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Graph Convolutional Networks for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

2024 Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice  
Aspect-based sentiment analysis, as an important fine-grained sentiment analysis problem, aims to analyze and understand the emotions at the aspect level in sentences.  ...  features from local context.  ...  It continuously extracts aspectual word features fused with local context through multilayer GCN, effectively combining local context semantics and global context semantics.  ... 
doi:10.23977/jaip.2024.070114 fatcat:4y4sxicfkbeqveo4wmp4kkp74q

Deep Learning Model for Fine-Grained Aspect-Based Opinion Mining

Ahmed R. Abas, Ibrahim Elhenawy, Hossam Mohamed, Amr Abdel-Latef
2020 IEEE Access  
and convolutional operation are adopted for both local and global context fusion.  A sub-model is developed that comprises an MHA mechanism followed by a convolution layer fusing local context features  ...  from three corpora: word-level sentiment lexicons, aspect-level corpora, and sentence-level corpora.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3008824 fatcat:2lpgurhf6zairpxkkuloom52n4

Adaptive Local Context and Syntactic Feature Modeling for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

Jie Huang, Yunpeng Cui, Shuo Wang
2023 Applied Sciences  
In the aspect sentiment classification task, the current aspect sentiment classifier cannot adapt itself to the text and determine the local context.  ...  Aspect-based sentiment analysis is a fine-grained sentiment analysis task that consists of two types of subtasks: aspect term extraction and aspect sentiment classification.  ...  Aspect-based sentiment analysis can provide a more comprehensive and in-depth analysis than chapter-level or utterance-level sentiment analysis.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app13010603 fatcat:xxa5r6sdcvdkvltq2hzbgs7nry

Global-Local Feature Fusion for Image Classification of Flood Affected Roads from Social Multimedia

Benjamin Bischke, Patrick Helber, Andreas Dengel
2018 MediaEval Benchmarking Initiative for Multimedia Evaluation  
In this paper, we primarily investigate into the visual classification based on global, local and global-local fused image features.  ...  We show that local features of objects can be efficiently used for road passability classification and achieve similar good results with local features as with global features.  ...  Run 1 are the results for the global feature VSO X-ResNet50 Adjective, run 2 for the same feature but fused with local predictions and run 3 for features from Places365 Wide-ResNet38 fused with local predictions  ... 
dblp:conf/mediaeval/BischkeHD18 fatcat:k2rjsptaunhe5diqzbdtm5f46q

Global Local Fusion Neural Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

Xiaoran Hu, Masayuki Yamamura
2022 Applied Sciences  
This paper proposes a global local fusion neural network (GLFN), which comprehensively considers global and local fusion features, aggregating these features to analyze user sentiment.  ...  Extensive experimental results, comparisons, and visualization of public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model for multimodal sentiment classification.  ...  There are multiple levels of text sentiment analysis based on the length of datasets, including document-level, sentence-level, and aspect-level sentiment analysis.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app12178453 fatcat:oyap2zhm3zb5pfvqnoeiskhnfu

Dual-Channel Interactive Graph Convolutional Networks for Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis

Zhouxin Lan, Qing He, Liu Yang
2022 Mathematics  
Aspect-level sentiment analysis aims to identify the sentiment polarity of one or more aspect terms in a sentence.  ...  At present, many researchers have applied dependency trees and graph neural networks (GNNs) to aspect-level sentiment analysis and achieved promising results.  ...  [36] proposed a global-and local-dependency-guided graph convolutional network (GL-GCN) model by combining global and local structural information. Miao et al.  ... 
doi:10.3390/math10183317 fatcat:hnfg52lvgjfb5h6tclihdjejua

Enhancing Fine-grained Sentiment Classification Exploiting Local Context Embedding [article]

Heng Yang, Biqing Zeng
2021 arXiv   pre-print
This paper proposes a local context-aware network (LCA-Net), equipped with the local context embedding and local context prediction loss, to strengthen the model by emphasizing the sentiment information  ...  Besides, the local context-aware framework is easy to adapt to many models, with the potential to improve other target-level tasks.  ...  and Its Application in Patients with Consciousness Disorder, Project approval number: 61876067.  ... 
arXiv:2010.00767v3 fatcat:g2gjkwvtxnfi5imobw7ev5gbpy

Knowledge Graph Augmented Network Towards Multiview Representation Learning for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis [article]

Qihuang Zhong, Liang Ding, Juhua Liu, Bo Du, Hua Jin, Dacheng Tao
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) is a fine-grained task of sentiment analysis.  ...  Last, we propose a hierarchical fusion module to complement these multiview representations in a local-to-global manner.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 62076186 and 61822113 and in part by the Science and Technology Major Project of Hubei Province  ... 
arXiv:2201.04831v1 fatcat:3ksibbglbzablmucuw22rjrlom

A review of deep learning-based text sentiment analysis research

Wanlu She
2024 Applied and Computational Engineering  
In this paper, the author uses a literature review approach and CNKI as the search engine to examine previous studies on deep learning-based text sentiment analysis methods and models and to categorize  ...  , and those that rely on pre-trained models.  ...  Zhang Jin, Duan Liguo, Li Aiping, and others suggested a text sentiment classification model that combines Bi-GRU-Attention and a gating mechanism to perform aspect-level fine-grained sentiment analysis  ... 
doi:10.54254/2755-2721/32/20230204 fatcat:czc6aycxfvd3tnaxdd7z2b2tzi

Multi-Level Context Pyramid Network for Visual Sentiment Analysis

Haochun Ou, Chunmei Qing, Xiangmin Xu, Jianxiu Jin
2021 Sensors  
sentiment analysis by combining local and global representations to improve the classification performance.  ...  In this paper, based on the alterable scale and multi-level local regional emotional affinity analysis under the global perspective, we propose a multi-level context pyramid network (MCPNet) for visual  ...  Figure 7 . 7 The performance with different levels of context features and global features rem FI dataset.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21062136 pmid:33803744 fatcat:ddwzqg5yinfk3g2nqkf256bhwi

A multitask multiview neural network for end-to-end aspect-based sentiment analysis

Yong Bie, Yan Yang
2021 Big Data Mining and Analytics  
The aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) consists of two subtasks-aspect term extraction and aspect sentiment prediction.  ...  Meanwhile, the representation obtained from the branch network of the main task is regarded as the global view, whereas the representations of the two subtasks are considered two local views with different  ...  Introduction Different from the traditional sentence-level or document-level sentiment analysis, which evaluates the overall sentiment polarity [1] , aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) [2] aims  ... 
doi:10.26599/bdma.2021.9020003 fatcat:hxjhk7p4qvcdrdcq5oozdmneye

Bidirectional Complementary Correlation-Based Multimodal Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis

Jing Yang, Yujie Xiong
2024 International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS)  
Aspect-based sentiment analysis is the key to natural language processing, and it focuses on the polarity of emotions associated with specific text aspects.  ...  With the transformer architecture, it is not only a simple fusion, but also ensures the complex alignment of multi-modal features and gating mechanisms.  ...  Multimodal Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis Multimodal aspect-level sentiment analysis is a novel field combining aspect-level sentiment analysis with multimodal sentiment analysis.  ... 
doi:10.4018/ijswis.337598 fatcat:7yh4jsvcevendefqmo4bkpjxya

Visual Enhancement Capsule Network for Aspect-based Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

Yifei Zhang, Zhiqing Zhang, Shi Feng, Daling Wang
2022 Applied Sciences  
The extensive experiments both on the single-modal and multimodal datasets demonstrate that our model can better capture the local aspect-based sentiment features and is more applicable for general multimodal  ...  Finally, a multimodal fusion module based on interactive learning is presented for multimodal sentiment classification, which takes the aspect phrases as the query vectors to continuously capture the multimodal  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to Xu, N. and Mao, W. for providing the datasets used in the experiments. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app122312146 fatcat:mia6yvomc5h3dav24if7uzptuy

Cross-modal complementary network with hierarchical fusion for multimodal sentiment classification

Cheng Peng, Chunxia Zhang, Xiaojun Xue, Jiameng Gao, Hongjian Liang, Zhengdong Niu
2022 Tsinghua Science and Technology  
Multimodal Sentiment Classification (MSC) uses multimodal data, such as images and texts, to identify the users' sentiment polarities from the information posted by users on the Internet.  ...  and image attention features generated by an image-text correlation generator, and the cross-modal hierarchical fusion module to fuse features within and between modals.  ...  Acknowledgment The work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2020AAA0104903).  ... 
doi:10.26599/tst.2021.9010055 fatcat:yltxeptuvvespiffvo4iapgyum

Deep Learning for Sentiment Analysis : A Survey [article]

Lei Zhang, Shuai Wang, Bing Liu
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Along with the success of deep learning in many other application domains, deep learning is also popularly used in sentiment analysis in recent years.  ...  This paper first gives an overview of deep learning and then provides a comprehensive survey of its current applications in sentiment analysis.  ...  Ltd with a research gift.  ... 
arXiv:1801.07883v2 fatcat:nplicfgaozb6fbfx4eyts4zt7e
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