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LAP-BFT: Lightweight Asynchronous Provable Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Consensus Mechanism for UAV Network

Lingjun Kong, Bing Chen, Feng Hu
2022 Drones  
Mission-oriented UAV networks operate in nonsecure, complex environments with time-varying network partitioning and node trustworthiness. UAV networks are thus essentially asynchronous distributed systems with the Byzantine General problem, whose availability depends on the tolerance of progressively more erroneous nodes in the course of a mission. To address the resource-limited nature of UAV networks, this paper proposes a lightweight asynchronous provable Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus
more » ... thod. The consensus method reduces the communication overhead by splitting the set of local trusted state transactions and then dispersing the reliable broadcast control transmission (DRBC), introduces vector commitments to achieve multivalue Byzantine consensus (PMVBA) for identity and data in a provable manner and reduces the computational complexity, and the data stored on the chain is only the consensus result (global trustworthiness information of the drone nodes), avoiding the blockchain's "storage inflation" problem. This makes the consensus process lighter in terms of bandwidth, computation and storage, ensuring the longevity and overall performance of the UAV network during the mission. Through QualNet simulation platform, existing practical asynchronous consensus algorithms are compared, and the proposed method performs better in terms of throughput, consensus latency and energy consumption rate.
doi:10.3390/drones6080187 fatcat:3w5clqjhobhnbpcwiied3r65yy