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An Engineering Process for Security Patterns Application in Component Based Models

Rahma Bouaziz, Slim Kallel, Bernard Coulette
2013 2013 Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises  
In this paper, our objective is to describe an engineering process, called SCRIP (SeCurity patteRn Integration Process), which provides guidelines for integrating security patterns into component-based  ...  SCRIP defines activities and products to integrate security patterns in the whole development process, from UML component modeling until aspect code generation.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to thank Komlan Akpédjé Kedji for his valuable comments and suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.1109/wetice.2013.27 dblp:conf/wetice/BouazizKC13 fatcat:diu6cvathje7ngcd5ozm3iokwq

A Collaborative Process for Developing Secure Component Based Applications

Rahma Bouaziz, Slim Kallel, Bernard Coulette
2014 2014 IEEE 23rd International WETICE Conference  
In this paper, we propose a modeldriven methodology for security pattern integration.  ...  This is an author-deposited version published in : http://oatao.univ-toulouse.fr/ Eprints ID : 13023 To link to this article : Abstract-Security patterns describe security solutions that can be used in  ...  In the modeling phase, the designer model his application using UML 2 and take advantages of UML profiles and ATL as model-to-model transformation language to automatically integrate the security patterns  ... 
doi:10.1109/wetice.2014.82 dblp:conf/wetice/0001KC14 fatcat:oigaohnbsjebjgjsedapv452ie

Process and tool support for design patterns with safety requirements

Ansgar Radermacher, Brahim Hamid, Manel Fredj, Jean-Louis Profizi
2015 Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Program - EuroPLoP '13  
design patterns with safety requirements  ...  presented at EuroPlop 2013: http://www.europlop.net/content/europlop-2013 To cite this version : Radermacher, Ansgar and Hamid, Brahim and Fredj, Manel and Profizi, Jean-Louis Process and tool support for  ...  We like to thank our shephard Uwe Zdun and the participants of the Europlop writers workshop for their constructive critic and valuable hints for improvement of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2739011.2739019 dblp:conf/europlop/RadermacherHFP13 fatcat:34zdwxunt5f23fqtcyuwdylx4e

A UML Profile for Security and Code Generation

Abdellatif Lasbahani, Mostafa Chhiba, Abdelmoumen Tabyaoui
2018 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)  
Practically, we have proposed a new UML profile for security integration and code generation for the Java platform.  ...  system's internal behavior after its extension with this profile and applying a set of transformations.  ...  This methodology based on the OMG standard, the new meta-model for SDSIB, UML profile, and new semantic of LOC and design patterns.  ... 
doi:10.11591/ijece.v8i6.pp5278-5291 fatcat:kkqcfi73wzf3fjpmnd4rbbsn5u

Connecting Security Requirements Analysis and Secure Design Using Patterns and UMLsec [chapter]

Holger Schmidt, Jan Jürjens
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We use UMLsec together with the advanced modeling possibilities for software architectures of UML 2.3 to equip the architectural security patterns with security properties, and to allow tool-supported  ...  Following the divide & conquer principle, a software development problem is divided into simpler subproblems based on security requirements analysis patterns.  ...  Then, we use this profile to specify security patterns for software components and architectures.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21640-4_28 fatcat:sy6q4ek6zrdcterj4kpde2lxki

Towards Systematic Integration of Quality Requirements into Software Architecture [chapter]

Azadeh Alebrahim, Denis Hatebur, Maritta Heisel
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We present a model-and pattern-based approach that allows software engineers to take quality requirements into account right from the beginning of the software development process.  ...  UML Profile for Problem Frames Using specialized stereotypes, our UML profile allows us to express the different diagrams occurring in the problem frame approach using UML diagrams.  ...  To design the architecture, we merge related components, apply design patterns (e.g., Facades), and use the solution domains for quality requirements (e.g.,LoadBalancer ).  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-23798-0_2 fatcat:urok36fiibecxj6vrkza6qzz6y

A framework for software architecture refactoring using model transformations and semantic annotations

I. Ivkovic, K. Kontogiannis
2006 Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'06)  
The approach is applied to a simple example, demonstrating refactoring transformations for improved maintainability, performance, and security.  ...  First, the conceptual architecture view is represented as a UML 2.0 profile with corresponding stereotypes.  ...  We also note UML-based refactor- ing approach [21] , and previously defined UML profiles for requirements [11] , and product lines [24] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/csmr.2006.3 dblp:conf/csmr/IvkovicK06 fatcat:6kjyc5jzeza5hp7xhrhmiwjukm

Development of a Platform for Securing Interoperability between Components in a Carbon-Free Island Microgrid Energy Management System

Jihui Hwang, Yun-Sik Oh, Jin-Uk Song, Jae-Guk An, Jin-Hong Jeon
2021 Energies  
This paper proposes a CIM-based software platform for a carbon-free island MG-EMS to efficiently operate the power network and secure interoperability between components in the MG-EMS.  ...  The validity of the proposed platform is verified by exchanging payloads between components in the MG-EMS based on the profile extracted from the extended CIM.  ...  In the figure, the UML diagram of load pattern for conducting service restoration using an ESS is presented, along with the profile of the charging/discharging pattern of the ESS.  ... 
doi:10.3390/en14248525 fatcat:nrg5icb4ajhbvfpthblhb7da7i


José Uetanabara Júnior, Valter Vieira Camargo, Christina Von Flach Chavez
2009 Proceedings of the 13th workshop on Aspect-oriented modeling - AOM '09  
UML-AOF was created based on an existing UML profile for aspect-oriented programming and takes into consideration some AspectJ idioms, patterns and also stereotypes from a profile for object-oriented frameworks  ...  UML-AOF was evaluated by means of its application in the design of a persistence and security AOF.  ...  In this paper we present UML-AOF, an UML profile for modeling CFs. The proposed profile uses the Evermann´s profile [4] as base AOP profile and also some concepts already defined in UML-F [6] .  ... 
doi:10.1145/1509297.1509299 fatcat:vnt3axqiv5eizptkkjkn7ri2ee

Tool Support for Enforcing Security Policies on Databases [chapter]

Jenny Abramov, Omer Anson, Arnon Sturm, Peretz Shoval
2012 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing  
Security in general and database protection from unauthorized access in particular, are crucial for organizations.  ...  In this paper we demonstrate how the Security Modeling Tool assists the various stakeholders in designing secure database code and describe the tool architecture.  ...  Once the solution (i.e., the pattern) is defined, the SMT automatically generates a UML profile, which will be used by the applications to classify security elements.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29749-6_9 fatcat:flffdhjvuzg6fom7nhyi5ulzd4

Model-Based Performance Instrumentation of Distributed Applications [chapter]

Jan Schaefer, Jeanne Stynes, Reinhold Kroeger
2008 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
A UML profile derived from these patterns is then used to annotate UML models.  ...  A collection of instrumentation patterns is defined to represent typical instrumentation scenarios for distributed applications.  ...  A drawback of the UML instrumentation profile based on these patterns is that it is a custom development.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-68642-2_17 fatcat:4lbaluiyfjatvkusrsqo4k4jte

Model-based privacy and security analysis with CARiSMA

Amir Shayan Ahmadian, Sven Peldszus, Qusai Ramadan, Jan Jürjens
2017 Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering - ESEC/FSE 2017  
We present CARiSMA, a tool that is originally designed to support model-based security analysis of IT systems.  ...  CCS CONCEPTS • Security and privacy → Software security engineering; • Software and its engineering → Software design engineering; KEYWORDS System design analysis, Model-based analysis, Privacy, Security  ...  The model-based use of security patterns has been addressed by some research [15, 19] . Further research makes use of aspect-oriented modeling for model-based security [7] .  ... 
doi:10.1145/3106237.3122823 dblp:conf/sigsoft/AhmadianPRJ17 fatcat:dn23y3jasrduha3xmmij3s3q3e

Specification, verification, and quantification of security in model-based systems

Samir Ouchani, Mourad Debbabi
2015 Computing  
In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art related to security specification, verification, and quantification for software and systems that are modeled by using UML or SysML language.  ...  Modern systems are more and more complex and security has become a key component in the success of software and systems development.  ...  Those research directions are considered as hot research topics in security and formal verification in both software and hardware modeling for the next years.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00607-015-0445-x fatcat:yuifxclfgfcmhoxjfpateksysq

Weaving security aspects into UML 2.0 design models

Djedjiga Mouheb, Chamseddine Talhi, Vitor Lima, Mourad Debbabi, Lingyu Wang, Makan Pourzandi
2009 Proceedings of the 13th workshop on Aspect-oriented modeling - AOM '09  
First, we present the security design weaving approach, as well as the UML profile needed for specifying security aspects.  ...  Then, we illustrate the approach through an example for injecting the design-level security aspects into base models.  ...  Our solution is based on AOM, i.e., these security solutions are specified using a UML profile for aspect-oriented security modeling (See details in Section 4.1).  ... 
doi:10.1145/1509297.1509300 fatcat:hvl7kjm2pjgbrpbjll5wbbqj4y

Model to Program and Blockchain Approaches for Business Processes and Workflows in Finance

Meriem Kherbouche, Galena Pisoni, Bálint Molnár
2022 Applied System Innovation  
We create a UML profile for the blockchain, then we combine it with a UML activity diagram followed by a verification using Petri nets to guarantee a distributed computing system and scalable with mutable  ...  We overview the opportunities for the application of blockchain in Business Process Management and Modeling in Finance and we focus on in-depth analysis of claim process in insurance as a use case.  ...  A UML profile for blockchain. Table 1 . 1 Business Process Pattern: Claim. Table 2 . 2 Business Process Pattern: Contacting patterns.  ... 
doi:10.3390/asi5010010 fatcat:64sbcwzoqrc7lcnvmleaox3k4i
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