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A comparative study of clustering techniques for electrical load pattern segmentation

Amin Rajabi, Mohsen Eskandari, Mojtaba Jabbari Ghadi, Li Li, Jiangfeng Zhang, Pierluigi Siano
2019 Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews  
Smart meters have been widely deployed in power networks since the last decade. This trend has resulted in an enormous volume of data being collected from the electricity customers. To gain benefits for various stakeholders in power systems, proper data mining techniques, such as clustering, need to be employed to extract the underlying patterns from energy consumptions. In this paper, a comparative study of different techniques for load pattern clustering is carried out. Different parameters
more » ... the methods that affect the clustering results are evaluated and the clustering algorithms are compared for two data sets. In addition, the twotwo suitable and commonly used data size reduction techniques and feature definition/extraction methods for load pattern clustering are analyzed. FurthermoreFurthermore, the existing studies on clustering of electricity customers are reviewed and the main results are highlighted. Finally, the future trends and major applications of clustering consumption patterns are outlined to inform industry practitioners and academic researchers to optimize smart meter operational use and effectiveness. Highlights  The concepts and various methods of load data clustering are illustrated.  Theparameters of these clustering methods are discussed.  Using two data sets, the results of clustering algorithms are analyzed and compared.  A comprehensive literature review is provided.  Future trends and applications of load pattern clustering are highlighted.
doi:10.1016/j.rser.2019.109628 fatcat:ajoogyl7d5htncrii3fd4ri6ka