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Libration Control of Electrodynamic Tethers Using the Extended Time-Delayed Autosynchronization Method

Manuel Iñarrea, Jesús Peláez
2010 Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics  
Electrodynamic tethers working in inclined orbit are affected by dynamic instability due to continuous pumping of energy from electromagnetic forces into the tether attitude motion. This paper proposes a new control scheme to remove this instability. The procedure is based on an extended delay feedback control method that has been used successfully in problems with one degree of freedom. When simple dynamic models are used, unstable periodic orbits appear in the attitude dynamics. By adding
more » ... opriate forces to the system, the unstable periodic orbits become asymptotically stable. Such a stabilized periodic orbit can be taken as the starting point for the operation of the electrodynamic tether. This analysis assumes a rigid tether, with two end masses orbiting along a circular inclined orbit, and a constant tether current, which does not depend on the attitude and orbital position of the tether. The Earth's magnetic field is modeled as a dipole aligned with the Earth's rotation axis.
doi:10.2514/1.44232 fatcat:ibn5mvmngndt3lxareiy3jqbdy