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Adversarial Geospatial Abduction Problems

Paulo Shakarian, John P. Dickerson, V. S. Subrahmanian
2012 ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  
There are many applications where we observe various phenomena in space (e.g. locations of victims of a serial killer), and where we want to infer "partner" locations (e.g. the location where the killer lives) that are geospatially related to the observed phenomena. In this paper, we define geospatial abduction problems (GAPs for short). We analyze the complexity of GAPs, develop exact and approximate algorithms (often with approximation guarantees) for these problems together with analyses of
more » ... hese algorithms, and develop a prototype implementation of our GAP framework. We demonstrate accuracy of our algorithms on a real world data set consisting of insurgent IED (improvised explosive device) attacks against US forces in Iraq (the observations were the locations of the attacks, while the "partner" locations we were trying to infer were the locations of IED weapons caches).
doi:10.1145/2089094.2089110 fatcat:ojqf2yxsijhxzd7lt36p56dufy