetic task.  ...  during an instance of interlimb rhythmic coordination.  ... 
doi:10.1207/s15516709cog0000_12 pmid:21702784 fatcat:ytnpxsjw5fextdxlfrz3rcxldu
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