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144,536 Hits in 4.6 sec

A Novel Method of Multispectral Imagery Registration Based on Minor and Noise Component Criterion

Cui Jinhui, Yang Xuesong
2012 Procedia Engineering  
It takes minor and noise component of sample covariance matrix as measure criterion, utilizes mutual information method to create registration seed sources, uses smooth filter to extend trapping width  ...  For multispectral imagery, spatial registration between bands is a very important part of the overall quality of the multispectral imagery product.  ...  Based on this property, a minor and noise component criterion was defined. The best alignment is reached when their minor and noise component is at its minimum [5] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.01.404 fatcat:ntovinqsxbfn5eiuwy2wogkd4a

Neural Network Implementations for PCA and Its Extensions

Jialin Qiu, Hui Wang, Jiabin Lu, Biaobiao Zhang, K.-L. Du
2012 ISRN Artificial Intelligence  
PCA is a statistical method that is directly related to EVD and SVD. Minor component analysis (MCA) is a variant of PCA, which is useful for solving total least squares (TLSs) problems.  ...  Some other neural network models for feature extraction, such as localized methods, complex-domain methods, generalized EVD, and SVD, are also described.  ...  Minor components (MCs) can be extracted in ways similar to that for PCs. A simple idea is to reverse the sign of the PCA algorithms.  ... 
doi:10.5402/2012/847305 fatcat:5v5l5v56ozg7lkxfktm5t7cgle

Active Discriminant Function for Handwriting Recognition

Guang-Ling SUN
2005 Journal of Software (Chinese)  
A novel recognition method called Active Discriminant Function (ADF) for handwriting recognition is presented.  ...  Third, as parameters of ADF, constraints for APM are optimized by applying Minimum Classification Error (MCE) criterion. The optimal constraints help to improve recognition accuracy of ADF.  ...  Shi Daming at School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University for discussing some valuable issues about this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1360/jos160523 fatcat:3lmuorskfbelxmyfs3lkcclzn4

On the (Apparently) Paradoxical Role of Noise in the Recognition of Signal Character of Minor Principal Components

Alessandro Giuliani, Alessandro Vici
2024 Stats  
Here, we propose a computational method, tailored for the chemical concept of 'titration', allowing for the unsupervised recognition of the potential signal character of minor components by the analysis  ...  This situation is common in biomedical experimentation when PCA is used for hypothesis generation: the multi-scale character of biological regulation typically generates a main mode explaining the major  ...  Why in Biomedical Sciences the Relevant Information Often Hides in Minor Components When applying PCA in a content-agnostic mode (i.e., without the need for interpreting the meaning of extracted components  ... 
doi:10.3390/stats7010004 fatcat:ygt54feulrcjpmqtd5qfsu5k4a

Wayside acoustic detection of train bearings based on an enhanced spline-kernelled chirplet transform

Dingcheng Zhang, Mani Entezami, Edward Stewart, Clive Roberts, Dejie Yu, Yaguo Lei
2020 Journal of Sound and Vibration  
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version  ...  The authors would like to express their gratitude to Rail Alliance and Motorail Logistics for providing access to their test facilities.  ...  For each IF curve, the TFR sections with minor values are easily distorted by noise and other IF components.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2020.115401 fatcat:2kzd3trhenfgvd6vsncktmqugy

Heterogeneity of ubiquinone systems in the genus Sporothrix

1986 Journal of General and Applied Microbiology  
The ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) system has been proposed as a useful criterion for classifying yeasts and yeast-like fungi at the generic level (5-8).  ...  Extraction and isolation of ubiquinones from cells were carried out according to the method described by YAMADA and KUNDO (5), with a slight modification.  ...  The ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) system has been proposed as a useful criterion for classifying yeasts and yeast-like fungi at the generic level (5) (6) (7) (8) . KURAISHI et al.  ... 
doi:10.2323/jgam.32.165 fatcat:7ns2oekes5bzvfvujk4rnjwkoq

Decomposition algebras and axial algebras

Tom De Medts, Simon F. Peacock, Sergey Shpectorov, Michiel Van Couwenberghe
2020 Journal of Algebra  
For each IF curve, the TFR sections with minor values are easily distorted by noise and other IF components.  ...  This method is suitable for extracting IFs of harmonic components while also obtaining a residual signal that does not include them.  ...  • A novel scheme is proposed for wayside acoustic detection of train bearings; • An ESCT method is proposed to extract multiple components and their IFs; • Two build-in criterions in ESCT are proposed  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2020.02.027 fatcat:vjeqangz7ncspajh5czgkl2jjy

Drude conductivity of a granular metal

David T.S. Perkins, Robert A. Smith
2020 Annals of Physics  
For each IF curve, the TFR sections with minor values are easily distorted by noise and other IF components.  ...  This method is suitable for extracting IFs of harmonic components while also obtaining a residual signal that does not include them.  ...  • A novel scheme is proposed for wayside acoustic detection of train bearings; • An ESCT method is proposed to extract multiple components and their IFs; • Two build-in criterions in ESCT are proposed  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.aop.2020.168170 fatcat:mvdkx22ggbdkhhuotmrhc6jho4

A study on extraction of minority groups in questionnaire data based on spectral clustering

Kazuto Inagaki, Tomohiro Yoshikawa, Takeshi Furuhashi
2014 2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE)  
It is, however, difficult to extract minority groups by conventional cluster analysis applied to questionnaire data, because they generally aim at extracting majority groups or making a rough clustering  ...  In this paper, we propose the extraction method of minority groups in questionnaire data using the spectral clustering method which considers local similarity and extracts the clusters having less connection  ...  Furthermore, we also propose a method to determine the parameter automatically in the similarity function between respondents based on Bayesian Information Criterion.  ... 
doi:10.1109/fuzz-ieee.2014.6891730 dblp:conf/fuzzIEEE/InagakiYF14 fatcat:gc3uiqsfc5gjdguohcyqnwoz7m

Structural aspects of face recognition and the other-race effect

Alice J. O'toole, Kenneth A. Deffenbacher, Dominique Valentin, Herve Abdi
1994 Memory & Cognition  
A measure of face representation quality extracted from an autoassociative neural network trained with a majority of Caucasian faces and a minority of Japanese faces was incorporated into the principal  ...  For the Japanese faces, however, the performance measures of d' and criterion merged into a single component that represented a second component of typicality, one orthogonal to the memorability-dominated  ...  Visually derived semantic information can be extracted from unfamiliar faces and includes visually based categorical information such as the race, sex, and age of a face.  ... 
doi:10.3758/bf03208892 pmid:8035697 fatcat:dou24vmhfbhudigddvfxurak3e

Wayside Detection of Wheel Minor Defects in High-Speed Trains by a Bayesian Blind Source Separation Method

Xiao-Zhou Liu, Chi Xu, Yi-Qing Ni
2019 Sensors  
In view that minor wheel defects can only generate anomalies with low amplitude compared with the wheel load effect, advanced signal processing methods are needed to extract the defect-sensitive feature  ...  Minor defects with a radius deviation of only 0.06 mm are successfully detected.  ...  As such, a more sophisticated system is needed for minor defect detection.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s19183981 fatcat:orrpzlvtyzgh5dufcikuen7ryi

Detection and recognition of urban road markings using images

Philippe Foucher, Yazid Sebsadji, Jean-Philippe Tarel, Pierre Charbonnier, Philippe Nicolle
2011 2011 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)  
An algorithm is proposed which is based on the following processing steps: marking pixel extraction, detection using connected components before inverse perspective mapping and recognition based on the  ...  comparison with a single pattern or with repetitive rectangular patterns.  ...  A second way may be to improve the marking extraction step by introducing, for instance, edge information.  ... 
doi:10.1109/itsc.2011.6082840 dblp:conf/itsc/FoucherSTCN11 fatcat:yg4lqwjkofbc7bnyi5vkfeetcy

Chemical characteristics and source apportionment of PM2.5 using PMF modelling coupled with 1-hr resolution online air pollutant dataset for Linfen, China

Yafei Li, Baoshuang Liu, Zhigang Xue, Yufen Zhang, Xiaoyun Sun, Congbo Song, Qili Dai, Ruichen Fu, Yonggang Tai, Jinyu Gao, Yajun Zheng, Yinchang Feng
2020 Environmental Pollution  
The chemical species in PM2.5 and air pollutant concentration data with 1-hr resolution were monitored synchronously between 15 November 2018 and 20 January 2019 in Linfen, China, which were analysed for  ...  In comparison, contributions of CC&IE and VE varied as a function of the domestic heating load and peak levels occurred during the morning and evening rush hours.  ...  The authors would like to express their gratitude to Rail Alliance and Motorail Logistics for providing access to their test facilities.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114532 pmid:32311623 fatcat:cv6pewvr3ned7nmnxzymploxf4

Content-based image retrieval incorporating models of human perception

M.E. Celebi, Y.A. Aslandogan
2004 International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, 2004. Proceedings. ITCC 2004.  
Principal components obtained from the analysis are used to select a subset of variables that best represents the data.  ...  In this work, we develop a system for retrieving medical images with focus objects incorporating models of human perception.  ...  For example, in some cases, Jolliffe's criterion results in retaining twice as many components as Kaiser's criterion.  ... 
doi:10.1109/itcc.2004.1286639 dblp:conf/itcc/CelebiA04 fatcat:mrha6623tven3jruirsgtlcf2q

Evaluation of Parallel Analysis Methods for Determining the Number of Factors

Aaron V. Crawford, Samuel B. Green, Roy Levy, Wen-Juo Lo, Lietta Scott, Dubravka Svetina, Marilyn S. Thompson
2010 Educational and Psychological Measurement  
They reported that PA (using PCA) tended to extract minor components in addition to major components. However, this occurred in conditions in which “‘minor’’ components actually existed.  ...  Zwick and Velicer (1986) also found that PA showed a slight tendency toward extracting ““minor components,”’ especially with lower factor loadings and smaller sam- ple size.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0013164410379332 fatcat:wa6x7cjjlnhxlacidct6tnoyuu
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