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Review of fast square root calculation methods for fixed point microcontroller-based control systems of power electronics

Anton Dianov, Aleksey Anuchin
2020 International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS)  
The maximum relative error of the proposed method is 3.36% for calculation without division, and can be decreased to 0.055% using one division operation.  ...  Taking into account that for many applications approximate calculation of a square root is enough, calculation time can be decreased with the price of precision of calculation.  ...  error is: As can be seen from (40), the error is negative, so initial guess x 0 can be improved by adding shift.  ... 
doi:10.11591/ijpeds.v11.i3.pp1153-1164 fatcat:wnnkz7nr7ncbdalakn4xvlf34m

The constructive reals as a Java library

Hans-J. Boehm
2005 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming  
We hope to demonstrate that even such a basic implementation of constructive real arithmetic can be useful in a number of contexts, including in a desk calculator utility distributed with the package.  ...  A secondary goal was to demonstrate that some second-order functions on the reals, such as restricted inverse and derivative operations, can be implemented with sufficient performance to be useful.  ...  The division by 4 is necessary to adjust for the implicit scaling.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jlap.2004.07.002 fatcat:f5y4cxadynbyphwbkg4idd7rca

Extensions: Improving the Poisson Solver [chapter]

Hans Petter Langtangen, Anders Logg
2016 Solving PDEs in Python  
errors and convergence rates. 109  ...  We will also discuss how to utilize iterative solvers with preconditioners for solving linear systems, how to compute derived quantities, such as, e.g., the flux on a part of the boundary, and how to compute  ...  Computing convergence rates A central question for any numerical method is its convergence rate: how fast does the error approach zero when the resolution is increased?  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-52462-7_5 fatcat:ud4ebqp4fnev3kskrb3ziqabuy

Wireless Quantized Federated Learning: A Joint Computation and Communication Design [article]

Pavlos S. Bouzinis, Panagiotis D. Diamantoulakis, George K. Karagiannidis
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Moreover, the proposed method is shown to result in faster convergence in comparison with baseline schemes. Finally, useful insights for the selection of the quantization error tolerance are provided.  ...  More specifically, the convergence analysis of the FL algorithm with stochastic quantization is firstly presented, which reveals the impact of the quantization error on the convergence rate.  ...  We made this choice, since for different tolerance values, the duration of a global round also varies.  ... 
arXiv:2203.05878v1 fatcat:7cgbytk36ndtrnbaninjimsfza

The Influence of the Exact Evaluation of Radiation Fields in Finite Precision Arithmetic on the Stability of the Time Domain Integral Equation Method

Elwin van 't Wout, Duncan R. van der Heul, Harmen van der Ven, Cornelis Vuik
2013 IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation  
Hence, a reformulation is necessary to remove the singular behavior and obtain the robustness required for industrial application.  ...  Transient electromagnetic scattering phenomena can effectively be simulated with time domain integral equation methods.  ...  (d) The convergence of the error in the robust formulation w.r.t. the tolerance value. Fig. 9. Tolerance regions with , for a triangle given by vertices ([0, 0], [2, 0], [0, 0.4]) and .  ... 
doi:10.1109/tap.2013.2281365 fatcat:6rmlwizadra6dm7r3xivlkmh6a

Page 3242 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 87f [page]

1987 Mathematical Reviews  
The proven error estimations are illustrated by some numerical examples, and hints for improvements are given. K.  ...  The 5th principal root of the matrix can be found using the algorithm presented with an error tolerance of 10~?° in 10 iterations. E. L. Yip (Seattle, Wash.)  ... 

Numerical implementation of the QMR algorithm by using discrete stochastic arithmetic

Faezeh Toutounian, Davod Khojasteh Salkuyeh, Bahram Asadi
2005 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing  
In each step of the quasi-minimal residual (QMR) method which uses a look-ahead variant of the nonsymmetric Lanczos process to generate basis vectors for the Krylov subspaces induced by A, it is necessary  ...  QMR method with the estimation of the accuracy of some intermediate results.  ...  Chesneaux, and the anonymous referee for advise on many aspects of this work.  ... 
doi:10.1007/bf02936068 fatcat:gf4zgatu2zenrj3u6qibiajq3e

Self-organized aggregation in irregular wireless networks

Joanna Geibig, Dirk Bradler
2010 2010 IFIP Wireless Days  
We evaluate our approach by simulation on sparse, irregular graphs with low expansion for the simplified system model.  ...  Aggregates are calculated only over nodes placed in the vicinity, and nodes communicate only with their immediate neighbors by using a wireless broadcast.  ...  One approach to improving fault tolerance in dynamic distributed systems, which is measured by the maximum radius of impact caused by a given fault, is presented by S. Pike [21] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/wd.2010.5657705 dblp:conf/wd/GeibigB10 fatcat:ybjhguyhprdhtiab3vd35iswre


Rishikanth Chandrasekaran, Kazim Ergun, Jihyun Lee, Dhanush Nanjunda, Jaeyoung Kang, Tajana Rosing
2022 Proceedings of the 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference  
Compared to CNNs, we show through experiments that FHDnn reduces communication costs by 66×, local client compute and energy consumption by 1.5 -6×, while being highly robust to network errors with minimal  ...  errors by avoiding the transmission of the CNN and training only the hyperdimensional component.  ...  Acknowledgements This work was supported in part by CRISP, one of six centers in JUMP (an SRC program sponsored by DARPA), SRC Global Research Collaboration (GRC) grant, and NSF grants #1911095, #1826967  ... 
doi:10.1145/3489517.3530394 fatcat:spcdbhhlwzfrniyfwz3oml5xl4

nlstac: Non-Gradient Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting

J. A. F. Torvisco, R. Benítez, M. R. Arias, J. Cabello Sánchez
2023 The R Journal  
Even though convergence for this method is guaranteed for exponential decay using the max-norm, the algorithm exhibits remarkable robustness, and its use has been extended to a wide range of functions  ...  A new package for nonlinear least squares fitting is introduced in this paper.  ...  to improve those values-and the achieved convergence tolerance is 1.391929×10 Note that all outputs coincide for both methods.  ... 
doi:10.32614/rj-2023-040 fatcat:yx2feondobe2bfl3ljo6vbpmmu

An Integrated Multicriterionhp-Adaptive Pseudospectral Method for Direct Optimal Control Problems Solving

Hongfu Liu, Shaofei Chen, Lincheng Shen, Jing Chen
2012 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
It is challenging to improve the convergence rate, the solution accuracy, and the applicability of PMs, especially for nonsmooth problems.  ...  In this paper, we propose a novel method which integrates multicriterion tohp-adaptive PM, in order to further improve the performance.  ...  Acknowledgments Great thanks go to the reviewers for valuable comments on our revision of the paper.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2012/760890 fatcat:srlqalrd6zegdeeakyas2gebla

General framework for re-assuring numerical reliability in parallel Krylov solvers: A case of BiCGStab methods [article]

Roman Iakymchuk, Jose I. Aliaga
2023 arXiv   pre-print
This paper proposes a general framework for deriving reproducible and accurate variants of Krylov subspace methods.  ...  The framework is illustrated on the preconditioned BiCGStab method and its pipelined modification, which in fact is a distinctive method from the Krylov subspace family, for the solution of non-symmetric  ...  The research from Universitat Jaume I was funded by the project PID2020-113656RB-C21 via MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and project UJI-B2021-58.  ... 
arXiv:2302.04180v1 fatcat:qpacm36n2vbyfjcrzhraoo2soy

Performance Analysis for Resource Constrained Decentralized Federated Learning Over Wireless Networks [article]

Zhigang Yan, Dong Li
2023 arXiv   pre-print
For analog transmission, we discuss the impact of channel fading and noise on the model performance and the maximum errors accumulation with convergence guarantee over fading channels.  ...  Our simulation results validate our analysis and discussion, revealing how to improve performance by optimizing system parameters under different communication conditions.  ...  The maximum error in one communication round that DFL can tolerate is given by the following corollary.  ... 
arXiv:2308.06496v1 fatcat:42gcmdbcxvha3m7d5x4mfjrpnq

Aphmesh refinement method for optimal control

Michael A. Patterson, William W. Hager, Anil V. Rao
2014 Optimal control applications & methods  
with fixed-order methods.  ...  The process of refining the mesh is repeated until a specified relative error tolerance is met.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge support for this research from the U.S. Office of Naval Research under Grant N00014-11-1-0068 and from the U.S.  ... 
doi:10.1002/oca.2114 fatcat:jy7e5kyh3rfexcm77lefabjicy

AISC: Approximate Instruction Set Computer [article]

Alexandra Ferreron, Jesus Alastruey-Benede, Dario Suarez-Gracia, Ulya R. Karpuzcu
2018 arXiv   pre-print
At the same time, the energy efficiency of computing can improve by exploiting algorithmic noise tolerance: by mapping code sequences that can tolerate (any potential inaccuracy induced by) the incomplete  ...  This paper makes the case for a single-ISA heterogeneous computing platform, AISC, where each compute engine (be it a core or an accelerator) supports a different subset of the very same ISA.  ...  For example, under Depth, applications that tolerate instruction dropping either compensate for the missing instructions by executing more to meet the convergence criteria, or exhibit a very large accuracy  ... 
arXiv:1803.06955v1 fatcat:lw2arxhptzegbbo7tiqmkrluv4
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