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High-resolution Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Combined with Pixel-level and Object-level

Lu Xu, Weipeng Jing, Houbing Song, Guangsheng Chen
2019 IEEE Access  
High-resolution remote sensing images are abundant in texture information, and the detection method of the change of pixel-level mainly analyzes the spectral information of the image, which has certain limitations. In this paper, a high-resolution remote sensing image change detection method combining pixel and object levels is proposed to solve the problem that many pepper and salt phenomenon and false detection in the change detection of pixel-level and object-level change detection method
more » ... cumbersome for image segmentation process. We integrate the multi-dimensional features of high-resolution remote sensing images and use random forest classifiers to classify to obtain the pixel-level change detection results. Then, we use the improved U-net network to semantically segment the post-phase remote sensing image to obtain the image object segmentation result. Finally, the consequences of pixel-level change detection and image object segmentation result are fused to obtain the image changing area and the unchanging area. The experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm has a higher accuracy rate and detection precision. INDEX TERMS Change detection, random forest, remote sensing, semantic segmentation, U-net.
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2922839 fatcat:twdi3kn5ird2poubyd5gca4f4q