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Blending Event-Based and Multi-Agent Systems Around Coordination Abstractions [chapter]

Andrea Omicini, Giancarlo Fortino, Stefano Mariani
2015 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
a principled discipline for the engineering of complex software systems.  ...  While event-based architectural style has become prevalent for large-scale distributed applications, multi-agent systems seemingly provide the most viable abstractions to deal with complex distributed  ...  At the same time, multi-agent systems (MAS) are expected to provide the most viable abstractions to deal with the modelling and engineering of complex software systems [14, 15] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-19282-6_12 fatcat:msxyjgfnx5gndglf7u7ecfqz6m

Coordination for Situated MAS: Towards an Event-driven Architecture

Andrea Omicini, Stefano Mariani
2013 Applications and Theory of Petri Nets  
Modelling and engineering complex multi-agent systems (MAS) -such as pervasive, adaptive, and situated MAS -requires then to properly handle diverse classes of events: agent operations, resource events  ...  Complex software systems modelled as multi-agent systems (MAS) are characterised by activities that are generated either by agents, or by the environment in its most general acceptation-that is, environmental  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the organisers of PNSE'13 and ModBE'13and in particular Daniel Moldt -for inviting our contribution.  ... 
dblp:conf/apn/OmiciniM13 fatcat:7wwnthwiwnbzldlcud22omfk7m

Towards New Requirements Engineering Competencies [article]

Sami Jantunen, Rex Dumdum, Donald C. Gause
2019 arXiv   pre-print
The purpose of this vision paper is to understand better what kinds of new competencies are needed when expanding RE practices to cope with complex systems in dynamic environments.  ...  We also outline some of the important competencies that need to be developed for future RE practitioners to deal with complex problems.  ...  to develop new RE approaches for dealing with complex situations [9] .  ... 
arXiv:1903.10214v1 fatcat:on4bmutfqrb3bey6kim6c4dbli

A three-phase framework for elicitation of infrastructure requirements

Polinpapilinho F. Katina, N.A. Ra', ed M. Jaradat
2012 International Journal of Critical Infrastructures  
The elicitation of requirements for such a system must consider the nature of system of interest, its environment and system observer.  ...  Many of the current traditional system engineering (TSE) approaches for elicitation of requirements are insufficient when deployed in complex situations.  ...  Introduction The traditional way of dealing with systems requirements needs to take into account the increasing environmental and phenomenological complexities along with the nature of the observer.  ... 
doi:10.1504/ijcis.2012.049032 fatcat:ntnj3dszhbfyzpeki47f5kgype

Profiling Complex Systems

Renee Stevens
2008 2008 2nd Annual IEEE Systems Conference  
This paper focuses on the engineering of this class of systems: a process that demands consideration of increasing scale, the rapid pace of change of the underlying technologies, the complexity of system  ...  This paper presents a diagnostic tool for profiling complexity and uncertainty in large scale system engineering developments and provides some lessons learned from its application.  ...  This has been described as a problem of "nested complexity" in that we are dealing with complex physical systems that are themselves embedded in a complex policy system [1] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/systems.2008.4519017 fatcat:to4sucqfibf2babh3wse67yl2y

Coordination in Situated Systems: Engineering MAS Environment in TuCSoN [chapter]

Stefano Mariani, Andrea Omicini
2014 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
be used to deal with both social and situated dependencies Till now, coordination artefacts have been mostly devoted to handle social interaction-however, as a form of environment-based coordination [  ...  systems (MAS) [Omicini et al., 2008] Environment too is an essential abstraction for MAS modelling and engineering [Weyns et al., 2007] This means that in MAS things happen not just as a result of agent  ...  Agent-oriented frameworks can be effective in the engineering of complex distributed systems by providing a coherent framework for event-driven programming-in particular when dealing with environment engineering  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-11692-1_9 fatcat:wqkzjbz6sbfb5jokb5bu5sd7yq

Digital Electronic Control of a Small Turbojet Engine - MPM 20

Rudolf Andoga, Ladislav Fozo, Ladislav Madarasz
2008 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems  
According to obtained data and experiments we propose different model models of the engine and design of situational control algorithms for the engine with use of certain methods of artificial intelligence  ...  We evaluate and propose a system of digital measurement of a particular small turbojet engine -MPM 20. Such engine can be considered as highly non-linear large scale system.  ...  Acknowledgement The work was supported by projects: VEGA no. 1/2183/05 Multi-agent hybrid control of complex systems and VEGA no. 1/2185/05 -Intelligent and information technologies in object recognition  ... 
doi:10.1109/ines.2008.4481266 fatcat:72qpkasufrhqlnzvc2nm37b4r4

Dealing with the Unexpected in our Complex Socio-Technical World

Guy A. Boy
2013 IFAC Proceedings Volumes  
This paper presents and discusses the imperative necessity to use complexity science principles and approaches to deal with the open world where we live in.  ...  During the 20 th century, we have developed theories, methods and tools based on linear approaches to engineering systems that consider unexpected and rare events as exceptions, instead of including them  ...  This research is part of the French-American Project "Risk Management in Life Critical Systems" funded by the Partner University Fund.  ... 
doi:10.3182/20130811-5-us-2037.00035 fatcat:mpwiymodljdihjsy5occ4wtr6i

The challenge of complexity for cognitive systems

Ute Schmid, Marco Ragni, Cleotilde Gonzalez, Joachim Funke
2011 Cognitive Systems Research  
Our focus is on AI systems and cognitive models dealing with complexity and on psychological findings which can inspire or challenge cognitive systems research.  ...  We introduce the triad of cognitive science methods -analytical, empirical, and engineering methods -which in our opinion have all to be utilized to tackle complex cognition.  ...  Acknowledgements We thank the team of reviewers for their constructive comments and suggestion to the authors of the special issue on complex cognition: Ruth Byrne (Trinity College Dublin, University of  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cogsys.2010.12.007 fatcat:jb7zq5n5lrg57c3u7asevviezq

Interfacing with Adaptive Systems

René Ahn
2014 Automation Control and Intelligent Systems  
As humans are also adaptive, the combined behavior of such systems and humans can exhibit various phenomena that are especially of concern to designers of adaptive systems dealing with the inherent complexity  ...  Based on examples of interactions between humans and systems at different levels of complexity, we propose a hierarchical taxonomy of increasingly complex challenges that system engineers will encounter  ...  Acknowledgements This paper is the result of the discussions about 'intelligence', 'adaptivity' and other related topics among the authors and with Karl Tuyls and Razvan Cristescu.  ... 
doi:10.11648/j.acis.20140204.12 fatcat:u5wh35lc5bfmdpuiacagpf32xi

Using CEP technology to adapt messages exchanged by web services

Yehia Taher, Marie-Christine Fauvet, Marlon Dumas, Djamal Benslimane
2008 Proceeding of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web - WWW '08  
The proposed framework relies on Complex Event Processing (CEP) technology, which provides an environment for the development of applications that need to continuously process, analyse and respond to event  ...  Web service may be unable to interact with each other because of incompatibilities between their interfaces.  ...  Design-Time environment We have designed a set of template adaptation operators, where each of them is intended to deal with a specific adaptation situation.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1367497.1367741 dblp:conf/www/TaherFDB08 fatcat:4qbjgn2kvbbcli7qywhkmx4xsa

A Dynamic Platform for Developing 3D Facial Avatars in a Networked Virtual Environment

Anis Zarrad
2016 International Journal of Computer Games Technology  
Avatar facial expression and animation in 3D collaborative virtual environment (CVE) systems are reconstructed through a complex manipulation of muscles, bones, and wrinkles in 3D space.  ...  To minimize use of the game engine, we introduced script-based component where the user introduces simple short script fragments to feed the engine with a new animation on the fly.  ...  Acknowledgments The author would like to acknowledge the support of Research and Translation Center (RTC) in Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia. This work was supported by Grant no.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2016/8489278 fatcat:p623dqgdanernnzickay6g6c5i

Reliability and Availability Engineering: Modeling, Analysis, and Applications by Kishor S. Trivedi and Andrea Bobbio. 2017 (ISBN 9781107099500)

Xiwei Qiu
2019 International Journal of Performability Engineering  
This book provides systemic and comprehensive treatment of reliability and availability (i.e., dependability) models of complex computing, communication, and network systems.  ...  We believe this book makes significant contributions to dependability engineering, as detailed below:  ...  Fortunately, Part V provides flexible sub-modeling and integrating approaches to deal with such complex situations.  ... 
doi:10.23940/ijpe.19.04.p22.12631264 fatcat:klg7tcjavfbgdhx2ktssjiylpa

Self-Organizing Software Models for the Internet of Things [article]

Damian Arellanes
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Thus, it is of paramount importance to provide software engineering foundations for constructing autonomic IoT systems.  ...  Although the vision is promising, with the rapid advancement of hardware and communication technologies, IoT systems are becoming increasingly dynamic, large, and complex to the extent that manual management  ...  However, due to the law of requisite variety [17] , which refers to an explosion in the number of system states, such top-down autonomic solutions are unsuitable for dealing with realistic, open environments  ... 
arXiv:2009.12844v2 fatcat:oomm6wwqwjci3nlzcrfd67ta5m

Page 158 of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Change Vol. 4, Issue 2 [page]

1995 Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Change  
The cybernetic technique of the ‘‘black box’’ approach deals with extreme complexity, ‘‘negative feedback’’ deals with self- regulation, and ‘‘variety engineering’’ deals with probabilism.  ...  cybernetics, which takes a systemic, complex view of the problem situation using the brain metaphor (Beer, 1959; Schoderbek et al., 1985; Jackson, 1991).  ... 
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