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Word Sense Disambiguation Using Neural Networks with Concept Co-occurrence Information

You-Jin Chung, Sin-Jae Kang, Kyoung-Hi Moon, Jong-Hyeok Lee
2001 Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium  
Most previous word sense disambiguation approaches based on neural networks were impractical due to their huge feature set size. We propose a method for resolving word sense ambiguity using neural networks with refined concept co-occurrence information (CCI) as features. Using CCI refinement processing, we reduce the number of features of the network to a practical size. We also show that word sense disambiguation can be improved by combining several clues rather than using them independently.
more » ... ur method is fully automated and does not require any hand coding of large-scale resources.
dblp:conf/nlprs/ChungKML01 fatcat:bgrilnrn6zbqbkmbkb5pmryqem