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RSA cryptosystem design based on the Chinese remainder theorem

Chung-Hsien Wu, Jin-Hua Hong, Cheng-Wen Wu
2001 Proceedings of the 2001 conference on Asia South Pacific design automation - ASP-DAC '01  
In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a systolic RSA cryptosystem based on a modified Montgomery's algorithm and the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) technique. The CRT technique improves the throughput rate up to 4 times in the best case. The processing unit of the systolic array has 100% utilization because of the proposed block interleaving technique for multiplication and square operations in the modular exponentiation algorithm. For 512-bit inputs, the number of clock
more » ... cles needed for a modular exponentiation is about 0.13M to 0.24M. The critical path delay is 6.13ns using a 0.6µm CMOS technology. With a 150 MHz clock, we can achieve an encryption/decryption rate of about 328 to 578 Kb/s.
doi:10.1145/370155.370419 dblp:conf/aspdac/WuHW01 fatcat:btnsbddvs5cyxow57a7veudxde