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Client-Based Intelligence for Resource Efficient Vehicular Big Data Transfer in Future 6G Network [article]

Benjamin Sliwa and Rick Adam and Christian Wietfeld
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Vehicular big data is anticipated to become the "new oil" of the automotive industry which fuels the development of novel crowdsensing-enabled services. However, the tremendous amount of transmitted vehicular sensor data represents a massive challenge for the cellular network. A promising method for achieving relief which allows to utilize the existing network resources in a more efficient way is the utilization of intelligence on the end-edge-cloud devices. Through machine learning-based
more » ... fication and exploitation of highly resource efficient data transmission opportunities, the client devices are able to participate in overall network resource optimization process. In this work, we present a novel client-based opportunistic data transmission method for delay-tolerant applications which is based on a hybrid machine learning approach: Supervised learning is applied to forecast the currently achievable data rate which serves as the metric for the reinforcement learning-based data transfer scheduling process. In addition, unsupervised learning is applied to uncover geospatially-dependent uncertainties within the prediction model. In a comprehensive real world evaluation in the public cellular networks of three German Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), we show that the average data rate can be improved by up to 223 % while simultaneously reducing the amount of occupied network resources by up to 89 %. As a side-effect of preferring more robust network conditions for the data transfer, the transmission-related power consumption is reduced by up to 73 %. The price to pay is an increased Age of Information (AoI) of the sensor data.
arXiv:2102.08624v1 fatcat:4vsc7lp6mzatjens5mxjqkc6eu