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Joint Optimisation of Real-time Deployment and Resource Allocation for UAV-Aided Disaster Emergency Communications

Tan Do-Duy, Long D. Nguyen, Trung Q. Duong, Saeed Khosravirad, Holger Claussen
2021 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications  
In this work, we consider a joint optimisation of real-time deployment and resource allocation scheme for UAVaided relay systems in emergency scenarios such as disaster relief and public safety missions. In particular, to recover the network within a disaster area, we propose a fast K-meansbased user clustering model and jointly optimal power and time transferring allocation which can be applied in the real system by using UAVs as flying base stations for real-time recovering and maintaining
more » ... work connectivity during and after disasters. Under the stringent QoS constraints, we then provide centralised and distributed models to maximise the energy efficiency of the considered network. Numerical results are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed computational approaches in terms of network energy efficiency and execution time for solving the resource allocation problem in real-time scenarios. We demonstrate that our proposed algorithm outperforms other benchmark schemes.
doi:10.1109/jsac.2021.3088662 fatcat:otwo5nks6fglni2322qxe6atwu